Obama’s Alaska Wilderness Head Fake: Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)….see note please

Senator Dan Sullivan defeated Democrat incumbent Mark Begich in 2014. He was Alaska’s Attorney General and Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources where he promoted energy security and opposition to federal government overreach….rsk

All Americans should worry about the president’s recent illegal land grab.
President Obama’s plan to designate 12 million acres as wilderness in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge did not fool Alaskans. The announcement in January revealed his goal of starving the trans-Alaska pipeline by stranding tens of billions of barrels of American oil permanently under the Arctic tundra, and turning the state into a giant national park.

Given the huge importance the oil industry plays in employing Alaskans and funding state services, the president’s plan will wreak havoc on the state and especially its middle class. Gov. Bill Walker and nearly every member of the state legislature are united with the majority of Alaskans and Alaska Native leaders in opposition.

NEW GLAZOV GANG: Obama’s True Intentions —

What “transforming America” really means.

Iran’s Coming Leadership Crisis -Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has Cancer: Sohrab Ahmari

After him are men even less likely to comply with a nuclear deal.

Negotiators from Iran and the P5+1 powers led by the U.S. are racing against a March 31 deadline to conclude a nuclear deal in Lausanne, Switzerland. Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters on Saturday that negotiators had made “genuine progress” but that “important gaps remain.”

Yet what happens if the Iranian leadership that the U.S. and others are dealing with now is not in place to implement any agreement? Two recent developments suggest that the Islamic Republic may be heading toward one of its cyclical spasms of intense factional competition. The outcome could derail any deal, or leave the West committed to an agreement that is even less verifiable or useful than it might be today. There is scant evidence that the Obama administration is taking this into account.

The Yemen Meltdown The U.S. Withdrawal is a Victory for Iran and Al Qaeda.

Another week, another victory for disorder in the Middle East. This time the meltdown is in Yemen, where this weekend the U.S. withdrew the remaining U.S. special forces from a base where they were waging a drone war against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

The withdrawal comes amid growing chaos in the country after Houthi militants deposed the government of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled the capital, San’a, for Aden last month. The Houthis belong to the Zaidi offshoot of Shiite Islam and are receiving help from Iran. They are at war with Sunni jihadists, who struck back in bombings on Friday that killed 152 people in San’a and Saada province. An Islamic State affiliate claimed responsibility.


The New Fascism is being spawned on campus. Here recently at UCLA, the Inquisition Redux.

NB: Obama is now a runaway train. He is obviously losing control of himself and he will only pick up steam until Congress stops him. America is already paying dearly for the mistakes we made in 2008 and compounded in 2012, and it will only get worse until Obama (is scheduled to) leave office.

Dan Friedman

And:Daniel Mael, “Had a chance to talk with Scott Brown about campus anti-Semitism this AM and how the Obama Administration’s attitude toward Israel impacts the conversation.”



Nearly a week after election day in Israel, the country is still reeling from the results. In a rare case of uniformity, the political echelon, the pundits and the public are sharing the same sense of shock.

Surveys conducted over the past three months, since the government was disbanded and new elections were called, indicated that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party was in deep trouble. Though he himself received relatively high marks as a statesman when compared with rivals, respondents to polls simultaneously expressed dissatisfaction with their lot, both economically and in terms of Israel’s standing internationally.

At 10 p.m. on Tuesday night, when the voting was concluded and the exit poll was released, the Left was devastated. Five minutes earlier, the assumption had been that the Zionist Union (the joint list formed by the merger of the Labor party, led by Isaac Herzog, and the Hatnuah party, headed by Tzipi Livni) was going to come out ahead; and the only question remaining had been by how much.

The Likud and its supporters had been hoping against hope for a tie or a single-seat loss — a situation that still would have enabled the Right to form the next government, even if the Zionist Union was given the first shot at doing so.

The worry all around was that the two major parties would be forced into forging a national unity government.

Op-Ed: Enough Backstabbing, Juan Williams and Mr. Obama: Jack Engelhard

Juan Williams should check his facts before speaking on national media.

To say that Jewish people can’t live wherever they want to live, is the same as saying Black people need to ride the back of the bus.

To say that Jews must be restricted from building in certain neighborhoods is to say that you support Jim Crow racial separation.

To say that Jews must be confined to particular zones and may not be permitted to move freely is to reintroduce the Nuremberg Laws.

We are accustomed to racist slurs, but it was doubly hurtful to hear you, Juan Williams, a leading African American spokesman, a confidante of Barack Obama, jump in with that comment. How about a moratorium on backstabbing from you and from our supreme leader?

#DearMe! Michelle Obama in Japan Strikes Again By Jeannie DeAngelis

“So here we are again, getting more of the same from our #hashtag/travel log ambassador Michelle Obama. It’s spring 2015, and both she and her husband are still focusing on trivial things. They continue to use shallow slogans to advance superficial ideas that accomplish absolutely nothing, spend our hard-earned money on personal indulgences, and assume the American people don’t recognize flagrant hypocrisy when we see it.”

It’s official! Mrs. Obama has gone #hashtag crazy. Remember when she pleaded with Boko Haram to release the 276 kidnapped girls using the hashtag “#Bringbackourgirls?” Well, that didn’t work! The girls were either sold into slavery, murdered, or married off to terrorists, and despite Michelle Obama’s solemn effort haven’t been seen or heard from since.

Moving right along, using the excuse that she’s promoting a #letgirlslearn education initiative, FLOTUS has taken a break from dancing the “Uptown Funk” with Ellen and sponsoring her #givemefive campaign.

Instead, as part of her usual spring fling, Mrs. Obama decided to take Asia by storm.


A few notes on this first weekend of spring:

~France goes to the polls tomorrow. Marine Le Pen was excluded by the French Government from the #JeSuisCharlie rally in favor of less controversial figures like, er, Mahmoud Abbas and President Erdoğan. But, when all the unlikely free-speech opportunists bleating that “the pen is mightier than the sword” have faded away, it may be that the biggest beneficiary of the post-Charlie Hebdo environment will be Mme Le Pen’s Front National:

“She’s my queen!” gushes Patricia, waiting for the arrival of Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s far-right National Front.

“Marine represents everything the people of France want. I don’t know what to say – she’s wonderful, magnificent…”

The political momentum is firmly behind the National Front (FN) whose anti-immigration and anti-EU platform saw it take first place in European elections and win control of 11 town halls last year.

It is again topping polls ahead of Sunday’s vote.

The Picardy countryside is a picturesque but barren stretch of territory with little to offer its young people, making it an ideal recruiting ground for the FN which is polling over 40 percent across much of the region.

Not everyone is as happy as Patricia, though:

Back at the Noyon community hall, some wait to greet Le Pen with shouts of “fascist”.

“Even if she hides it behind her beautiful blonde hair, there are neo-Nazi ideas underneath,” said one of the protesters, 47-year-old Pierre, who declined to give his last name.

“After she’s kicked out the immigrants, it’s us who will be next – the people who think.”

Co-founder of Greenpeace Explains Why he is a Climate Skeptic By Rick Moran (!!!?)

Got yer dose of schadenfreud for the day right here…

The co-founder of the granddaddy of green groups, Greenpeace, explains in a Heartland editorial why he is a climate skeptic. Patrick Moore, who left Greenpeace in 1986 because, in his words, it “took a sharp turn to the political left” and “evolved into an organization of extremism and politically motivated agendas,” pulls no punches when criticizing his former colleagues in the green movement:

I am skeptical humans are the main cause of climate change and that it will be catastrophic in the near future. There is no scientific proof of this hypothesis, yet we are told “the debate is over” and “the science is settled.”

My skepticism begins with the believers’ certainty they can predict the global climate with a computer model. The entire basis for the doomsday climate change scenario is the hypothesis increased atmospheric carbon dioxide due to fossil fuel emissions will heat the Earth to unlivable temperatures.

In fact, the Earth has been warming very gradually for 300 years, since the Little Ice Age ended, long before heavy use of fossil fuels. Prior to the Little Ice Age, during the Medieval Warm Period, Vikings colonized Greenland and Newfoundland, when it was warmer there than today. And during Roman times, it was warmer, long before fossil fuels revolutionized civilization.

The idea it would be catastrophic if carbon dioxide were to increase and average global temperature were to rise a few degrees is preposterous.