How ‘Diversity’ Policing Fails Science An open-records request reveals that Texas Tech faculty penalize candidates for heterodox opinions. By John D. Sailer

At Texas Tech University, a candidate for a faculty job in the department of biological sciences was flagged by the department’s search committee for not knowing the difference between “equality” and “equity.” Another was flagged for his repeated use of the pronoun “he” when referring to professors. Still another was praised for having made a “land acknowledgment” during the interview process. A land acknowledgment is a statement noting that Native Americans once lived in what is now the United States.

Amidst the explosion of university diversity, equity and inclusion policies, Texas Tech’s biology department adopted its own DEI motion promising to “require and strongly weight a diversity statement from all candidates.” These short, written declarations are meant to summarize an academic job seeker’s past and potential contributions to DEI efforts on campus.

The biology department’s motion mandates that every search committee issue a report on its diversity statement evaluations. Through a Freedom of Information Act request, I have acquired the evaluations of more than a dozen job candidates.

To my knowledge, these documents—published in redacted form by the National Association of Scholars—are the first evaluations of prospective faculty DEI contributions to be made publicly available. They confirm what critics of DEI statements have long argued: That they inevitably act as ideological litmus tests.

A tale of two massacres The woke hatred for Israel is no longer just strange – it’s dangerous. Brendan O’Neill

“So committed are some in the West to the narrative of Israeli evil and Palestinian good that they hold up Palestinians as the pitiable victims of massacres in the very week when it was Israelis, Jews in fact, who were the victims of a massacre. Their devotion to the ideology of Israel-hate clearly takes precedence over everything, even truth. That there has not been more moral and historical angst in the West over the massacre of praying Jews on Holocaust Memorial Day is abominable. It is a blot on the Western moral conscience. It tells us more about us than we would care to know.”

Truth is the first casualty of war, they say. It’s the first casualty of virtue-signalling, too. Over the past week we have seen just how estranged from truth the West’s fashionable anti-Israel set has become. Something extraordinary happened: woke commentators and activists expressed more fury over a massacre that didn’t happen than they did over one that did happen. They made more noise over a massacre that exists mostly in their imaginations than they did over a massacre that existed in the real world, that shattered people’s lives in the most violent, horrifying and bigoted fashion imaginable. This tale of two massacres, of the real and unreal, sheds a harsh and unforgiving light on anti-Israel sentiment today.

It starts with events in Jenin in the West Bank last Thursday. Following numerous clashes over the past month between Israeli security forces and Palestinian residents of the West Bank, the Israelis launched a raid in Jenin in which nine people were killed. It was a massacre, people say. Israeli security forces slaughtered Palestinians, we were told. Democratic US congresswoman and Squad member Rashida Tlaib led the charge: Israel is an ‘apartheid regime that is killing Palestinian children [and] families’, she said the day after the Jenin incident. We must ‘honour the victims of the Jenin massacre’, she said, ‘by telling the truth about the apartheid government’. The word ‘massacre’ was widely used in the left media. Electronic Intifada called it an ‘Israeli bloodbath’. ‘Jenin’ and ‘massacre’ trended online. British people were encouraged to write to their MPs to register their disgust with Israel’s ‘brutal’ behaviour.

What really happened in Jenin? For all the talk of hateful, racist Israel gunning down Palestinian families, in truth it was a fairly straightforward military clash between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants. Israel was pursuing militants that it believes are plotting attacks. Seven of the people killed were gunmen who had opened fire in response to Israel’s raid. You don’t have to take Israel’s word for it – Palestinian militants themselves have said it was mostly their people who died. Islamic Jihad said two of its members were killed while ‘battling’ the Israelis. Four of the slain gunmen were claimed by Hamas. And one was claimed by an armed wing of Fatah, the faction of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. Does this sound like a massacre, or like a bloody clash between opposing groups in a war-like situation?

Biden Cannot Delay Sending Tanks to Ukraine by Con Coughlin

From the outset of the conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin has calculated that Western support for Ukraine would eventually wane. And, with the Russians reported to be preparing a new spring offensive, any sign of hesitancy by Washington in terms of supporting Ukraine will encourage Putin in the belief that he will meet no meaningful resistance from the Western alliance….

The Ukrainian military says it is in desperate need of the heavy armour if it is to withstand a new offensive.

The Pentagon, which has been lukewarm about supplying the tanks from the outset, says the delays are due to the fact that it will need to purchase new Abrams tanks to supply Ukraine because the Defense Department doesn’t have any available spares, which seems remarkable given that the US Army and US Marine Corps currently operate nearly 5,000 Abrams.

The [F-16 fighter jets], just like the tanks, are deemed essential if the Ukrainian military is to stand any chance of withstanding a new Russian offensive. The supply of Western fighters such as the F-16 would significantly enhance Ukraine’s war-fighting capability, and would send a strong message to Putin that the West remains committed to ensuring Ukraine ultimately declares victory over Russia.

As with so many other issues relating to Ukraine, the Biden administration finds itself unable to reach any firm decision about whether or not to accede to Kyiv’s request….

As with the tanks request, it has been left to European politicians to increase the pressure on the Biden administration to respond positively to the Ukraine request for fighter jets, with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson making a direct appeal for Washington to supply warplanes during his recent visit to the US.

“The faster Putin gets out of Ukraine and the quicker we return to stability and the more powerful the message we send to people like China that the West – America, the U.K. – will not tolerate aggressive attempts to change borders by force,” Johnson said.

Certainly, the Biden administration’s constant dithering over its military support for Ukraine is not only demoralising for the brave Ukrainian forces fighting to protect their country from Russian tyranny. It also encourages Putin in the belief that, despite the significant losses he has suffered during the past year, he can ultimately achieve victory.

President Joe Biden may feel that, by finally authorising the shipment of American tanks to Ukraine, he has demonstrated that he remains committed to the Ukrainian cause. But given the time it will take for the tanks to arrive in Ukraine, it could well prove to be an empty gesture.

Furthermore, with the White House resisting Ukrainian requests for F-16 fighter jets to protect the tanks, Biden risks sending mixed messages about just how committed his administration is to supporting Kyiv in its fight against the Russian invaders.

Iran: Selling Family Jewels to Buy Loyalty by Amir Taheri

What does an autocrat do when his support base is shaken by popular protests?

The standard answer is: he tries to reassure supporters by increasing their privileges, thus giving them a bigger stake in the preservation of the status quo.

Transfer of public assets to chosen supporters has a routine pattern.

The supporter, usually a senior IRGC officer or a senior mullah, secures a low-interest loan from a state-owned bank to buy a state-owned asset at rock-bottom price. Almost always this is just a formality. Once the asset is acquired, the new owner forms a company and sells parts of its shares to others, making a huge profit. Those who acquire prime real estate make especially big killings.

One problem remains: will retired or cashiered generals feel confident enough about the regime’s future to embark on the recycling scheme offered?

What does an autocrat do when his support base is shaken by popular protests?

The standard answer is: he tries to reassure supporters by increasing their privileges, thus giving them a bigger stake in the preservation of the status quo.

This is what Islamic Republic’s “Supreme Guide” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is trying to do with an edict for the largest privatization scheme in Iran’s history.

Unveiled last week, the scheme is the seventh of its kind since the first was launched 23 years ago.


Israel, which has developed myriad sleep therapies, never sleeps. Researchers there work 24/7 on  cell therapy and genetics; artificial Intelligence for innovations in medical diagnoses;  fusion energy; quantum communications; growth and storage of food; and intelligent robots to deliver customer service. As Michael Ordman who compiles this weekly list opines: ” It makes you think, doesn’t it?”

It sure does! B.D.S. for Israel really is: Brilliant. Developing. Solutions.  rsk

Cell therapy to treat disease. (TY UWI) Israel’s Minovia Therapeutics (see here previously) is testing mitochondria augmentation therapy (MAT) on children with rare, untreatable mitochondrial diseases. It has had some success with Pearson’s Disease sufferers. It may eventually also be able to treat age-related diseases.
Diagnosing cancer and the mutation causing it. The AI digital biopsy from Israel’s Imagene (see here previously) not only identifies if someone has cancer but also what mutation is responsible for the anomaly. This is something pathologists cannot determine using a microscope. With results in minutes, not weeks.
The world’s first “smart inventory” operating room. Israel’s Galilee Medical Center has inaugurated the first operating room to automatically manage medical inventory. The system from Israel’s Autonomi tracks and manages all medical equipment, reduces waste, conducts patient-safety recalls and issues expiration warnings.
Sheba alliance with futuristic Bahraini hospital. Israel’s Sheba Medical Center is helping set up the King Hamad American Mission Hospital (KHAMH) in Manama, Bahrain. Specifically, Sheba is helping establish ARC (Accelerate, Redesign, Collaborate) medical start-up innovations for doctors to provide advanced care.
AI in Healthcare conference. The Medical AI Roadmap Conference at Israel’s Beilinson Hospital assembled Israel’s leading doctors, academics, scientists and entrepreneurs to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the healthcare industry.
Look into my AIs. Professor Irit Bahar is director of the ophthalmology department at Beilinson Hospital. She described how AI is fundamental to her work. As part of fundus photography (imaging of the retina) AI not only helps detect eye problems but also diagnoses (for example) whether the patient is at risk of diabetes.
More benefits of AI. Israel’s Nanox (see here previously) is using data from CT-scans taken for a particular reason, for early detection of other medical issues. A scan for pneumonia can then be further analyzed using AI to discover (for example) osteoporosis. If calcium is discovered in the arteries, it can indicate heart problems.

Peace Through Strength or Chaos Through Senility? The Chinese would not have been deploying spy balloons over U.S. nuclear installations if Donald Trump was still president. By Roger Kimball

Where’s Laocoön when you need him? News that the Chinese have a huge balloon loitering high above the middle of the country—just where, wouldn’t you know, we have a bunch of ICBM silos sited—reminded me about the reaction of the ill-fated Trojan prince when he saw the gigantic wooden horse sitting on the beach in front of Troy. At the beginning of book two of the Aeneid, our hero, with a heavy heart, accedes to Queen Dido’s request that he tell her the story of Troy’s downfall and his ill-starred voyage to her court. Infandum, Regina, iubes renovare dolorem: “O Queen, you bid me renew an unspeakable grief.”  

But he does as she asks, beginning with the story of the Trojan horse. The Trojans were divided in their opinion about the monstrous equine. Some thought it was a Greek gift or trophy or memorial to commemorate their departure. Laocoön knew better. Rushing down from the town to the beach, he cried

Poor Trojans, have you lost your minds? . . .

‘You think they’re gone? Are any Greek gifts given

Sincerely? Don’t you know Ulysses better?

The Greeks are hiding in this wooden gadget, 

Or else this is a siege machine they’ve built 

For spying or alighting on our homes,

Or some such trick. Don’t trust the horse, my people.’

Then comes the famous line: timeo Danaos et dona ferentis: “I fear Greeks even when they are bearing gifts.” 

Well, nobody thinks the Chinese are bearing gifts. But the response to that minatory skyborne bladder has ranged from Laocoön-like alarm to amused indifference. The Pentagon says it doesn’t think the blimp poses a threat, but then the Pentagon is home to General Mark “White Rage” Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd “Stand Down” Austin. Not much joy from that Keystone-Kop quarter. 

News that a second Chinese balloon—I wonder if these dirigibles have the likeness of President Xi painted on them—is wafting about somewhere over “Latin America” (not a terribly precise designation) raised eyebrows, but again not much is known about its purpose. The Chinese said the first balloon was an errant weather balloon that was blown off course and wound up over highly sensitive American military installations. Imagine that. 

Whether it’s illegals or balloons, Joe Biden fails to protect the US By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden has been hit by crisis after crisis as a result of his own bad decisions, and oddly enough, they are starting to look alike.

Take the latest China balloon incursion, where some kind of spying device has been sent over military installations throughout the U.S. interior, with Biden doing nothing about it.

That’s a sovereignty violation that ought to be drawing a major response to an arrogant, expanding wannabe superpower desperate to flex its military muscles, yet Joe’s response, that shooting the invading device down might create debris or hit a populated area (America is loaded with unpopulated ones the balloon is traversing) is simply pathetic. 

Is it all that different from his open borders policies, where millions of unvetted foreign migrants are flooding into this country without authorization, bringing crime, drugs, and costs, yet there too nothing is done about it? Joe offers an absurd excuse for that decision, as well claiming that all migrants who can utter the magic word ‘asylum’ are entitled to a free ride inside the U.S. for years or more, amounting to an all-expenses paid trip for thousands.

What we see here is a failure to protect, the prime duty of any leader of a nation, and an indifference to duty. Years ago, over at the United Nations, Samantha Powers and her ilk, writing about Rwanda, even came up with the concept of “duty to protect” on humanitarian grounds, claiming that all nations have an obligation to prevent genocide. Duty and protection has an odd parallel to the archetypical concept of manhood, as it’s a manly virtue to protect one’s own and immediate community, a masculine virtue that, to look at his fatherhood output, Joe’s never had. 

Now that the nation is being invaded from its south and now from above, Joe’s excusemaking for doing nothing rather resembles that of a slovenly absentee father who lets his kids grow up with no guidance, like stones in the field, with the predictable outcome of Hunter Biden.

Democrats Get Even More Racist Derek Hunter

You can tell what Democrats don’t want to talk about by what they blame on racism or some other irrelevant factor. When they don’t like a story, or can’t spin it to their advantage, they cry some kind of “ism” or “phobia,” and the granddaddy of all of it is racism. When the agenda isn’t helped by reality, Democrats simply declare a new reality. Matthew Shepard was a gay guy killed by someone who was reportedly a former lover over money and a drug deal gone bad, but he was somehow turned into a martyr for gay rights because his murder was so horrific it attracted national attention and the truth wasn’t useful to the left so it was declared homophobic. When reality isn’t helpful, insistently deny it and push forward. It’s how Democrats work.

The death of Tyre Nichols is another such event. Five black cops beat a black man who ultimately dies…and it’s about white supremacy somehow. The Governor of Florida bans racism and victimhood being drilled into the heads of students in the state and he’s one of the worst monsters history has ever produced. It’s all lies, but the truth does not serve Democrats. 

When Ron DeSantis banned the AP African American Studies class you would’ve thought he was standing in the schoolhouse door. But he’s not a Democrat. 

The View, always on the leading edge of stupid and one of the most destructive forces in all of American culture, talked about this because DeSantis is all Democrats seem to talk about these days. Whoopi Goldberg, who you’d think would have learned something throughout her life (if only by accident), demonstrated a level of ignorance you almost have to fight to achieve. 

“I don’t understand why he (DeSantis) believes that — he wants people to see the history of Western Civilization and history and philosophy of Western Civilization,” Goldberg said. “Because he wants it seen through that lens. Why is your lens better than my lens?

China Is Not Happy That We Shot Down Their Spy Balloon Matt Vespa

This Chinese spy balloon fiasco could have been avoided—at least, that’s the feeling, and you don’t need a security clearance to have that assumption. We have the capability to track these devices; we’ve been on pins and needles regarding missile launches since the Cold War. We never saw this balloon coming. It’s a balloon—one that measured three bus lengths and drifted at high altitudes, but a balloon, nonetheless. China regretted this spy balloon which hovered over areas where we house nuclear missiles. Montana is where passengers on a commercial airliner reportedly spotted this Beijing bag of tricks launched from Central China. 

China’s reaction to the US was as expected: don’t overreact because this balloon drifted off course. For once, Joe Biden made the right call by wanting to shoot it down—the Pentagon advised against it. This spy balloon drifted with impunity across American skies for days before being shot down yesterday. And Beijing was none too pleased (via NBC News): 

The U.S. downed the Chinese surveillance balloon off the Carolina coast on Saturday, a U.S. official said, setting off a tense exchange between both nations. 

An F-22 raptor with a single missile shot the balloon down at 2:39 p.m., according to a senior defense official. It was between 60,000 to 65,000 feet in the air when it was downed. 

U.S. Military Shoots Down Chinese Spy Balloon By Rick Moran

The United States has shot down the Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic, the Associated Press reports.

The United States on Saturday downed a suspected Chinese spy balloon off the Carolina coast after it traversed sensitive military sites across North America and became the latest flashpoint in tensions between Washington and Beijing.

An operation was underway in U.S. territorial waters in the Atlantic Ocean to recover debris from the balloon, which had been flying at about 60,000 feet and was estimated to be about the size of three school buses.

President Joe Biden had told reporters earlier Saturday that “we’re going to take care of it,” when asked about the balloon. The Federal Aviation Administration and Coast Guard worked to clear the airspace and water below the balloon as it reached the ocean.