You know the song “well look me over closely tell me what you see”
The First Tier: So far…..
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker. Forget everything you’ve heard about him being uncharismatic or a boring speaker — he wowed the crowds in Iowa this weekend. He’s in the sweet spot, serious and accomplished enough for the “Establishment,” and indisputably conservative enough for the grassroots. (Rush Limbaugh just declared, “Scott Walker is the blueprint for the Republican party if they are serious about beating the Left.”) He’s been tested like few others in the field; the Left threw everything it had at this guy and he’s still going strong.
Florida senator Marco Rubio. Watch him tear into the Obama administration giving away the store on Cuba, and see a Republican contender who understands some key lessons about freedom, evil in the world, U.S. power, and leverage. He’s arguably the best communicator in the Republican party, and the GOP desperately needs a good communicator as its nominee. With rave reviews from Charles Krauthammer and James Pethokoukis, he could end up being the conservative pundits’ favorite choice. Yes, there’s still irritation about the “Gang of Eight” immigration proposal, and the Obama presidency has encouraged skepticism about whether senators are ready for the presidency. But he’s been speaking about the broad, unifying national theme of American exceptionalism since 2010 — and obviously, he offers a fantastic contrast with Hillary. He’ll vivisect her record as secretary of state and make her look ancient by comparison.