The Reckoning : Where do We Turn for Reassurance? By Victor Davis Hanson

Let us start our grand tour of an increasingly out-of-control world in Russia. Putin plays a two-bit Hitler in trying to gobble up his neighbors. The West responds with a one-bit imitation of 1930s Britain and France. ISIS reminds us that beheading and human incineration are contemporary, not premodern, practices. The only difference is that we video them on iPhones now [1] rather hear rumors about them by word of mouth a year later.

Jews are wise to leave Europe [2] in the manner that some of the lucky got out in the 1930s. The danger is not that we are facing a sudden war on any one front, but that all these fronts — the former Soviet republics, the Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria, the roaming Islamic terrorist gangsters inside the West, and the Iranian soon-to-be-nuclear co-prosperity sphere from Yemen to Lebanon — are combining to create chaos as the new normal.

Whole swaths of the globe are becoming badlands that sane people avoid — the former Soviet republics, Russia, the Middle East, North Africa, Persia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, and perhaps soon Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus — as if they were the national no-go-zone versions of our own New Orleans or Detroit.

Ceding prior U.S. influence to regional hegemons — China in Asia, Russia in the former Soviet Union, ISIS and Iran in the Middle East — is turning the world into a pre-globalized Wild West. Think of travel plans. See the Parthenon? But will Greece be bankrupt and on strike from the airport to the Acropolis? See the Dead Sea? Will the rockets come in from Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon, or Iran? See South America? Tiptoe around the mess in Argentina, Nicaragua, Peru, or Venezuela. See Paris or Copenhagen? Just don’t walk near a synagogue or kosher market. See St. Petersburg? Make sure there is not the next war nearby in Tallinn. See Turkey? The Hagia Sophia will probably be a mosque again soon.

White House Condemns ‘Murder of Egyptian Citizens’ by ISIS By Bridget Johnson

White House press secretary Josh Earnest issued a statement tonight on the ISIS mass beheading video in which 21 Coptic Christians were murdered on the Libyan coast:

The United States condemns the despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists. We offer our condolences to the families of the victims and our support to the Egyptian government and people as they grieve for their fellow citizens. ISIL’s barbarity knows no bounds. It is unconstrained by faith, sect, or ethnicity. This wanton killing of innocents is just the most recent of the many vicious acts perpetrated by ISIL-affiliated terrorists against the people of the region, including the murders of dozens of Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai, which only further galvanizes the international community to unite against ISIL.

Academic Progressivism Descends into Moral Madness By Richard L. Cravatts ****

Richard L. Cravatts, PhD, the author of Genocidal Liberalism: The University’s Jihad Against Israel & Jews, is president of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East.

In the campus war against Israel, the all too familiar refrain from anti-Israel activists, many of whom form the loose coalition of groups and individuals spearheading the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, is that their quarrel is only with Israelis and their government’s policies, not with Jews themselves. But that specious defense has fallen away of late, revealing some caustic and base anti-Semitism, representing a seismic shift in the way that Jews now are being indicted not just for supporting Israel, but merely for being Jewish.

It was not without some historical irony, then, when student council leaders at Durban University of Technology (DUT) in South Africa in early February floated a proposal that suggested, apparently without shame, that Jewish students should be expelled from the institution, that, as the student body’s secretary, Mqondisi Duma, put it, “We took the decision that Jewish students, especially those who do not support the Palestinian struggle, should deregister.” This is, one would think, a rather shocking sentiment from students who themselves benefited from a world-wide campaign in the 1970s and 1980s to end South Africa’s racist apartheid system.

Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Comeback Moment — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by movie producer Aaron Shuster (“The Bank Job,”) Ann-Marie Murrell, the CEO of and Ari David, host of The Ari David Show Podcast.

The guests discussed Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Comeback Moment, analyzing a Liar-in-Chief’s revenge.

The Gang also focused on Obama: Liar, Liar, Obama Hosts The Muslim Brotherhood, Brian Williams’ Imagination and Punishment, and much, much more:

Diplomat Debunks Obama’s Yemen ‘Success’ Story By Andrew Harrod

Yemen has been an “always almost failing state” for as long as Ambassador Barbara K. Bodine can remember, she affirmed in her February 3 Georgetown University luncheon lecture, “Yemen: If This is a Policy Success, What Does Failure Look Like?” The truth of Bodine’s sobering presentation to a fifty-person conference room packed to standing-room-only was confirmed when, eight days later, America’s embassy in the capital Sanaa fell to Houthi rebels and U.S. Marines were forced to destroy their weapons before fleeing the country to prevent them from falling into rebel hands. The humiliating failure of American policy demonstrated that, President Barack Obama’s wishful thinking notwithstanding, Yemen will not be a policy success anytime soon.

Bodine, a career Foreign Service officer with extensive experience in the Middle East, directs Georgetown’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy. She spoke at the invitation of Georgetown’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU). Associate director of ACMCU and Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Professor of Islamic Civilization Jonathan Brown moderated and professor emeritus John Voll attended.

Obama White House Partners with ISIS-Linked Group Posted By Matthew Vadum

The so-called Summit on Countering Violent Extremism comes as President Obama seeks formal authorization from Congress to wage war against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL).

The terrorist-friendly Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), which is a known front for Islamist terrorist groups, operates mosques in and around Boston.

Members of the anti-terrorist community are outraged that officials of ISB will participate in discussions of anti-terrorism best practices on Feb. 18.

In a recent Washington Times op-ed, Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov of Americans For Peace and Tolerance, warned that ISB “and its political arm, the Muslim American Society, seen as the go-to groups for civic and law enforcement partnerships, have links to many extremists who are either in jail, in flight from federal authorities, or have been killed during terrorist attacks.” The group also ran a full-page ad about ISB’s participation in the summit in the Washington Times under the headline, “Why is Boston a Hub For ‘VIOLENT EXTREMISM?’”

Islamic State Video Shows Beheadings of Egyptian Christians in Libya….please see note from an e-pal

“Is Obama watching? Where is the reaction similar to one where 3 US Muslim students were killed by a disturbed man over a real, if ridiculous, parking dispute, not it appears because of their religious orientation, and the President was soon to express horror over a presumed hate crime? Does this not continue to display a trend here — apologetics for IslamoFascism?
He has recently asked for limited war powers for a stipulated 3 years and no ground troops.. These powers are LESS than those already granted in previous Congressional resolutions…
I am compelled to ask — is the President under a personal fatwa threat,, to explain his manifest biases?
Or is this all a result of his apparent closet Islamic persuasion?
It continues……

CAIRO — A video released Sunday night by the Islamic State appeared to show the mass beheading of at least a dozen Egyptian Christians by fighters in a recently formed Libyan arm of the militant group.

Identical in style and details to earlier execution videos released by the Islamic State, this one was the first the group has released depicting a killing outside of its core territory in Syria and Iraq. It appeared to show much closer communication and collaboration between the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and its far-flung satellite groups than Western officials previously believed.

As the Obama administration seeks broad approval to use military force in an open-ended war against the Islamic State, the new video may reinforce the concerns among some lawmakers that the legislation could authorize operations in unexpected territories like Libya, where local militants are planting the Islamic State flag as “provinces” of the group.

Boycotting the Nation that Gave the Most to Humanity: Giulio Meotti

One Albanian author has the intellectual honesty to say what he thinks.

The France Presse journalist asked Ismail Kadaré: “But here, in Jerusalem, the Palestinians could object to you that their freedom is restricted”. And the Albanian writer and poet Kadaré replied: “I come from one of the few countries in the world that helped the Jews during the war. That’s why I never thought of this other problem (of the Palestinians)”.

Many people were disappointed by Kadaré’s behaviour, especially those who wanted to see this most famous Albanian writer boycotting the ceremony in which he received the Jerusalem Prize. But Kadaré didn’t submit to anti-Semitic public opinion, unlike British writer Ian McEwan, who accepted the prize three years ago, but also used the ceremony to preach to the Israelis.

Leftist, Muslim and a candidate every year to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, Ismail Kadaré had all the requisite characteristics to embarrass the Israelis. There was also a precedent: South African writer Nadine Gordimer, who refused the prize for political reasons. Instead, Kadaré said that Israel faces “the danger of disappearance”.

Tall Tales From the Boys on the Bus: Jack Engelhard

We keep on trusting these masters of deceit.
Just when I started feeling sorry for the guy, Brian Williams, along came a report from Sherri Mandell, the award-winning writer.

Mandell, an American Israeli from Judea/Samaria, met Williams before he became a famous TV anchorman and liar.

Back in 2001, Koby, Mandell’s 13-year-old son was murdered at the hands of Palestinian Arab savages, beaten with rocks, and in Williams, then a reporter, she thought she had a sympathetic ear. Well, he acted sympathetic. A perfect story about what Israelis are up against? Not quite. The story ended up on NBC Nightly News and by slippery insinuation blamed the “settlers” for the attack and for everything else.

Read Mandell’s searing book, “The Blessing of a Broken Heart.”

Israelis and plenty of Americans – we keep on trusting these masters of deceit.

Back home, Williams publicly shamed President George W. Bush (a Yale scholar) for his taste in books, smirking that Bush knew nothing about literature except for books about baseball. If you watched closely, you could see Williams winking to his pals on New York’s Upper West Side. Bush is a Republican. He must be dumb.

He certainly cannot be as smart as us.

Why a Possible Demise of Pax Americana? Sol Sanders

It was a cold, rainy and miserable day– either late 1951 or early 52. I was unemployed but had taken part-time work to help do a piece of market research for a friend’s firm. With my little clipboard, I was importuning what we thought would be an upper-class, sophisticated sample in rush hour in front of New York City’s Grand Central Station. Most of the passersby annoyingly brushed aside my attempt to talk to them, assuming I was just one more panhandler.
But when I did manage to collar someone, it was to ask them if they knew what SAS meant. No reason that they would unless they were veteran Atlantic airline commuters, not a large commodity in those days. But my friend’s client was spending a great deal of money trying to establish Scandinavian Airlines System’s name and its acronym, SAS, in the public mind. And they wanted some proof that it was happening.
Bored after a while, instead of the normal: way of asking my question, “Do you know what SAS means?” I began to play with it: That would become, Do YOU know what SAS means?” Or maybe I would ask, “Do you what SAS means?” Or I would put it into, “D’ya know what SAS MEANS?” with a rising intonation which always produced an affirmative response, although a follow-up question would prove they didn’t. Our second question, “Do you know where Scandinavian Airlines flies?” produced equally negotiable results. “Do YOU know where Scandinavian Airlines flies?” produced a different answer from “Do you know where SCANDINAVIAN Airlines flies?” and still another if it were “Do you KNOW where Scandinavian Airlines flies?”