From Wittenberg to Mosque Doors: Peter Smith
If Islam is not reformed – root and branch – the very notion of moderate Islam becomes an even more glaring contradiction in terms. If you belong to a club whose very rules condone bad behaviour, the only moral and logical option must be to change the rules or get out.

Memories are short. Charles Lane of the Washington Post said that the events in Paris were ‘a wake-up call’. Weren’t we already well awake before 9/11, never mind since? Charles Krauthammer said that the events reflected a new ‘third phase’ of internally planned and executed attacks, following the externally planned attack of 9/11 and the recent ‘lone-wolf’ attacks. He must have been snoozing when, as just one example among many, the London Underground was bombed.

No doubt the killings in Paris will also fade from mind as Islamic terrorists continue their murderous rampages. One reason memories are so short is that immediately the dust has settled each terrorist event is dealt with discretely, as though it were a law and order problem. The backgrounds of the murderers are analysed. One or more are bound to be identified as alienated, disadvantaged, or as having a prison record.

Then there is the subsequent soul-searching about why the perpetrators in question weren’t kept under observation as putative murderous terrorists. As if, for example, it is remotely possible to keep tabs on so-called ‘disenfranchised’ young people in a Muslim population of around 6 million-plus in France, many of whom live in no-go ghettos. Talk about fanciful.


Guy Millière – I would rejoice at huge demonstrations that took place all over France Sunday, January 11.
I would think that momentum has emerged which will enable a general fraternity, erasing hatreds and divisions, a resolution of all the problems this country has. I do not doubt that France has millions of good people who have been deeply struck by terrorist acts that have marked these days.
I have to assume that everything is not so simple. Sunday I had the sensation of attending a huge political operation.François Hollande, the man who has not been living up to its functions and showed a thousand times he had punctured his level of incompetence by becoming president, found himself master of a planetary ceremony doubt it will benefit in future polls, and no doubt he was not campaigning. The great French media have struggled for years to tone and extend to all the politically correct have contributed to a large communication operation in the service of sweetening and political correctness.
I must say that having seen several members of the government, including Christiane Taubira, come Saturday night in front of the supermarket hide from the Porte de Vincennes seemed particularly sickening if the despicable murderer entrenched in the supermarket had not been released by appropriate judicial decisions by Mrs Taubira, he would not have murdered and he was in prison. I got an instant whether arsonists were to see the damage caused by fire they helped to turn.

Victor Sharpe:Lies, Damn Lies, Palestinian Promises and Abbas

The phrases above are in descending order. And Abbas flying to Paris to march against terror is just another instance of takiyyah.

here is an old saying that, “promises, like pie crust, are meant to be broken.”

This may be somewhat cynical but when it refers to the promises made to Israel by the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians, it is utterly apt.

Never in the history of international diplomacy has so much dissimilitude been perpetrated for so long by one side – the PLO and it’s grotesque offspring, the so-called Palestinian Authority. It’s congenital untruthfulness and corresponding Israeli gullibility has resulted in disastrous and horrendous consequences for the embattled State of Israel.


Nidra, is a superb journalist and novelist and dear friend who lives in the belly of the beast known as Paris. We usually agree on all critical issues so This is her take…… I said:

“The Parisian show of shows will accomplish no more than a five minute “warm feeling”…..rsk

Nidra’s response

I don’t think so, amiga. And I am certainly not gushing.The Arab” spring” showed its face immediately. There was no mystery, just mystification. This unprecedented show of hands and feet in Paris yesterday shows a face that was not visible over the past fourteen years.

When you witness an event like this, an expression of collective opinion and determination on a scale never seen in the nation’s history, you can’t simply dismiss it. Of course you can, you are free to dismiss it. But I don’t. And that’s based on what I saw and heard.

The Je Suis Charlie slogan is not a simple trendy message. It’s the slogan around which the movement developed, so people expressed it in those terms. If they held up posters saying “Je suis contre le jihad” it might have been closer to the truth of what sent them into the streets. For 14 years I have been puzzling over what seemed like passive or willing acceptance of Islamization. For 14 years I have been wondering how a nation could resist if there were no press freedom, no reliable reporting.

The answer was given yesterday. There would be a tipping point. Now the cards are on the table.

In the early hours of the Charlie massacre, journalists and commentators were saying that Marine Le Pen would reap the benefits. As it turns out, she didn’t. The most unpopular François Hollande pulled off something that switched attention from a major security failure to a spectacular popular demonstration of force.It can go either way. But it can’t go the same way it has been going.

I’m following it in detail, in all its nuance. I’ll report as always honestly and carefully.



It wouldn’t be surprising, if polled, that many United States citizens would feel disenfranchised when it comes to politics. Though the right to vote and petition the government is supposed to make sure the people’s interests are considered, we the people are not given standing to question the constitutionality of laws, i.e. The Affordable Care Act. Political parties are no longer able to moderate the positions of the most extreme members of our society, who feel compelled to take law into their own hands, i.e. exhibiting anarchy against the rule of law in response to the Grand Jury’s decision not to indict in the events surrounding Ferguson. Extremism, lack of understanding, apathy, an agenda driven 4th Estate, all work against the citizenry in exercising their rights and responsibilities with fidelity in today’s society. How did it come to this?

One of the earliest Supreme Court cases to set precedent (A decided case which is cited or used as an example to justify a judgment in a subsequent case—ninja words) for our rule of law was Marbury v Madison. What happened is this. Before leaving office at the end of his term, 2nd President John Adams appointed a slew of judges to the federal courts to maintain an ongoing Federalist Party influence during upcoming Democratic-Republican President Thomas Jefferson’s tenure in office. John Marshall was unable to deliver all the commissions before our 3rd President began his term of office and Jefferson refused to have the remainder of the commissions delivered. William Marbury, who was to receive a commission, was not pleased with this turn of events and applied to the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus, to force delivery of the commissions.


The warm feelings on display in Paris and elsewhere around the world Sunday in response to the horrors of the past week, unfortunately, will do next to nothing to change the tide against Islamist terrorism. That explains why world leaders who support terrorism have no problem supporting Paris.

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, now entering the eleventh year of what was originally billed as a four-year term, turned up to represent a would-be Judenrein state, where terrorism and the absence of the rule of law are the order of the day.

Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu flew into Paris to glad-hand with free expression enthusiasts, notwithstanding recent arrests of teenagers in his country for “insulting” President Erdogan.

The terrorist organization Hamas even issued a press release claiming that it “condemns the attack against Charlie Hebdo magazine and insists on the fact that differences of opinion and thought cannot justify murder.” Setting aside the fact that Palestinians living under Palestinian authority do not have freedom of opinion and thought, gunning down Jews while shopping for food wasn’t mentioned in the statement.


The January 7, 2015, terror attack on Paris underscores the fact that, where the “War on Terror” is concerned, the “All clear” has not sounded.

Borders and immigration laws are America’s first line and last line of defense against international terrorists and transnational criminals from around the world; yet, we continue to operate as though borders don’t matter. The failures in immigration policy can be seen nearly daily in news reports across the country and the world. More evidence of this failure that undermines national security and public safety has been summarized in an oversight report about the Department of Homeland Security, issued recently by the office of departing U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, who was Ranking Member for the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

John Kerry, Meteorologist and Massachusetts Mountebank By KERRY JACKSON

To Secretary of State John Kerry, we have one suggestion: Give it up.

The Massachusetts Democrat, whose job is to be the president’s top foreign affairs adviser, has decided he’d rather be a weatherman. Yet again he has taken to shrieking hysterically about global warming, as he did Sunday when he said climate change is “one enormous cloud hanging over all of us.”

Is he thinking “mushroom cloud”? Because almost a year ago Kerry called climate change “the world’s largest weapon of mass destruction, perhaps even the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.”

Kerry followed up that whopper by telling graduating Boston College students in May that if we don’t do something about climate change, “we are risking nothing less than the future of the entire planet.”

But it’s all a part of what we’ve come to expect from an effete Secretary of State who in his first foreign policy speech in that position railed about climate change.

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Obama’s Muslim Sympathies Grow Curiouser And Curiouser
Islamofascism: Barack Obama skipped the greatest anti-terror rally ever, the only Western leader to do so. Unlike France’s prime minister, he refused to condemn radical Islam, suggesting disinterest in defeating its spawn.

The president and his top aides remain unusually deferential and accommodating to the Muslim community — despite the spike in threats from the Islamic State, al-Qaida and other Muslim terrorists.

In a newly released video, IS has called on American Muslims to seek out and kill New York City police and other cops. At the same time, it has posted the names and addresses of U.S. generals it obtained after hacking into a Pentagon website.

“ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base. We won’t stop! We know everything about you, your wives, your children,” the terrorist group threatened in a tweet. “American soldiers, we are coming, watch your back.”

Attorney General Eric Holder claims such threats keep him “up at night.” Yet Holder refuses to say the U.S. is at war with radical Islam. And through his insomnia, he has gone out of his way to make it harder, not easier, for law enforcement to stop radical Islamists, including:

• Restricting the FBI’s surveillance and infiltration of mosques to ferret out jihadists before they can strike.

• Censoring language such as “radical Islam” and other Islamic references in thousands of pages of counterterrorism training materials used by the FBI.

• Firing many of the trainers who wrote or used the materials to teach agents to ID jihadists. READ AT SITE

The “Nonviolence” of the BDS Movement Jonathan Marks

Among the strategies the boycott, divestment, sanctions movement uses to disguise its extremism from unsuspecting potential converts is to insist on its nonviolence. As Corey Robin of Brooklyn College, a leading American academic advocate of BDS explains, “the Palestinians have tried four decades of armed revolt, three decades of peace negotiations, two intifadas, and seven decades of waiting. They have taken up BDS as a non-violent tactic.”

Tactic is the key word. It is hard to claim that nonviolence is at the center of one’s movement when your foremost spokesperson is Ali Abunimah, whose support for Hamas is well-documented. But no one has been more explicit about the relationship between nonviolent BDS and violence than Leila Khaled. BDS-South Africa is now advertising her “fundraising tour” on its behalf (h/t Haaretz). Khaled, a member of the “Political Bureau” of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is still living off of the vapors of two hijackings, one successful, she participated in 45 years ago. An old glamor photo of Khaled, machine gun in hand, graces the BDS-South Africa ad. Although Khaled insists she was instructed not to hurt anyone during the hijackings, the PFLP has been committed to violence, including violence against civilians, not only in Khaled’s youth, as in the Lods Airport Massacre, but also more recently, as in November’s murder of four worshippers and a policeman at a Jerusalem synagogue, dubbed a “heroic operation” by the PFLP. But if you find yourself in South Africa next month, you can have dinner with, as the ad put it, this “wife, mother, hijacker, and Palestinian freedom fighter.”