The Establishment’s Anti-Reality Check : Edward Cline

Are our political and cultural establishments connected to reality? Evidence shows that they are not.

On January 7th we saw the political, intellectual, and mainstream media establishments around the world stare with dropped jaws and frozen saucer eyes at the massacre of twelve people in the offices of Charlie Hebdo. The spectacle was worthy of a “deer in the headlights” Charlie Hebdo cartoon.

In the wake of the attacks, those establishments went into full denial mode. They repaired to the Club of Denial for a sleep-over.

They’ve had time to sleep on the event, recover from the trauma, regain their composure, and in the morning, issue in their grogginess hysterical, astonishing denials that the three individuals responsible for machine gunning the staff of the satirical magazine to revenge the “Prophet” had nothing to do with Islam, or that Islam had nothing to do with the attack. They haven’t got that straight yet. One almost expects them to claim that the three Muslims were renegade Quakers who were really upset at Charlie Hebdo over its impiety. They dressed like terrorists and spoke Arabic just to fool everyone.


Actually, these comrades in Soviet army hats are not really members of the People’s Cube, nor have they ever been. Instead, this is the most acute case of “life imitating the People’s Cube” we’ve seen so far, especially that it happened almost simultaneously with our very own scheduled Show Trial and Raffle.

A few days ago, on January 5th, in St. Louis, Mo, a group of comrades wearing Russian fur hats with Red Army insignia (complete with red stars and hammer’n’sickles) held a People’s Grand Jury, with live broadcast, in which they unanimously denounced the State Prosecutor for being the imperialist running pig-dog, and, after one hour of selective and one-sided debate found the kriminal kop Darren Wilson guilty on all trumped-up charges.

“Black People’s Grand Jury” indicts Officer Darren Wilson


Obviously, members of the mock show trial are now in need of mock NKVD officers to escort the convicted enemy of the people to the mock Siberian gulag – or, better yet, stage a mock firing squad.

All is well behind the Irony Curtain, comrades! – See more at:


1. Son of the Chief Rabbi of Tunis among those killed
2. Muslim employee saved Jews during supermarket siege
3. Offensive images The New York Times wasn’t afraid to publish
4. Charlie Hebdo and Kosher terror mentor’s wife lives rent free in UK
5. 40% of all violent racist attacks in France last year were against Jews
6. Some Muslims and Christians adopt the JeSuisJuif hashtag
7. “How dare so many Europeans still wonder why Israel needs to exist”
8. Closed for the first time since the Nazis overran Paris
9. BBC to review Mohammed image ‘ban’
10. 24 front covers from around the world
11. “Islamophobia is a myth”
12. Remembering Ilan Halimi


Family Security Matters
Yesterday over a dozen people were killed and nearly the same number of people were wounded as radical Islamists shot people who expressed an offensive opinion about Mohammed. It was savagery. They killed a wounded police officer who was no further threat to them. Mercy would have dictated leaving him on the street. The true nature of these horrific creatures was revealed when they ended his life. All across the globe Islamists rail in violent response whenever anyone has the temerity to publically criticize their faith or its founder. Christians long ago abandoned violence as a solution to disagreement. When will the radicals do so?

Let’s be clear – I’m not a big fan of ethnic jokes, hurtful cartoons against God – regardless whose deity it is, or religious lampooning. But I’m even less a fan of censorship or violence against people with whom I or a group disagree. I’m an educated woman; there are other ways! Recently at a cocktail party one of the guests started making a derogatory comment about Jesus; I quickly, firmly, but politely stopped the woman in her tracks, without having to involve any of my weapons, let alone the handy corkscrew. It can be done. You can stay “stop” or offer a counterpoint without involving bloodshed or the coroner’s office. Note to thin skinned radicals – it’s a cartoon, an opinion, a sound-bite. Offensive, maybe; But get over it!

Paris Attacks Confirm Fallaci’s Islam Insights : Enza Ferreri

These are some of the things that Oriana Fallaci wrote after 9/11. So little has changed that she could have written them now, after the Paris attacks, which also confirm how right she was.

The enemy is in our home

The canard of “moderate” Islam, the comedy of tolerance, the lie of the integration, the farce of multiculturalism continue. And with that, the attempt to make us believe that the enemy consists of a small minority and that small minority lives in distant countries. Well, the enemy is not a small minority. And he’s in our home. He’s an enemy that at first glance does not look like an enemy. Without a beard, dressed in Western fashion, and according to his accomplices in good or bad faith perfectly-assimilated-into-our-social-system. That is, with a residence permit. With the car. With family. Never mind if the family is often made up of two or three wives, never mind if the wife or wives are constantly beaten up, if he sometimes kills his blue-jeans-wearing daughter, if sometimes his son rapes the 15-year-old Bolognese girl walking in the park with her boyfriend. He is an enemy that we treat as a friend. Who nevertheless hates and despise us with intensity. An enemy whom in the name of humanitarianism and political asylum we welcome in thousands at a time, even though the reception centres are overflowing, bursting, and we no longer know where to put him. An enemy whom, in the name of “necessity” (but what necessity, the necessity to fill our streets with peddlers and drug dealers?), we invite through the Olympus of the Constitution. “Come, dear, come. We need you so much.” An enemy who turns mosques into barracks, training camps, recruitment centres for terrorists, and who blindly obeys the imam. An enemy who, thanks to the free movement required by the Schengen Agreement, roams at will across Eurabia, so that to go from London to Marseille, from Cologne to Milan or vice versa he doesn’t have to produce any documents. He can be a terrorist who moves around to organise or put into effect a massacre, he can carry all the explosives he wants: no one stops him, no one touches him.

Media Plays Down Paris Kosher Pogrom: Robin Shepherd….See note please

Perhaps we should call this a jihad because Pogroms occurred when locals in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine etc. needed to raise a little Jew hatred and were indulged and participated in by the local police and neighbors….In France this week it was all Islam perpetrated as part of their ideology of Jihad….rsk
The vile anti-Semitic pogrom at a Paris Kosher supermarket on Friday is being dramatically downplayed by a politically correct mainstream media that cannot handle the reality of widespread Jew-hatred among Islamists.

Barely had the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo taken place on Wednesday than the mainstream media nailed the motivation of the attackers. This was a terror attack by Islamists opposed to a satirical outlet that had offended the sensitivities of Muslims by holding Mohammed up to ridicule.

There was more to say, of course, but, in a nutshell, they’d conveyed the right message.

Contrast that with reporting during and immediately after the massacre at a Jewish supermarket on Friday, again by Islamists. The contrast is easy because there has so far been no explanation whatsoever. The truth, of course, is that the Kosher supermarket was attacked solely because it was a kosher supermarket.

Put another way, it was attacked because it was Jewish.

Who Derailed Middle East Peace? Ross and Obama Should Look in the Mirror. Jonathan S. Tobin

On yesterday’s New York Times op-ed page, former veteran State Department Middle East hand Dennis Ross made a strong case for the world to stop “giving the Palestinians a pass” for actions intended to derail the peace process. In doing so Ross is taking up the cudgels for the position of the Obama administration against that of its European allies on the question of tolerating a Palestinian diplomatic offensive at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. Both he and the administration are correct that the Palestinian Authority is sabotaging peace by abandoning negotiations and seeking instead to use international pressure to brand Israel as a pariah. But what Ross leaves out of his argument is as interesting as what he says. The proof that his position is correct lies in the history of his own failures and that of the administrations he served as they wrongly appeased the Palestinians and instead pressured Israel.

In a chance discovery, Israeli scientists have found a treatment to kill deadly bacteria.
· This week’s newsletter features the development of four Israeli cancer treatments
· Israeli surgeons have reconstructed the jaw of an injured Syrian refugee.
· An Israeli microphone enhances a speaker’s voice over any background noise.
· An Israeli CO2-to-fuel reactor has won a World Technology Award.
· Latest IDF recruits include 3 Chinese Jews and a baby saved from terrorists 18 years ago.

Anti-inflammatory treatment may prevent deadly infections. Ben Gurion University researchers have discovered accidentally that alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) could prevent deadly infections in immune system-compromised patients. Lethal bacteria in mice were practically eradicated by AAT therapy within 24 hours.

Wearable technology to analyze Parkinson’s. (Thanks to Israel21c) Intel Israel has developed an advanced analytics platform for researching the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The system can work with smart watches linked to a smartphone and can handle 300 observations per second from each participant.

Teva launches generic antibiotics. Israel’s Teva continues to help keep down US health costs by launching generic versions of two leading antibiotics – Zyvox (linezolid), and Nafcillin – injectable antibiotics for the treatment of severe infections. Teva also has launched a generic blood-pressure treatment.

Nano-particles to attack cancer. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s Quiet Therapeutics has developed “GAGomers,” a new class of nano-particles (coated with glycosaminoglycan, or GAGs, a polysugar) that specifically target tumors and blood cancers based on a biomarker expressed on malignant tissue.

Success in antibody cancer therapy. Israeli biotech Compugen has announced positive initial experimental results for the first two of five of its candidate antibody cancer therapy (ADC) treatments. ADC therapy uses antibodies to target proteins present at high levels in cancer cells, releasing a toxic payload to kill the cells.

Early detection of colon and uterine cancer. A breakthrough by researchers at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem will allow early detection and possible prevention of colon and uterine cancers. They have discovered a genetic mutation that can identify at-risk patients.

Leukemia treatment gets boost. The US FDA and the European Medicines Agency have awarded Israel’s stem cell therapy developer Gamida Cell orphan status for its NiCord leukemia treatment. NiCord treats acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and myelodysplastic syndrome.


Tablets let bedridden kids “attend” school. Samsung and Israeli e-book firm E-vrit have teamed up to enable long-term hospital patients keep up with their classmates. Children at Israel’s Schneider hospital will receive a Samsung tablet, including E-vrit’s software and e-books, connected to the hospital’s learning center.

IDF helps PA combat the snow. Following a request by the Palestinian Authority, Israeli Defense Forces have been helping to clear snow blocking roads to the PA city of Ramallah. Other specific incidents included helping to clear flooding in Tulkarem and helping a Palestinian Arab push his taxi out of frozen mud.,7340,L-4613096,00.html

Israeli surgeons reconstruct Syrian’s jaw. A 23-year-old Syrian citizen arrived in Israel for treatment after a bullet completely destroyed his lower jaw. Doctors at Haifa’s Rambam hospital implanted a custom-made 3D-printed titanium jaw in a pioneering new operation. One day after surgery, the patient was eating and speaking.

Israel inaugurates farm in Senegal. The Israeli embassy in Senegal has inaugurated a drip-irrigated vegetable farm in the city of Fatick. It is being managed by a group of Senegalese women. The innovative Israeli program has been vital for fighting poverty in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan African country.

Brazil delegation in Israel to train in Krav Maga. Israel’s Kobi Lichtenstein is South America’s guru of 10,000 students of the Israeli self-defense art of Krav Maga. There are over 150 Krav Maga centers in the continent. Kobi has brought two Krav Maga missions from Brazil to train at Masada, in Tiberias and Netanya.

Helping New York tap into Israeli entrepreneurial ecosystem. (Thanks to Israel21c) Former Israeli paratrooper Lior Vaknin founded Israeli Startups NYC, which now has a 2000 membership. 200 attended its recent startup pitch night and panel discussion entitled “How to Build a $100 Million Business.”


Making your voice heard. Communications giant Motorola has invested in Israeli start-up VocalZoom, which has developed an optoelectronic microphone able to substantially enhance a speaker’s voice over any background noise. The technology creates a “virtual cube” in space, sensing sound from only within the cube.

A vegetable garden on your wall. (Thanks to Israel21c) With limited available space you can still grow sufficient vegetables to feed yourself wherever you live, thanks to the vertical gardens technology of Israel’s GreenWall. Around 100 living walls have been installed in Israel. Prices start at $800.

Israel’s solar-panel dry-cleaning robots. (Thanks to Nevet – A comprehensive report about the robots, built by Israeli startup Ecoppia. They clean solar panels in the desert (without water) to keep them in the most efficient condition.

Sensors to save energy. Ben Gurion University students have developed a climate-controlled location-based air conditioning system using real-time sensors with an infrared and depth perception camera. It activates when a person enters the room, turns off when the person leaves, and tracks the temperature throughout the location.

Israeli ingenuity on display at CES. Some of Israel’s most innovative startups are on display at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. They include ZuTA Labs’ Mini Mobile Robotic Printer, Lexifone’s language translator and uMoove’s app that tracks eye movements to detect neurological problems.

Detecting water leaks. Over 30 percent of the fresh water supplied by the world’s water utilities is lost through leaking pipes. The systems developed by Israel’s TaKaDu detect leaks and are saving billions of liters of water all over the world. And yet there are still some utilities that believe it’s impossible!

World Technology Awards winner. Israel’s NewCO2Fuels (NCF) won the 2014 World Technology Award in the Corporate Energy category. NCF is developing a reactor to convert Carbon Dioxide into fuel.

Non-toxic control of insect pests. Israel’s EdenShield uses natural desert plant extracts that mask the odor of crops and fools insects that prey on the crops. EdenShield has just raised over $1million to expand operations.


Israeli diamonds still sparkle. Israel’s exports of polished and rough diamonds rose by more than $175 million in 2014. Net exports of polished diamonds totaled $6.269 billion and rough diamonds $3.061 billion.

El Al starts Tel Aviv to Boston service. Israel’s El Al airline has begun selling tickets for its new route from Tel Aviv to Boston Logan International airport. Boston is a popular business destination.

More Israeli firefighting aircraft. Israel’s Ministry of Defense is buying six new firefighting aircraft to add to its eight-plane squadron. The US Air Tractor planes will be upgraded and maintained by Israel’s Elbit Systems.

Water for Taiwan. Taiwan and Israel held a seminar in Taipei aimed at seeking closer cooperation in the area of water resources management. Israeli companies gave presentations of their products and solutions on waste waster treatment, water quality control and reducing leaks.

Stronger ties with Japan. The Israeli cabinet approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s program to strengthen economic ties with Japan. The comprehensive plan involves several areas of government and the investment of tens of millions of shekels over the next three years.

Chinese invest in new Israeli biotechs. (Thanks to Globes & CFHU) A Chinese investment company has placed $3million in Integra Holdings – the biotechnology holdings company of Yissum, the technology transfer company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It will fund new biotechs founded by the Hebrew University.

Buying into Israel’s future. Morton Mandel invests in Israeli firms as a way of building up the Jewish state. His aim is to “buy more companies that are not doing well and fix them up” for a better, stronger, healthier Israel. He also runs leadership-training programs to unlock the talents of the ultra-Orthodox community.


Restoring Jerusalem’s “Great Synagogue”. Yaakov Stark’s early-20th Century murals at Jerusalem’s Ades Synagogue (called with affection the “Great Synagogue”) are a masterpiece of early Zionist art, mixing Arabic calligraphy with Art Nouveau. This article describes the battle to save this heritage of Syrian Jewry.

Tel Aviv Port – 4 million visitors a year. If you haven’t been to Tel Aviv Port’s entertainment hub along the Mediterranean Sea lately, watch this new video to see why it’s time for another visit. More than four million visitors each year enjoy its eateries, coffee shops, stores, clubs and the Friday farmers’ market.

Atletico Madrid has Israeli sponsor. Israeli online trading provider Plus500 will feature on the back of the shirts of Spanish soccer champions Atletico Madrid. Plus500’s platform is based on proprietary technology, is accessible from multiple operating systems and has been translated into over 31 languages.


Kuwaiti Muslim is now an Israeli Jew. After years of being educated to hate Jews, Mumtaz Halawa was shocked to learn he is Jewish. He changed his name to Mordechai, moved from Kuwait to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. ‘I feel like Abraham,’ he says.,7340,L-4599670,00.html

Israeli police rescue faun from poachers. As Israeli police were uncovering a weapons and drugs cache in Hebron, they heard noises and found a baby faun (a protected species) chained up inside a barrel. The faun was transferred to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo for medical treatment. The poachers were arrested.,7340,L-4610767,00.html

From China to the IDF. Moshe Li, Gideon Fan and Yonatan Xue are the first Jews from the Chinese Kaifeng community to enlist in the IDF. All three were born in the ancient Jewish community in Kaifeng. They immigrated to Israel some five years ago and recently completed their conversion and naturalization processes.,7340,L-4596568,00.html

Baby Shani is now 18 years old. Shani Winter was only 6 months old when her mother was killed while shielding her daughter with her body from a terrorist bomb in Tel Aviv. 18 years later, the policewoman who carried Shani from the wreckage is accompanied her as she joined the Israeli army.

Jump in – the water is warm! LiAmi Lawrence just made Aliya and he encourages others to do likewise.

But wait until the snow clears! Wintry weather has covered Jerusalem and Northern Israel in a white blanket.,7340,L-4613162,00.html

“From Time Immemorial” lives on. Former CBS news producer and renowned author on the subject of the Arab-Israeli conflict Joan Peters has died at the age of 76 but her unique legacy remains. Her book “From Time Immemorial” analyzes thousands of British Mandate records that document the true history of pre-state Israel.

Charlie, Muhammad, and the Saudi 1000 Lashes of Raif Badawi by Denis MacEoin

“My commitment is… to reject any repression in the name of religion… a goal we will reach in a peaceful and law-abiding way.” — Raif Badawi.

If he ever leaves prison, his life will have been destroyed — by voyeurs as sexually twisted as those of ancient Rome.

“Our Prophet,” Malik said, “would have been crystal clear and unequivocal in condemning [the Charlie Hebdo massacre]. But his statement points out why there is a problem. Malik was — quite innocently, I am sure — completely wrong. Muhammad did the same thing – many, many times.

Today we all are Charlie, and we are all Raif.

His first 50 lashes were administered Friday. After the noon prayers, outside the mosque, Saudi writer and blogger Raif Badawi, 30, received a sentence perhaps worse than death. Accused of “insulting Islam,” he is to receive 1000 lashes: 50 per week for 20 weeks — nearly half a year. “The lashing order says Raif should ‘be lashed very severely,'” a twitter notice read. “If they lash him again next week we do not know if he is going to survive. He has no medical assistance,” another notice said.

Paris: Grand Mosque Open, Grand Synagogue Closed by Lawrence A. Franklin

What did the shoppers in a Jewish supermarket, four of whom were slaughtered, have to do with the cartoon images of Mohammad?

In light of all the expressed concern about possible anti-Muslim incidents, claims on television that “Muslims are the most persecuted people” seemed jarring and wrong.

Perhaps they should have spent a little time reporting on the anti-Jewish rioting that took place in the heavily Muslim neighborhood of Trappes, a suburb of Paris?

A seemingly required inclusion in most reports on the recent mass murder in Paris was the rhetorical question posed by reporters has been: “Will these events invite a wave of anti-Muslim incidents”? Since these Islam-inspired murders, however, there have been only a few anti-Muslim actions — all against property.

Under-reported, however, was how rapidly the assault against Charlie Hebdo migrated into an anti-Jewish mini-pogrom in the heart of Paris. What did shoppers in a kosher market, four of whom were slaughtered, have to do with the cartoon images of Mohammad? Nothing. But the assault on the HyperCacher Jewish kosher supermarket has a lot to do with the true nature of Islamic militancy.