Ex-Muslim Girlfriend of Murdered Hebdo Cartoonist, “No Moderate Islam” By Daniel Greenfield

Jeannette Bougrab was the girlfriend of Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief Stéphane “Charb” Charbonnier and she spoke out about the murders.

In emotional interviews, 41-year-old Jeannette Bougrab said: ‘I always knew he was going to die like Theo Van Gogh (the Dutch cartoonist murdered in 2004).’

‘I begged him to leave France but he wouldn’t. My companion is dead because he drew in a newspaper.’

Miss Bougrab, who had lived with Charb and her adopted daughter May for three years, added sadly: ‘He never had children because he knew he was going to die. He lived without fear, but he knew he would die.’

Proudly, Bougrab added: ‘He died standing.

‘He defended secularism. He defended the spirit of Voltaire. He, in fact, was really the fruit of this ideal of the Republic that we’ve almost forgotten.

‘He died, executed with his comrades, as he would say.’

Bougrab, a member of the French National Council of State who served under Nicolas Sarkozy’s administration has been described as a ‘hard secularist’.


Why Is The West Always Shocked?

9/11 happens in America & the Americans
are shocked.

7/11 happens in Britain & the Brits
are shocked.

Attacks happen in Madrid & the Spanish
are shocked.

Attacks happen in Australia & the Australians
are shocked.

Attacks happen in Canada & the Canadians
are shocked.

Attacks happen in France & the French
are shocked.

Attacks have been happening in Israel for decades &
the world yawns.

Notice a problem here?

Who Is To Blame for the Paris Slaughter? Yes, the Terrorists Were the Principal Culprits, but There is Other Guilt to be Apportioned. By Andrew C. McCarthy

“Don’t tell me about how Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama “condemn terrorism in the strongest possible terms.” They “condemn” it in the most vapid words. Islamic-supremacists don’t hear the words. They hear the groveling.”

If constitutional constraints and Western tradition won’t abide laws that bar speaking against Islam, then we’ll just have to rely on extortion. On that, Hillary Clinton and Anjem Choudary could not have been clearer, or more in sync.

Mr. Choudary argued the case as an Islamic-supremacist imam from Britain — one who makes no bones about his desire that sharia, Islam’s repressive legal code, be imposed throughout the West, very much including America.

Mrs. Clinton argued the case as America’s secretary of state.

Against that backdrop, we consider this week’s carnage in Paris: A savage exercise in extortion for the precise purpose of suppressing free speech derisive of Islam — not just silencing Charlie Hebdo with extreme prejudice but making the satirical magazine a chilling example of what happens when Islamic supremacists are crossed.


P.S. Apart from readers of Trollope, who often refers to “hebdomadal”
(i.e., weekly) church occasions, how many people do you suppose know what
“this is how the world ends…”

–T. S. Eliot
On Thursday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest announced that the
Obama administration would “prioritize” fighting Islamophobia in the
aftermath of the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in France….

The real problem, according to the Obama administration, is lack of
leadership in defending Islam:

On and off Campus, AEPi Brothers Have Got Israel’s Back : Matt Lebovic

Overtly Zionist, the Jewish fraternity is increasingly a target of
anti-Semitic attacks at colleges
BOSTON – You’re organizing a pro-Israel event at Boston’s Northeastern
University with a panel featuring six members of the Jewish state’s
parliament who have been flown in for a speaking tour.

A few days before the event, social media starts buzzing about an
anti-Israel demonstration planned by Students for Justice in Palestine
(SJP), to take place before and during your Knesset members’ event. In
addition to its colorful chants about Israelis as genocidal baby
killers, SJP is known for constructing “Israeli apartheid walls” on
campuses around the globe.

As an organizer of the high-profile MKs’ event, where do you turn for help?



New Israeli Cancer Vaccine Triggers Response In 90% Of Cancer Types

There’s no doubt that cancer is one of the world’s most vicious
diseases. For decades, scientists have been trying to find a cure for
cancer, a terminal illness that kills 8 million people worldwide every
year. With 14 million new cancer cases diagnosed around the globe
every year, according to the World Health Organization, the need for
prevention is vital. Now, an Israeli biotechnology company is
developing a vaccine for cancer, which is not designed to treat the
disease – but to prevent it from returning.

Brendan O’Neill In Solidarity with Charlie Hebdo: Fight for the Right to be Offensive

Today is a dark day for Europe. The barbaric assault on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is an attack most immediately on the journalists and cartoonists who worked there, 12 of whom are dead, executed in cold blood for the ‘crime’ of saying what they think. But this horrific act was also an attack on Europe itself, on all of us, on our fundamental right to freedom of thought and speech. None of us can feel the pain currently being felt by the friends and families of the murdered journalists and illustrators – but all of us should feel assaulted by this massacre, for it is designed to chill us and make us cower, to make us censor ourselves or else suffer the consequences.

Western Civilization is Under Assault and Bowing is not a Solution: Sarah Stern

As we in the United States sat in horror, watching the views of a dozen people mowed down by Islamic gunmen in the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine, we were confronted once again, with the stark fact that there is a civilizational clash between Western liberal democracies and the world of Islamism.

Many of us first became aware of the disproportionate extent of rage that the Islamists have over any depiction of their prophet in 1988, when Salman Rushdie first published his Satanic Verses. This fictionalized account of the prophet Mohammed led to a fatwa calling for his assassination, bringing the writer into hiding for most of his life. This was the opening salvo on our Western freedoms, fired from Tehran, by none other than the Iranian Supreme leader, the late Ayatollah Rouhella Khomeini on Feb. 14, 1989.

Christians Burned Alive Muslim: Persecution of Christians, November 2014 by Raymond Ibrahim

“They picked them up by their arms and legs and held them over the brick furnace until their clothes caught fire. And then they threw them [alive] inside the furnace.” — Javeed Maseeh, family spokesman, concerning a Christian couple in Pakistan murdered on rumors they had burned verses from the Qur’an.

“I would appeal to your honor to put pressure on the government of Pakistan to end misuse of blasphemy laws against Christians, Ahmadiyyia and other religious minorities and condition US Aid on human rights and repeal of blasphemy laws.” — From a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama by Dr. Nazir S. Bhutti, President of the Pakistan Christian Congress, expressing surprise that the U.S. did not even bother to condemn the burning of Christians alive.

East Jerusalem: Despite constant and ever bolder attacks on a church, police refuse to respond to pleas for help from the Christian congregation.


It’s not about free speech
On Thursday evening, three Israeli cartoonists were interviewed on the evening news about their art, which involves the figurative “slaughter of sacred cows.”

The item was one of many references to Wednesday’s literal slaughter of two policemen and 10 journalists, among them cartoonists, at the Paris weekly Charlie Hebdo.

The questions, put by Channel 2’s Yonatan Riger to Amos Biderman, Ze’ev Engelmeyer and Daniela London-Dekel — each well-known for pictorial editorials on societal, political and religious ills — centered on three main issues: whether their often antagonistic caricatures ever cause them to fear for their lives; whether there is such a thing as taking free speech too far; and whether they would dare spoof Islam today.

Their responses were as telling as they were predictable.

“Would you draw Muhammad?” Riger asked London-Dekel.