Among the many lies and failures of Barack Obama, ultimately the most dangerous, the most lethal for humanity, is his meretricious and pathetic pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran. In negotiation, Obama and his minions have been treating the mullahs as if they were the leaders of Denmark, even to the point of sending fawning multiple mailings to Ayatollah Khamenei, as absurd an approach as it is asinine.
If Obama really wanted a deal, he would have gone about it in a very different manner, strengthening sanctions rather than weakening them, treating the mullahs as the autocratic religious fanatics that they are. What Obama seems to want instead is the appearance that he seeks to deprive Iran of the bomb, not the actual result. (He may even want the reverse, unconsciously or even semi-consciously. That would be more in line with his anti-imperialist views.)
Sunday evening, a day in advance of the conclusion of this round of talks, the AP [1] is already reporting the “shocking” news that U.S. negotiators are floating yet another extension to the Iranians. The Wall Street Journal similarly posted “No Iran Deal Seen by Monday” [2] later in the evening. This is such a predictable end to the hapless negotiations I imagine London bookmakers wouldn’t even have offered a hundred-to-one against it, maybe not a thousand to one. Betting on the West would have been like betting on a horse with two broken legs and heart condition. It is clear the Iranian leadership is getting precisely what they wanted yet again — more time to build a bomb and improve their nuclear delivery capabilities, including ICBMs, which have no other use other than for nuclear attack. (Note for those who still think this is all about Israel. The Iranians do not need ICBMs to reach Israel. They would be for other purposes.) Meanwhile, the Iranians continue their work on the plutonium-producing Arak facility and on stockpiling low-enriched uranium in oxide form. Undoubtedly, they are up to a whole lot more than that we don’t know about. They allow the IAEA to see exactly what they permit and nothing more. Everything is under their control — or at least the ayatollah’s control.
One of the more interesting passages of the WSJ report is as follows:
U.S., European and Iranian officials said they have made progress over the past year in negotiations that have crisscrossed the world from Oman to New York. But Obama administration officials increasingly are questioning whether Iran’s most powerful political player, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has empowered Mr. Zarif and other negotiators to make the necessary concessions for a deal. Mr. Zarif has repeatedly said he’s empowered to negotiate but that Mr. Khamenei is the ultimate decision maker.
Just now they are questioning this? It would have seemed elementary from the outset to anyone paying the slightest attention to how the Islamic Republic of Iran works and always has since 1979 without interruption. Only a narcissist like Obama could think otherwise, think that his force of personality could overcome Khomeinist Shiite ideology.