“This is not the same industry we had 15 years ago,” Natural Gas Supply Association VP Jennifer Fordham said recently. That’s an understatement. The oil, petrochemical and manufacturing industries are also far different from those of 15 years ago. Together, they’ve created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and generated countless billions of dollars in economic activity. No thanks to the Obama Administration.

From EPA to Interior and even the Energy Department, the Administration continues to display a strong animosity toward fossil fuels. Its war on coal has hounded mines, power plants, jobs and communities. Its opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline has thwarted the creation of tens of thousands of construction jobs. Its bans on leasing, drilling and hydraulic fracturing on federal onshore and offshore lands have caused a 6% drop in oil production from those lands and a 28% plunge in natural gas output – costing thousands of jobs and tens of billions in bonus, rent, royalty and tax revenues to the U.S. Treasury.

Nevertheless, you’d think Obama regulators and policy makers would support natural gas pipelines. Even the Sierra Club promoted this fuel as a “clean alternative to coal” just a couple years ago. But no.

The fracking revolution on America’s state and private lands has unleashed a gusher of mammoth proportions. In just six years, 2008-2014, it has generated a 58% increase in oil production (from 5 million to 8 million barrels per day) – and a 21% rise in natural gas production. By the end of this year, U.S. crude oil production is projected to reach 9 million bpd. In the Marcellus Shale region, gas production is expected to reach 16 billion cubic feet a day, twice the volume of only two years ago.

However, this miraculous cornucopia is overwhelming the nation’s existing delivery systems and, far from striving to eliminate the bottleneck, the Obama Administration is creating new ones.

Not having the Keystone pipeline to transport Upper Midwest crude to refineries has forced oil companies to move that oil by train. Rail accidents have caused spills and deaths, but the regulatory focus has been on stronger tanker cars, with insufficient attention paid to track maintenance and safety – or pipelines.

Insufficient natural gas pipelines mean producers cannot deliver this vital fuel to homes, hospitals, factories and electricity generating plants, or to petrochemical plants that use it as a feed stock for literally thousands of products. Pipeline companies are clamoring for construction permits.

“We Need Your Head”: Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2014 by Raymond Ibrahim

“The United States did not come out to say anything about Boko Haram. They kept talking about economic problem. That is not true… The United States deliberately ignored the fundamental issues of religious ideology.” — Nicholas Okoh, Primate, Church of Nigeria

A judge in Iran sentenced a Christian man to have his lips burnt with a cigarette for eating during the day in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

A church member added that members of the Muslim group had said they wanted to transform Uganda into am Islamic nation and would kill anyone who refused to convert.

The purge of ancient Christian communities throughout Iraq that started in June culminated in great intolerance in July.

Among other Islamic attacks, a Christian church that had stood Iraq for 1,800 years — a church that was erected less than 200 years after Christ — was reportedly torched by the Islamic State, according to countless news agencies, including Al Arabiya.

Terrorists Gunning for Egypt, Hamas Aims at West Bank by Yaakov Lappin

Under Hamas’s rule, terrorist groups are trying to acquire a foothold in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

Hamas is also trying to construct terror cells in the West Bank.

Hamas’s dark influence is… starting a new countdown to the next showdown.

Under Hamas’s rule, terrorist groups in Gaza are currently trying to acquire a foothold in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, and Hamas is trying daily to resurface in West Bank.

Recent events in Sinai have placed Hamas on a collision course with Egypt, and threaten further instability in the region.

Egypt finds itself threatened by Al-Qaeda-inspired jihadi organizations that use Gaza — under Hamas rule, a nest of weapons and terrorism — as a base of operations.

These jihadi groups often attack the Egyptian state in the Sinai Peninsula, then, with their weapons, move back into Gaza through underground tunnels to escape Egyptian security forces.

Hence, Egypt continues to block underground smuggling passages linking Gaza and Sinai as quickly as it can find them.

On October 24, terrorists launched a major attack in Sinai in coordinated assaults. They targeted Egyptian security personnel in the Al-Arish area of north Sinai, near Gaza. The attack represented a blow to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his quest to stabilize Egypt.


Lawyers for the Obama administration compared Israel’s control of Jerusalem to Russian claims over the Ukrainian territory of Crimea during oral arguments this week before the Supreme Court in a case concerning the rights of U.S. citizens to list Jerusalem as part of Israel on their passports.

U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, who is rumored to be in the running to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, drew the comparison on Monday while he attempted to convince the Supreme Court that Jerusalem is not officially part of Israel.

The controversial case hinges around Menachem Zivotofsky, who was born in Jerusalem in 2002. Zivotofsky’s parents requested that Menachem’s U.S. passport bear “Jerusalem, Israel” as his place of birth, a request that was denied by the Obama administration on the basis of its longstanding policy to not recognize the holy city as part of Israel.

The Zivotofsky family sued following the decision and the case has been stuck in judicial limbo since. The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case and initial arguments by both sides were presented this week.

Obama administration lawyers argue that the case infringes on the president’s executive right to conduct foreign policy. By acknowledging Jerusalem as Israeli territory, the White House would lose its credibility in the peace process, as well as its jurisdiction to manage foreign affairs, the government maintains.

Lawyers for the Zivotofsky family disagree.

Severely Distorted Thinking about the Temple Mount by Arlene Kushner

King Abdullah is shaky on his throne. He is contending with a host of radical forces at his border, thousands of Syrian refugees inside of his border, and pressure from Palestinian Arabs. Thus he plays it in a manner that he believes will best protect him.

And, consequently, Netanyahu has always done a very careful balancing act with Jordan. It is in the Israeli interest that the king should not fall.

With all of this said, however, it is instructive to consider the text of the 1994 Peace Treaty Agreement between Israel and Jordan. With regard to this issue, it says (emphasis added):



1. Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance…

2. In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines. (This has to do with Israel not giving the PA priority on the Mount.)

3. The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

Not only does this not give Jordan great power on the Mount, it would seem that Jordan has been severely remiss in meeting its responsibilities. Freedom of access to places of religious significance? Freedom of religious worship? Well, now.

Housing Minister Uri Ariel (Habayit Hayehudi) has it right:

British Police Failing to Arrest Muslim Sex Offenders By Mark Tapson

Depressing revelations about the sexual abuse of teens and young women in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, England continue to rear their ugly head. Just last week the Freedom Center’s own Robert Spencer wrote about reports that the “sexual exploitation of vulnerable children has become the social norm in some parts of Greater Manchester.” Now the Daily Mail reports that dozens of child sex offenders are still at large there because the police aren’t bothering to arrest them.

In early 2012 nine “Asian” men (the Euro-media’s familiar euphemism for “Muslim”), ages 22 to 59, were convicted of rape and sex trafficking and jailed for a total of 77 years. They had “groomed” vulnerable white girls as young as 13, passed them around the group for sex, and kept the victims quiet with alcohol, food and small sums of money. Even more disgusting was the later revelation that the girls were victims of the grooming gang longer than necessary because police and social workers who were aware of the abuse turned a blind eye to it, rather than clamp down on the mostly Pakistani gang and be accused of racism.

Last Wednesday, Greater Manchester’s Police and Crime Commissioner put forward a report listing a whopping 13,000 cases of child sex abuse in the last six years, of which only 1,078 offenders were convicted. The Commissioner promised to review the unsolved cases of sex abuse allegations, but whistleblower Sara Rowbotham isn’t optimistic that further justice will be served.

According to Rowbotham, a social worker with more than 13 years experience who was responsible for gathering the main evidence in the 2012 Rochdale investigation, the police have put a “cap” on the number of child sex offenders they would arrest for raping and abusing young females. She said that during the 2012 case, police officials became “obsessed” with convicting just nine of the perpetrators, while “limited resources and manpower” resulted in the police allowing many more sex offenders to remain on the loose:

It’s very shocking, but there are dozens of child sex offenders still on the streets because they put a cap on the number of people they would arrest. In the end this was just a tiny proportion of the number of offenders raping and abusing children and they were allowed to escape. But not only did they cap the number of offenders but they also put a ceiling on the number of victims they would interview and proceed with.

Rula Jebreal’s Deceptions About Islam — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s episode of The Glazov Gang was joined by Dr. Mark Christian, the President and Executive Director of the Global Faith Institute. He is the son and nephew of high-ranking leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in his home country of Egypt. A former Islamic Imam who converted from Islam to Christianity, he dedicated his life and work to the proposition that “the first victims of Islam are the Muslim themselves.”

Dr. Christian discussed Rula Jebreal’s Deceptions About Islam, unveiling the falsehoods Jebreal recently uttered on Bill Maher’s program about Islam in her effort to delegitimize the Real Time host’s truth-telling about Islamic terror and tyranny (starts at 9:00 minute mark).

Dr. Christian’s discussion of Jebreal’s falsehoods occurred within his focus on Reza Aslan’s Lies About Islamic Female Genital Mutilation, in which he gave a first-hand and harrowing account about a vicious Islamic crime perpetrated against Muslim girls. He pinpointed the Islamic theology that serves as the buffer to Islamic FGM and shared his own experience as a doctor trying to help the Muslim women who have been victimized by it.

The Democrats Can’t Afford to Lose Israel By Daniel Greenfield

Jewish leftists keep threatening to break up with Israel. They deliver a list of their demands, scribble nasty things about the Jewish State on social media and even write entire books in which they threaten to break up with it for good, but they never actually move on to stalking some other country.

Peter “Crisis of Zionism” Beinart, Jeffrey “Chickens__t” Goldberg act like jealous boyfriends constantly warning Israel that they are about to break up with it.

But the break up never happens. It can’t.

Stalkers use their victims to prop up their shaky identity. Without Israel, Jewish leftists who call themselves liberals become indistinguishable from the generic left.

They can hate Israel, but they can’t let go of it.

Jewish “liberal” support for Israel isn’t fading. The Jewish liberal is becoming less liberal and less Jewish. He is becoming a leftist with a Jewish last name and no amount of Israeli concessions to terrorists will convince Jewish leftists to put their Jewish identity ahead of their leftist politics.

Israel can’t do anything to reverse that trend. Banning more Jews from living in Jerusalem, the latest demand of Obama and J Street, won’t save them from themselves.

This isn’t an Israeli crisis. It’s a crisis of American Jews.

J Street churns out editorials urging Jewish groups to connect with young Jews by bashing Israel. And who better to lecture us on connecting with Jewish youth than an astroturfed organization backed by an 84-year-old Nazi collaborator who called his own mother a Jewish anti-Semite.

The left’s hatred for Israel predated its existence. The left doesn’t hate Israel because of its policies. It hates Jews.



Joni Ernst (R) Challenger

HEALTHCARE Repeal and Replace Obamacare Joni is staunchly opposed to the Obamacare law. Joni supports immediate action to defund Obamacare, repeal it, and replace it with free-market alternatives that put patients first, and healthcare decisions back in the hands of doctors rather than bureaucrats.

SCRAP THE TAX CODE The IRS is a disaster. The greatest nation on earth should not have one of the most predatory, bureaucratic, out of control tax agencies on the planet. Our system is backwards. Joni believes real, fundamental tax reform will require more than tweaks to the tax code. It’s time to scrap it and start over, to make our tax system fairer, flatter, simpler and more certain.

UNITED STATES/ISRAEL PARTNERSHIP Since recognizing Israel’s official founding on May 14, 1948, the bond between the United States and the Jewish State has steadily grown stronger through many historic and turbulent moments, to include the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Six-Day War, and Gulf War to presently underway efforts to downgrade, and ultimately eliminate, the offensive capabilities of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah and to eliminate the regional threat posed by a potentially nuclear Iran. As history has proven time and time again, America has no better friend or more loyal ally than she does with Israel.

Today this strategic alliance has grown well beyond these essential military and intelligence ties to other vital areas such as rapid expansion of trade, cultural exchanges and shared interest in the sciences. What has nourished this growth is the fact that these two powerful nations share the values of democracy, appreciation of free market principles, strict adherence to the rule of law, and culture of innovation.

While over the last few years there has been an unfortunate slight uptick in misguided rhetoric coming from Washington concerning matters related to Israel and her self-interest and security, Joni Ernst believes the United States must remain committed to growing and nurturing this relationship in a host of ways, including the continuation of aid programs, sharing of intelligence, close coordination on foreign policy relating to strategic international and regional importance, and extension of a mutually-beneficial and growing trade relationship.

As a soldier who has commanded an Army unit in the Middle East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and current Lt. Colonel in the Iowa National Guard, Joni Ernst looks at the U.S.-Israeli relationship not only through the standard foreign policy and national security prism, but also from an on-the-ground, military readiness and capabilities standpoint. And as the next United States Senator from Iowa, she will enthusiastically fight to expand the bond that exists between these two partners while prioritizing efforts aimed at strengthening the only democracy in the Middle East with a recognition that doing so will preserve the safety and security of both America and Israel for generations to come.

Republicans Conquer the Senate By Matthew Vadum

Republicans wrested control of the U.S. Senate from Democrats last night, setting the stage for potentially dramatic legislative showdowns with President Obama during the final two years of his already-catastrophic presidency.

After a GOP electoral wave wiped out several Democratic senators who supported Obamacare, around 11:15 p.m. Eastern time major media outlets projected Republicans would hold at least 51 seats in the Senate in January. In the approaching 114th Congress both chambers will be under GOP control and in a position to hinder Obama’s agenda if lawmakers so choose. It also clears the way for Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to become the Senate’s first Republican majority leader since Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) left the post at the beginning of 2007.

The first big confrontation between Obama and Congress, a massively unpopular immigration amnesty that could trigger a major constitutional crisis, is already on its way. Several hours before the first polls closed in the East, ABC News reported that White House officials said the president would move forward with an executive order on immigration reform “no matter how big a shellacking Democrats” got Tuesday.

And what a shellacking Democrats received.

In Arkansas challenger Tom Cotton (R) picked off incumbent Mark Pryor (D). In Colorado Cory Gardner (R) defeated incumbent Mark Udall (D).

In Georgia, David Perdue (R) dispatched Michelle Nunn (D). Perdue garnered more than 50 percent of the vote, thereby avoiding a runoff election. The seat is currently held by retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R).

In Iowa Joni Ernst (R) triumphed over Bruce Braley (D), a sitting congressman. The seat is now held by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin (D). In Kansas, incumbent Pat Roberts (R) beat back a fierce challenge from Greg Orman, an Independent with close ties to Democrats.

In the Bluegrass State, incumbent Mitch McConnell (R) easily bested challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes (D), Kentucky’s current secretary of state. Grimes refused in the closing days of the campaign to say if she voted for Obama for president.

In Montana Steve Daines (R) defeated extreme-left candidate Amanda Curtis (D). The seat is now held by John Walsh (D) who was embroiled in a plagiarism scandal.

Incumbent Jeanne Shaheen (D) in New Hampshire fended off a challenge from Scott Brown (R) who represented Massachusetts in the Senate from 2010 to 2013.

North Carolina incumbent Kay Hagan (D) was taken out by Thom Tillis (R). South Carolina’s Tim Scott (R) triumphed over Joyce Dickerson (D) to become the first popularly elected black senator in the South elected since Reconstruction.

In West Virginia U.S. Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (R) beat Natalie Tennant (D) to take the seat of retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D).