In Herman Melville’s classic story “Billy Budd,” the narrator ponders what could be the matter with the master-at-arms “who has an animus toward the young seaman known as Billy Budd.” Therein ensues a discussion about “natural depravity: a depravity according to nature.” Thus, “one who has this natural depravity can be described as having an
…even temper and discreet bearing [which] would seem to intimate a mind peculiarly subject to the law of reason, not the less in heart he would seem to riot in complete exemption from that law, having apparently little to do with reason [other] than to employ it as an ambidexter [deceitful method of pretending to be rational, but actually double dealing] … for effecting the irrational.
…toward the accomplishment of an aim which in wantonness of atrocity would seem to partake of the insane, he will direct a cool judgment sagacious and
sound. These men are madmen, and of the most dangerous sort, for their lunacy is not continuous, but occasional, evoked by some special object; it is protectively secretive, which is as much as to say it is self contained, so that when, moreover most active it is to the average mind not distinguishable from sanity, and for the reason above suggested: that whatever [its] aims may be–and the aim is never declared–the method and the outward proceeding are always perfectly rational.
The narrator ends this philosophizing with the caveat that this “mania of an evil nature, not engendered by vicious training or corrupting books or licentious living, but born with him and innate, [is] in short ‘a depravity according to nature.'”
Does this “natural depravity” describe Barack Hussein Obama? Repeatedly, the notion that there is something wrong with Obama emerges among those who attempt to analyze this man. His claim that “we [were] only five days away from transforming America” never actually spelled out what this transformation would look like. His assertion of being the most transparent administration is another empty and unmet promise. Like a snake, he slithers into comfortable camouflage as he and “his team have always had an allergic reaction to being placed on an ideological spectrum with any more precision than that he is a pragmatic progressive.”
Obama and his slavish media pride themselves on presenting him as “cool.” He will not be brought down by any such negative virtue as drinking too much; and certainly scandals that bring to mind Clinton’s dalliances would never be part of Obama’s playbook. In short, “the depravity here meant partakes nothing of the sordid or sensual” as Melville’s narrator explains. Even Obama’s days of drugs and partying are casually shrugged away as being “hip” back in the day.