Breaking news: terrorists kill people!After playing ‘useful idiots’ to Islamist propaganda emanating from Gaza, Western politicians and mainstream ‘journalists’ were suddenly sent into a frenzy by a gruesome video showing yet another jihadist ‘executing’ an American hostage – who happened to be a journalist himself. Leaving aside the ‘execution method’ (which is nothing new either, beheading is being practiced on a large scale by the ‘Western-friendly’ Saudi monarchy), what’s the surprise here? Breaking news, folks: from Munich 1972 to Karachi 2002 to Gaza 2014, that’s what terrorists do: they kidnap and murder people, in order to generate terror. That’s why they’re called terrorists (by persons equipped with moral compass; confused and confusing media outlets such as the BBC call them ‘militants’ – as if they marched in protests and chanted slogans, rather than slaughtering innocent people).
Terrorist holding hostage Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics “Ap munich905 t” by Russell McPhedran – © 1972 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under Fair use of copyrighted material in the context of Munich massacre via Wikipedia –
Terrorist holding hostage Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. All 11 hostages were killed.
(“Ap munich905 t” by Russell McPhedran – © 1972 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under Fair use of copyrighted material in the context of Munich massacre via Wikipedia)
In that particular video, the executioner happened to sport a British accent. Well, surely it should not come as a surprise to anyone (not after 7/7, the murder of Lee Rigby, etc. etc. etc.) that the ranks of the terrorists include Western jihadis. Across Europe, hundreds of young Muslims (born and bred in the democratic West) are joining ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra and other terrorist outfits. MI5 thinks they constitute 10% of the foreign ‘fighters’ in Syria and Iraq.
It’s not the poverty
Hamas terrorists ‘execute collaborators’ in Gaza City (photo: Fox News, free to use & share, even commercially)
Hamas terrorists ‘execute collaborators’ in Gaza City (photo: Fox News, free to use & share, even commercially)
But for some ‘journalists’, this does not change the pre-conceived script. Or rather, the script dictated by their own blind and rigid ideological line – so blind and rigid that it looms completely opaque between their cognisance and the reality in front of their very eyes. That ideological line, a nauseating mixture of neo-Marxism and crypto-racism (I call it Marxist racism), asserts that misbehaviour is simply generated by socio-economic factors; and – in the mind of these neo-Marxist-racists – if one is not ‘white British’, one is by definition poor and frustrated.
Take, for instance, a certain Anna Holligan, employed – surprise-surprise! – by good ol’ BBC. Just a few days ago, she wrote about concerns in the Netherlands:
More than 100 Dutch citizens are thought to be fighting for various groups in Syria and Iraq, and hundreds more have been identified as potential jihadists.
These are the facts. But then comes the analysis. The ideology-tainted ‘analysis’:
Many young Muslims are struggling to find work and acceptance in the Netherlands, he tells me. The promise of a glorified existence extolled by radical preachers resonates with the vulnerable and disaffected. While there is little appetite for the bloodthirsty approach espoused by Islamic State militants, the idea of going to defend fellow Muslims appears to be compelling for some young people who lack hope at home but see potential abroad.