About That Kamala Harris Ad


Kamala Harris’ first presidential campaign ad focuses on “freedom.” This might be the most absurd political claim in our lifetimes. The Democratic Party is not interested in liberty. It is concerned with nothing more than expanding its power.

When Harris says in her ad “We choose freedom,” what liberties is she referring to? She never says. Because she can’t. She mentions a few examples – the freedom to “get ahead” and to “be safe from gun violence” – and both are meaningless.

The first “freedoms” is part of our American DNA. What has kept people from getting ahead is a federal, state, and local government framework, whose foundation was laid by Democrat Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, then reinforced in the mid-1960s by Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty. It is a leviathan that intrudes remorselessly into private matters and over-regulates what should be the free flow of commerce.

Can Harris or any of her defenders point to a single example in which she has fought for deregulation to help Americans “get ahead”? For authentic economic liberty? For individualism? For freedom from government?

The second is simply nonsensical in terms of liberty. True freedom is independence, unrestricted choice to live our lives as we wish without violating the freedom of others, the absence of government interference.

US Elections: The Third Party Isn’t on the Ticket by Amir Taheri


One of the dangers that democracies face is that of the machinery of government morphing into a political party with its own culture, traditions, methods and, needless to say, interests — above all that of self-perpetuation. Thus, the US has a third, invisible party, besides the Republicans and Democrats.

That Mandarinate is especially well-entrenched in the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury and, more importantly, the judiciary.

It also has well-established, at times incestuous, relations with lobbyists, single-issue activist groups, universities with their tenured academics, and think tanks with rotating doors to government departments and the media.

The Mandarinate maintains close ties with those unmovable, effectively tenured members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Conspiracy theorists refer to this Mandarinate as “the deep state”.

However, what we are dealing with isn’t the product of a conspiracy by a cabal in a black chamber. It is the organic product of a system in which democracy is reduced to elections, and elections reduced to a beauty contest, just as a set of rituals is often marketed as a religion.

Winning an election is an art; governing is quite a different one.

[T]he closer the decision-making process is to those affected, the stronger a democracy is.

Rebalancing power between Washington and the states has been an issue since the end of the Civil War.

While the two candidates fire abuse at one another, the voter isn’t told what they actually mean to do about cracks in the structures of world order, the war in Ukraine, China as a threat or a rival, the exponential rise of anti-Semitic activities and the deepening of incivility in public life.

Michael Brendan Dougherty:American Life under Liberal Conformism


News organizations are actively engaging in exactly the practice carried out by Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-Four, memory-holing their previous publications to fit the new party line. Kamala Harris was never a border czar; that’s right-wing disinformation now. All previous references to her being the border czar, an unofficial title and real role given to her by Biden and his close advisers to humiliate and embarrass her, have been duly erased. And while we’re at it, how about a round of applause for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the astounding unity of the Democratic Party! We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

Liberal groupthink is the most important factor in the general-opinion environment and has been for all my life. But now, because liberal groupthink is subject to sudden eruptive enthusiasms and insanity-inducing reversals, American life proceeds with a sense that the laws of physics don’t really apply. There’s a creepy unsettledness to life in America. And it’s because journalists are lobotomizing themselves in the name of their favorite cause, the Democratic Party.

If you were a faithful believer in what the New York Times says and fell into a coma just one month ago, you went unconscious thinking that Joe Biden’s incapacity was a right-wing psyop inflicted on the gullible by unscrupulous conservatives using deceptively edited videos. One of the reasons you knew you had to believe this is because Kamala Harris is a political joke who “has a public perception problem, a self-fulfilling spiral of bad press and bad polls” and “the lowest net-negative rating for a vice president” since such measures had been taken. That was the party line: Biden’s just fine, Kamala’s terrible. Believing anything else is stupid. Less than four weeks later: Biden’s terrible. Kamala’s amazing! And if you say different, you’re a dummy.

Paris Olympics: a smug spectacle of wokeness The self-consciously ‘queer’ opening ceremony was offensively drab. Brendan O’Neill


Is anyone else bored of ‘queering’? Everything’s getting ‘queered’ these days. We’ve had ‘Queering the Curriculum’. ‘Queering the Arts’. And my personal favourite: ‘Queering Palestine.’ This entails academics ‘unpack[ing] the multiple intersections of queer politics and the Palestinian struggle’. Hot tip for these profs: if Hamas ever invites you to discuss your theories, don’t agree to meet them on the high floor of a building. ‘Queering the Pavement’ is the only thing they’re interested in.

Now, with soul-zapping inevitability, we’ve had the ‘queering’ of the Olympic Games. Yesterday’s rain-sodden opening ceremony in Paris was super LGBTQIAzzz.
There were drag acts everywhere. A bearded bloke twerked for the world. A bollock-naked man in blue paint was served on a platter of fruit to a gaggle of diet-dodging drag queens. Look, if I wanted to be exposed to the camp debauchery of drag culture, I’d go to a kindergarten.

It really was a naff, dispiriting affair. It was the first opening ceremony to take place, not in a stadium, but in the heart of the hosting city. Boat after boat after boat carried the Games’ athletes along the Seine as 300,000 spectators in soaked plastic macs craned their necks for a glimpse. It seemed to go on forever. It was so bad that even square liberals on X started using the favoured slogan of the right: ‘STOP THE BOATS.’

The weather didn’t help. The lashing rain hampered the audio, making it hard to hear the ceremony’s star turns, Celine Dion and Lady Gaga (an upside of the downpour, I suppose). What we could hear was just weird. Like when a headless Marie Antoinette sang the opening bars to an ear-splitting heavy-metal ditty. The ceremony organiser, Thomas Jolly, said he wanted his spectacle to be a ‘celebration of being alive’ – here we had a celebration of being dead.

Drag Queens Parody the Last Supper During Olympics Opening Ceremonies Haley Strack


Drag queens parodied Leonardo da Vinci’s rendition of the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics on Friday evening, creating international outrage.

During the Olympic ceremonies, 18 performers re-created the scene, a depiction of Jesus Christ’s final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. The burlesque performance was an “interpretation of the Greek God [of wine and festivity] Dionysus” to make viewers “aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings,” the Olympics said on X.

The scene featured some half-naked performers, one in the middle with a halo atop her head, behind a long table. A man who was painted blue, and with only vines covering his genitals, sat in the middle of the table and was surrounded by flowers. Viewers called the performance “crazy,” and Christian commentators on social media said that the scene made a mockery of the Christian faith.

The Paris games also opened this year with a performance by LGBTQ icon Lady Gaga paying tribute to French dancer and singer Zizi Jeanmaire near the River Seine, a performance by French-Canadian singer Céline Dion by the Eiffel Tower, and a torch-bearing act by rapper Snoop Dogg.


We’ve been investigating the Office of Vice President under Kamala Harris for the last two years…

And today our findings were positively cited in the New York Times by columnist David Brooks, who gave Harris a poor grade on the administration and management of her office.


Our findings have been seen at: FOX News in primetime: The Ingraham Angle, Hannity!, Jesse Waters Primetime, and on Varney and Co. National Review, Real Clear Policy, Real Clear Investigations, Breitbart, Just The News, The Federalist, Instapundit, and many other online major news platforms.

Major television coverage at The National Desk at Sinclair Broadcast Group, The Tomi Lahren Show on Outkick, Newsline with Bianca Del Garcia at Newsmax TV, The Weekly Briefing with John Hines at One American News, Chanel Rion’s Fine Point on One American News, and soon to air the Eric Metaxas podcast.


Under Harris the Office of Vice President has had a stunning 91.5% staff turnover rate since her first year in January 2021.

The Trump-Harris Contrast One leader condescends to the Prime Minister of the Jewish state, lecturing him on the Middle East, while the other embraces him and the cause of Zion.


What a contrast. For those assessing the differences between the two presidential candidates in respect of Israel, feature Prime Minister Netanyahu’s separate meetings with, today, President Trump and, yesterday, Vice President Harris. The former received him warmly at his home in Florida and in the spirit of wartime allies. The latter met him in Washington, said some perfunctory words of support, and then lectured him for killing babies.

“We’ve had a good relationship,” Mr. Trump told reporters today at Mar-a-Lago, after warmly greeting Benjamin and Sarah Netnayahu. “I was very good to Israel, better than any President has ever been,” he said, listing his recognition of the Golan Heights and moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. “Maybe the best thing that I did for Israel,” he said, was walking out on the 2015 Iran deal. Under his maximum pressure policy, Iran was broke. 

Ms. Harris told reporters that she and Mr. Netanyahu had a meeting that was “frank and constructive” — diplomatic doublespeak for dodgy and troublesome. She read out a statement on Israel’s right to defend itself. She said the names of American hostages, and called Hamas a “brutal terror organization.” The rest was dedicated to berating Israel’s Gaza policies, on which she made her now-famous vow: “I will not be silent.”

Mr. Netanyahu, who felt sandbagged, was understandably furious. The Israelis concluded she’d prepared her remarks in advance, didn’t share them with the Israelis, and ignored the fact that Mr. Netanyahu had briefed her on Israel’s humanitarian efforts. Ms. Harris seemed to rely instead on reports by Hamas to anti-Israel human rights organizations, the press, and UN agencies. One such now debunked report claimed Gaza is on the verge of famine.

Charles Murray Aims to Disarm the Group Quota Regime By Tom Klingenstein


Charles Murray’s most recent book, Facing Reality: Two Truths about Race in America has dropped from sight. In Facing Reality, Murray discusses at great length group differences in violence (I leave this to the side) and intelligence. Murray believes that group differences in intelligence explain differences in group outcomes. I am neither knowledgeable enough nor inclined to comment. This topic is at the top of the modern-day list of taboos, and for good reason. It ought to remain at the top. (In fairness to Murray, he is a scientist, and as such has an obligation not to yield to taboos.) 

But Murray did not write Facing Reality to talk about differences in group intelligence; indeed, he wrote it in spite of having to talk about them. He is on the shady side of life and would have preferred to sit under his own vines and fig tree. He knew perfectly well that even touching the subject would cause spears of hate and discontent to rain down upon him. But he believes his fellow citizens are exposed to an existential threat of which they are only dimly aware. And so, the patriot he is, he donned his rusty armor and returned to battle. The spears came.

I use Murray’s controversial book as a jumping-off point because I believe Murray’s warning is prescient and unique, and because he has a long record of being right on important social issues. There is an old advertisement for a long-ago swallowed-up Wall Street firm, E.F. Hutton: “When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen.” I am not at all certain Hutton’s clients ought to have listened, but I am quite certain people ought to listen to Charles Murray.

The threat of which Murray is warning? The charge by woke radicals that America is “systemically racist.” Murray believes — rightly I think — that if we allow ourselves to be suckered by this charge, we shall be led down the road to group outcome quotas and from there to totalitarianism.

If you express the opinion that, say, black Americans are overrepresented in prison not because of racism but because they commit more crimes, they call you a racist. Object to open borders, they call you a racist. Praise the nuclear family, express the belief that America began in 1776, or defend Trump, they call you a racist. Calling you a racist is their go-to weapon.

J. D. Vance and the Emerging Counter-Elite How a second Trump administration could avoid some of the pitfalls of the first. Christopher Rufo


Former president Donald Trump’s selection of Ohio senator J. D. Vance as his running mate has generated much commentary. The mainstream media has tried to frame Vance as a postliberal “threat to democracy,” while Trump’s supporters have celebrated him as a bridge to a new generation.

But there is a deeper story here. The Vance selection is not a gambit to secure a particular demographic or region—white men are Trump’s base; Ohio is a safe red state—but an effort to cultivate an emerging counter-elite that could make the second Trump administration substantially more effective than the first.

This story is built into J. D. Vance’s biographical arc. He was the all-American kid who rose from humble beginnings to make his way in the world: the Marines; Yale Law; venture capital; a best-selling book. He learned the language of the prestige institutions, cultivated powerful patrons, and quickly climbed the ladder in academia, finance, and business. He had made it.

Then, his story takes a turn. Having entered the ranks of America’s elite, Vance became disillusioned and disenchanted with it, correctly identifying it as a force of hypocrisy and corruption. He defected—first, by parting ways with the respectable conservatism of the Beltway, and then by embracing Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris Should Not Have Snubbed Bibi The VP missed an important opportunity to show Americans where she stands on Israel. Eli Lake


When Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, his fourth such speech, the new leader of the Democratic Party was missing. Vice President Kamala Harris, who was busy delivering an address to the Zeta Phi Beta sorority’s Grand Boulé in Indianapolis. 

In normal times, Harris’s snub of Bibi would be expected. Democrats still sting from Netanyahu’s campaign in 2015 against former president Barack Obama’s nuclear deal. When Netanyahu spoke before a joint session that year to make his case, many Democrats boycotted. Things have only gone downhill since then: Bibi’s relationship with President Joe Biden has been strained in recent months; Senator Chuck Schumer blasted Bibi from the House floor in March; the Squad, along with lots of left-wing activists and many Arab American groups, have decried Israel’s war in Gaza as a “genocide.” 

But Harris effectively won her party’s nomination within 24 hours of Biden’s announcement Sunday that he would not seek reelection. In other words: she does not need to please the anti-Israel base of her party in order to win a primary.

Instead, what Harris needs to do is spend the precious 100 days before the election defining herself before the nation. Simply sitting behind the rostrum as the leader of the Jewish state delivered a stirring address about how his country’s enemies were also America’s would have neutralized the Trump campaign’s efforts to paint the vice president as a San Francisco socialist who is out of touch with everyday people. 

“Nobody knows where Kamala Harris stands on Israel,” former GOP foreign policy adviser Dan Senor told The Free Press. “She’s a blank slate. This was a high-profile opportunity to define herself on this issue, and she took a pass.”