The New House Majority Must Impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas By: Jonathan S. Tobin

Impeaching Mayorkas is the only option for those who understand that playing by the conventional rules of Washington simply isn’t good enough.

As the new House Republican majority gets sworn in this week, they have no choice but to use the only mechanism at their disposal to highlight the emergency unfolding at the border: impeaching Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. His acts of nonfeasance include acting on the president’s orders and presiding over a situation in which the border is, for all intents and purposes, being erased.

GOP moderates — many of whom are members in good standing of the Washington uniparty — think they are obligated to pursue “governance.” This sets up a conflict in which anything the new majority does that is aimed more at exposing the administration’s catastrophic policies will be skewered as mere obstructionism and proof that Republicans are incapable of governing.

But they can — and must — ignore those criticisms given the almost complete breakdown of efforts to prevent illegal immigration in the last two years.

GOP moderates may be inclined to ignore the security dilemma and simply move to grant a path to citizenship to people who were brought into the country illegally as children — the so-called “Dreamers.” But the vast majority of conservatives as well as independents and many border state Democrats understand that anything, however well-meaning, that is done to encourage further illegal immigration, as almost certainly would be the case for action on the Dreamers, is unacceptable. The Democrats’ effort to secure a new, broader amnesty is at the heart of the current crisis.

Mayorkas will not be thrown out of office since the Democratic Senate will never convict him even if the GOP’s narrow House majority impeaches him, and it will be labeled as grandstanding and a colossal waste of time. But stunts like that and the hearings in which they can finally bring the various elements of this catastrophe before the public in a way that has not been done before. It is the only option available to those who understand that the consequences of what is happening at the border are so serious that business as usual or playing by the conventional rules of Washington politics simply isn’t good enough.

In Iran, Crowds Chant: ‘Death to the IRGC, Death to the Entire System’! Grief began these protests, but fury keeps them going. by Hugh Fitzgerald

In Iran, the protests against the regime have still not been suppressed, despite the regime throwing everything it has into the effort. More than 500 protesters have been murdered in the 100 days of protests that have passed since the killing of Mahsa Amini by the morality police on September 16, but instead of scaring others into submission, these killings by the regime’s enforcers have only served to bring tens of thousands of new protesters out onto the streets in more than 90 cities across the country. In Shi’a Islam, as in other traditions, the mourning period for the dead lasts for 40 days. And now, 40 days after the death of protesters, Iranian crowds make that fatidic date the occasion to appear at their gravesites to honor the martyred dead. More on these events can be found here: “Iranians mourn murdered protesters, chant ‘death to Khamenei!,’” by Tzvi Joffre, Jerusalem Post, December 29, 2022:

Crowds of Iranian demonstrators gathered on Thursday [Dec. 29] at the graves of protesters murdered by Iranian security forces during the anti-government protests that continue to sweep Iran, to mark 40 days since their murder on Thursday.

A large crowd of protesters gathered at the grave of Hamidreza Rouhi at the Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery in Tehran on Dec. 29 to mark the 40th anniversary since his death. Rouhi, a university student who also had a modeling career since childhood, was shot dead near his home in the Shahr-e Ziba neighborhood in the west of the capital on November 18. Thursday was the 40th day after his death, when Iranians hold a memorial.

Later, protesters began chanting against Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who they believe has ordered the killing of protesters. “Down with the Dictator”was chanted, and then a new slogan was heard: “This homeland will not thrive before he [Khamenei] is wrapped in a shroud.”

The Falsehood of ‘White Privilege’ The hollowness of an accusation. by Alan Joseph Bauer

One of the Left’s favorite ways of attacking Whites in general and men in particular is to accuse them of benefiting from white privilege. Their only goal in doing so is the attainment of more power for themselves.

During the past few years, the concept of “white privilege” has taken hold of the Democratic Party and those on the Left. The idea is that all White people have enjoyed and still enjoy privileges and advantages by virtue of their being white, and this state of affairs leaves “people of color” at a structural disadvantage in almost all human endeavors—bringing up a family, getting into college, succeeding in work or business, buying a home and more. The concept of white privilege is used as a cudgel against the Left’s opponents, not to help Black people or others but rather to concentrate power in the hands of politicians, college administrators, woke corporate professionals, entertainers and the like. White privilege is a falsehood in more ways than one.

At the most basic level, the United States has such a mixed and diverse population that there is unfortunately no shortage of poor Whites, whether in Appalachia or in towns where the jobs moved out and fentanyl moved in. Additionally, there are many “people of color” who are wealthy or super-wealthy. Who has privilege—a millionaire Black businessman who grew up in a middle class family or a poor White man whose family has been barely getting by in coal country for generations? Beyond the fact that there are many Americans who do not fit into the patently false narrative of specifically white privilege, the concept itself is based on a falsehood antithetical to the “American Way.”

In the past, when America was a more religious country, one realized that his or her task in this world was to take whatever was given and make the most out of it in a lifetime. If one was born into wealth, then more was expected by society as well as by the person himself.

Deterring More Illegal Immigration What the House Republican Majority must do. by Joseph Klein

Millions of illegal immigrants have poured into the United States and have been promptly released under President Biden’s catch-and-release policy. The use of Title 42’s health emergency authority to immediately expel illegal immigrants without any hearing on their asylum claims is on its last legs. But President Biden could not be bothered. He refused to even visit the border when he was in Arizona for a photo-op recently, claiming that he had more important things to do.

Congressional Republicans need to show some backbone fast during the new session of Congress to push back hard against the Biden administration’s open border policies. The alternative is a continuation of the catastrophic invasion of illegal immigrants and deadly fentanyl smuggled into the United States by the Mexican cartels.

Unfortunately, the new House Republican majority was dealt a bad hand by 18 cowardly Senate Republicans at the end of the last session of Congress that concluded its business just before Christmas. These renegades, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, voted with the Democrats to approve a reckless $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that funds the federal government through September 2023. By allowing this spending monstrosity to pass, they took away appropriations leverage that the incoming House Republican majority would have had in the new Congress to move real border security measures over the finish line.

The omnibus spending bill, which President Biden signed into law as the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, designates only $60 million to hire 125 Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers. But it lavishes $410 million towards border security for Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman. And it appropriates enough money to hire or contract for 87,000 new IRS agents!

Yet 18 Republican senators voted in favor of these twisted priorities.

Outgoing speaker Pelosi hails her Democrats as ‘the greatest collection of intellect, integrity and imagination assembled’ By Monica Showalter

Who needs nausea when we’ve got Nancy Pelosi?

The outgoing House speaker wrote a farewell letter to her fellow Democrats, with this load of pearl of Pelosi wisdom:

 One final thought that I wanted to leave with you is my belief that the House Democratic Caucus is the greatest collection of intellect, integrity and imagination assembled for the good of the American people.

Breitbart News first spotted that letter and noted it here.

Which is a rather surreal thing to say, given the animal farm menagerie the Democrats have become on her watch, going from a party of moderates and ward heel politicians, to a woke socialist echo chamber where dissent is not permitted.

Is Pelosi really saying that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who condemned cauliflower as racist, expressed amazement about garbage disposals, got caught with her hand in the till on accepting gifts, deceiving voters on a fundraiser, and paying her boyfriend as staff, was a paragon of intelligence and integrity? The woman does her makeup on Instagram. She claimed that “facts don’t matter” when you’re “morally right” when she was caught making up some of them. Is she the best the Democrats can do? That’s what counts as intellect and integrity?

How about Rep Ilhan Omar, who, evidence suggests, married her brother for immigration purposes and has repeatedly been caught spewing anti-Semitic statements?

Let’s move on to some other of these paragons of integrity cited by Pelosi, such as Rep. Adam Schiff who repeatedly lied about the evidence he had regarding his grand show trial of President Trump called impeachment — which ended up amounting to nothing? Let’s also not forget that Mr. Integrity has yet to return those campaign donations he got from convicted pervert and Democrat donor Ed Buck. That’s some intelligence and integrity.

Ron DeSantis’ Inauguration Ceremony Unlike Anything in Recent Florida History By Jeff Reynolds

On Tuesday, Jan. 3, Republican Ron DeSantis was sworn in for the second time as Florida Governor. The inauguration, which also included swearing-in ceremonies for Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, CFO, and Commissioner of Agriculture, had the feel of something much bigger. The ceremony included the 13th Army Band of the Florida National Guard, an artillery salute, and a fighter jet flyover. First Lady Casey DeSantis wore a gown with a cape and gloves, and gave off a Jackie O vibe. DeSantis delivered a speech that highlighted his first-term record of policy achievements, while laying out an aggressive second-term agenda that touched on everything from ending wokeness at public universities to fighting back against overreach from the federal government to calling out the Davos crowd.

“Florida is where woke goes to die!” DeSantis roared. The crowd roared back.

Several insiders in the press corral said they had never seen anything like it, likening it more to a presidential inauguration than a gubernatorial ceremony.

Bleachers on both sides of the steps of the historic Capitol Building in Tallahassee contained a crowd of what looked like a couple of thousand attendees. U.S. and Florida flags were everywhere. The production value of the ceremony was evident in the tight security, the numerous satellite trucks, and the professional camera work; fixed cameras, crane shots, even drones were deployed.

The false prophets of an impending Israeli apocalypse: Ruthie Blum

 Within minutes of the swearing-in of Israel’s 37th government, the self-proclaimed “forces of light” who were defeated by it began a campaign to prove that the voters were already suffering from buyer’s remorse—and that the public was in for an Armageddon of Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s making.

As part of the effort, Channel 13 on Sunday broadcast a survey, conducted on its behalf by leading pollster Camil Fuchs, showing that if Knesset elections were held today, Bibi’s bloc would garner eight seats fewer than the 64 it gained at the ballot box on Nov. 1 . Leaving aside the consistent inaccuracy of Fuchs’s forecasts in the lead-up to that date, the local media’s inability to accept that the “most right-wing coalition in the country’s history” was neither a fluke nor a mark of Cain has been almost comical.

In the first place, the very commissioning of an electoral poll at such an early stage—some five minutes into the changing of the guard—was as ridiculous as it was transparent. Secondly, the only company that proved worth its salt was Direct Polls. Nevertheless, its research is still viewed as biased for two reasons.

One is that its CEO, Shlomo Filber, the former Communications Ministry director-general who turned state witness against Netanyahu in Case 4000 (the Bezeq-Walla affair), yet wound up giving evidence in support of the defense. The other is that it was hired by the politically conservative Channel 14 to present what would emerge as the best predictor of the results of the actual election.

Then there’s doom-and-gloom purveyor Yair Lapid, the opposition leader whose thankfully short premiership was nipped in the bud by his nemesis, Netanyahu. In a speech to parliamentarians in the plenum on Monday, he outdid himself in leftist hyperbole.

New York Lawmakers Silent on Crime, Migrants, Give Themselves 29% Raise By Adam Andrzejewski

The New York State Senate and Assembly recently returned to Albany for a special session, not to rethink the “bail reform” that allows violent criminals to be released immediately after getting arrested, or to do something about the migrant crisis that is seeing thousands of illegal immigrants overwhelm New York City.

No, they ended their session then reconvened for a special session to give themselves a 29% raise, from $110,000 to $142,000, making them the highest paid state lawmakers in the country, The New York Post reported.

The Senate voted 32-23 in favor of the raise, and the Assembly later approved it 81-52, with opposition mostly from Republicans. With a veto-proof supermajority, however, it doesn’t matter how Republicans nor Gov. Kathy Hochul feel about the raise.

Hochul initially tried to tie the proposed pay raise to lawmakers passing tougher bail rules for people charged with violent felonies, domestic offenses, and hate crimes. But she changed her tune once Sen. John Mannion (D-Syracuse) won reelection following a recount of his tight race with Republican Rebecca Shiroff.

Mannion’s return to another term makes the Democrats’ veto-proof supermajorities in both the Senate and Assembly even stronger, so Republicans have nowhere near any power in Albany. Why negotiate a pay raise?

The pay hike comes after lawmakers got a 38% raise in 2018 from $79,500. That was after they got another 38% raise in 1998 when their salaries rose from $57,500 a year.

One Democrat, an outgoing state senator who lost reelection, broke ranks to vote against the raises.

“Inflation has hit everyone, and legislators increasing their pay at a time when people are feeling the pain of economic pressure doesn’t feel right,” Sen. Elijah Reichlin-Melnick (D-Nanuet) said, The Post reported. “If this were the right thing to do, we could have handled it during the regular session.”

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DeSantis Goes to War Thomas D. Klingenstein

And rightly so.

On election night, I was half-watching Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s victory remarks when something quite extraordinary and encouraging caught my attention. DeSantis evoked Churchill’s “fighting on the beaches” speech, in which Churchill stirred the resolve and patriotism of the British people in anticipation of the invasion of their homeland by the Nazis. DeSantis, of course, was not warning against Nazism: he was warning against wokeism, which he was implicitly equating with Nazism. I had never heard a national political figure treat wokeism with such (deserved) gravity.

Before rephrasing Churchill, DeSantis said:

States and cities governed by leftist politicians have seen crime skyrocket. They’ve seen their taxpayers abused, they’ve seen medical authoritarianism imposed, and they’ve seen American principles discarded. The woke agenda has caused millions of Americans to leave these jurisdictions for greener pastures.

People do not uproot themselves and leave the rhythms of home “for light and transient causes.” These people are not coming to Florida just for the weather. They are fleeing the woke regime of blue America—an abusive, lawless, totalitarian regime which is waging war against American principles and the American way of life.

DeSantis continued:

Now, this great exodus of Americans, for those folks, Florida, for so many of them, has served as the promised land. We have embraced freedom. We have maintained law and order. We have protected the rights of parents. We have respected our taxpayers, and we reject woke ideology. We fight the woke in the legislature. We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die.

In evoking Churchill’s speech, DeSantis lets us know that the woke regime is bearing down on America. In the urgent cadences of war, DeSantis tells us that America will not survive unless she defeats the woke regime. He believes this regime is so evil and powerful that he can, without bathos, compare it to the Nazi regime.

Some Unsolicited Advice

DeSantis has made a good start. He has told us that we are at war with a deadly regime, the woke regime. You cannot win a war unless you know you are in one.

But at some point soon, he must go further. He must show a voting majority of Americans that wokeism is the challenge of our generation, as Nazism was the challenge of the WWII generation and Communism for two generations thereafter.

The Baleful Cargo of Woke Diversity Worship Just as uniformity can result in both stability and stagnation, so too can diversity sometimes ensure either dynamism or bedlam. By Victor Davis Hanson

What do all our notable fabricators—George Santos, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama—have in common? 

Well, quite like the Ward ChurchilIs or Rachel Dolezals of the world, one way or another, they lied about their identities. Or they sought fraudulent ways of suggesting their ancestries were marginalized. Or they had claims on being victims on the theory their constructed personas brought career advantages. 

George Santos claimed, apparently in search of a victimized status, that he was an “American Jew” and a “Latino Jew,” and a descendent of Holocaust survivors. 

Joe Biden lied that he went to “shul” as well as that he grew up in a veritable Puerto Rican household and just happened to attend a black college as well as being an honorary Greek.

Elizabeth Warren ended up a laughingstock for claiming her high cheekbones were proof of her Native-American ancestry—a lie she rode all the way to being the “first” Native-American professor on the Harvard Law school faculty. 

Somehow the half-white, prep-schooled Barry Soetoro, who had taken his Indonesian stepfather’s last name, rebooted in the university back to Barack Obama. The latter oddly did not catch his literary agent “misidentifying” him in a book promo as being born in Africa. And only as president, did we learn his “autobiographical” memoir was mostly a concoction.

This fixation with constructing identities is one of the great pathologies of our woke era.

When we obsess in neo-Confederate style on race, ethnicity, or religion as the defining element of who we are, and we do this to leverage political advantage, then we set off a chain-reaction of Yugoslavian- or Lebanese-style tribalism. Like nuclear proliferation, once one group goes tribal, then all others will strain to find their own deterrent tribal identity.