Presidential Theater By Mitch Pearlstein Right at the very end of President Obama’s State of the Union address, when he started talking about “feet planted firmly on the ground,” I thought he might break out into at least a recitation of the “Soliloquy” from Carousel. And no, I’m not being the least bit disrespectful by noting this, as never has […]

JONAH GOLDBERG: I’M TRYING TO FORGET IT ALREADY I’ll leave it to others to fact-check the thing. There were more than a few statements that struck me as the sort of thing that wouldn’t bear up well under close scrutiny — particularly on Iran’s nuclear program, women’s pay, and domestic energy — but I’m too tired to do the scrutinizing now. My […]

The Radicals Who Rule The Democratic Party — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s Glazov Gang was hosted by Ann-Marie Murrell, the National Director of and joined by Dwight Schultz, a Hollywood Actor, and John Duffy, a Film Producer from the Bronx.

The Gang gathered to discuss The Radicals Who Rule The Democratic Party. The discussion occurred in Part I and analyzed where all the true “liberals” have gone.

The episode also analyzed Michelle Obama Sees Jane Fonda as a Role Model, How Obama Brought the Muslim Brotherhood into the Government, The Mullahs Say They Didn’t Agree to Anything, Why Obama Won’t Call Saeed Abedini’s Wife, and much, much more. Watch both parts of the two-part episode below:

Obama Blames U.S. for ‘Extremism’ Posted By Ryan Mauro

  URL to article: President Obama’s State of the Union gave us a look at the premises driving his foreign policy. It showed that he believes Islamic terrorists to be driven by frustration over perceived injustices at the hands of the West, rather than an ideology. It is because of this frame of mind […]


There comes a time in a pop star’s career when the songs that enthralled fall flat, the lyrics that seemed daring grow stale and the atmosphere that tied it all together blows away into thin air. A time when everyone knows the words to all the songs because there are no more new songs, only the old songs that no longer touch the emotions of the audience and the new songs that are poor pastiches of the old.

There comes a time when the fans grow restless and the lead singer whose voice once moved millions begins to sweat, sensing that the music has betrayed him and that the audience hears every false note.

Last night was that moment.

Obama opened his State of the Union address, full of its old familiar riffs on green energy, education, infrastructure and an end to war, with unity. Not a call to unity, but a presumption of unity. With his approval ratings underwater, his sixth State of the Union was about claiming credit and shifting blame.

Ted Cruz: The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama ****

In the nation’s history, there is simply no precedent for an American president so wantonly ignoring federal law. Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more dangerous than the president’s persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat. […]

Obama’s Sixth Year Pitch Trying to Address the Economic Insecurity His Policies Have Caused. The State of the Union address in the sixth year of any Presidency is rarely compelling. The White House tries to portray a renewed sense of vigor and perhaps a fresh proposal or two, while the public has begun to tune the familiar man out and Congress has its eyes on November. Perhaps that […]

Obama Has Made it Impossible for Israel to Strike Iran By Karin McQuillan   I called a hardheaded realist, a Harvard trained PhD who has been watching the Middle East professionally for decades, to ask him about Obama’s Iran deal.  This is what he told me.   It’s done.  Iran will get a bomb.   They want a bomb and they will not be denied unless somebody […]


Not once — not even once — did the man who claims to be the legitimate leader of our nation ever look me, and all the other watching citizens of this nation, in the eye during his State of the Nation speech. He was a dash-top bobble-head, swinging back and forth from prompter to prompter.

Good grief! The man can’t uncouple himself from his comfort-zone technology for even a moment to look Americans in the eye just once, and give us some sense of our comfort that he is sincere.

For those of us who endured the entire speech, it was painfully obvious that our nation is being led by a man who lives and dies by the teleprompter — Teleprompter Rex. It would be exceedingly interesting to see what would transpire should that teleprompter technology crash in the midst of a major speech like this one. Perhaps America would be treated to the real Obama, without the technological defenses that wall him off from we, the unworthy.

Reality is, this affirmative-action president, a man elevated far beyond his capabilities by those who would use him for their own ends, has failed. He’s failed himself, and he’s failed America. Deliciously, he’s failed those who put this puppet into the role of power. He’s failed them because he hasn’t been able to enact their great socialist takeover of America.

Obama’s Mismatched, Misfit State of the Union Is In the Books By Bryan Preston How does one critique a speech like tonight’s? It’s like trying to find rational structure in cotton candy. Poke it too much and it’ll just get all over you and make a big mess. Obama is like an actor stepping into a role that is larger than himself  – a Brendan Fraser trying to […]