The supreme outrage of Biden’s idiotic prisoner swap with Putin By Justin O. Smith

Joe Biden, our all-American  foul-up, is holding true to his nature, as he recently made the worst deal on a prisoner swap ever on December 8, 2022, aside from Obama’s deal that swapped Bowe Bergdahl for four top Taliban jihadi terrorists, who now run Afghanistan’s government.  Seeing the public relations fantasy dance through his head and hoping to get a win that would deflect from all his administration’s miserable failures, from the economy to the border and more, Biden ordered the release of Viktor Bout, a miserable, death-dealing arms merchant who has left thousands of dead in his wake.  In exchange?  The return of Brittney Griner, a black, lesbian, anti-American, anti-God, anti-family, pot-headed basketball player, who has turned her back on America more than once.  Biden chose this swap rather than using the full weight of the U.S.’s resources to secure the release of Paul Whelan, a Marine veteran and a heterosexual male, who has spent the past four years in a Russian prison on false charges of espionage. 

Yes.  The P.R. optics heavily favored Griner over Whelan.

On December 8, the day the swap was announced, Representative Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) observed:

If [Joe Biden] is going to release a guy convicted of providing aid to a terrorist organization [and] conspiring to kill American citizens, he should have at least gotten BOTH Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan in return.

A U.S. Marine is left behind in another bad deal made by Biden.

All one is left to imagine is that the Biden regime really does want America’s enemies to win.

Calling out anti-Semitism By Josh Kantrow

Donald Trump did himself no favors by having dinner Kanye West and Nick Fuentes. By doing so, he has opened himself up to criticism not just from the usual suspects (the Democrats and their media allies), but others as well. 

The Democrats and media, of course, are hypocrites. Very few of them ever dared to criticize Barack Obama for his 20-year friendship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or his agreeing to meet with Louis Farrakhan, whose anti-Semitism inspired Ye. Wright officiated at Obama’s wedding. Obama sat in the pews of Wright’s church for two decades listening to his hateful statements against the United States (G-d Damn America”), and his anti-Semitism.

Further, unlike Obama, who favored the Palestinians throughout his presidency, Trump was a great friend to Israel.  After broken promises by several administrations, he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as Israel’s capital, acknowledged Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and tore up Obama’s terrible Iran Nuclear Deal, which was supported by the vast majority of Congressional Democrats.  Further, the Trump administration’s steadfast support for Israel led to peace agreements very few thought possible. Critically, the administration negotiated the Abraham Accords, a series of normalization agreements between Israel and its former enemies Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morroco, and Sudan.

Nor has the media criticized the fact that Democrats have elevated anti-Semites Ilhan Omar (“it’s all about the Benjamins”) and “the Squad” to positions of power. Ilhan, for example, is on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  Omar and two other members of “the Squad,” — Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American woman elected to Congress, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — and 14 other Democrats refused to support a congressional resolution condemning the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. Tlaib said on the House floor. “So I can’t stand by and watch this attack on our freedom of speech and the right to boycott the racist policies of the government and the state of Israel.” Again, crickets from most Democrats and the media.

Decolonize the Green Movement! Tom Finnerty

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to find places where the Left’s rhetoric and ideals fail to align with their real-world actions. Their years of pearl clutching about election denialism after making a celebrity of election denier Stacey Abrams and, more recently, selecting election denier Hakeem Jeffries to replace Nancy Pelosi as Democratic House Leader are examples which come immediately to mind.

But there are darker examples. For instance, if you’ve spent any time in the presence of Leftist academics over the past quarter century, you have likely observed their obsession with colonial imperialism, which they contend to be among the greatest evils ever perpetuated by man. Though the major western empires were dismembered over the course of the 20th century, the Left’s fixation on imperialism is justified by the claim that that system has left indelible marks on both the imperialists and their former colonial subjects to this day. And yet, as Michael Schellenberg has pointed out, a form of imperialism is still alive and well…  and being practiced by prominent Left-leaning environmentalist governments:

The narrative is that imperialism is, by its very nature, exploitative, that it consisted of, in Shellenberger’s words, “rich nations taking raw materials from poor nations and leaving behind poverty rather than development.” While the historical reality might be more complicated than that presentation suggests, the modern day geo-political reality perfectly matches this critique. Keen-for-Green Germany is paying African nations not to use coal to help save the planet… and then using the coal itself.

German Climate Alarmists Glue Themselves to Munich Airport Runway, Disrupt Flights  Munich police and fire brigade rushed to the scene to free the glued militants from the runway.  Posted by Vijeta Uniyal

Less than two weeks after shutting down Berlin airport, German climate activists stormed the airport in Munich and disrupted the air traffic in one of Europe’s busiest transit points.

On Thursday, German media outlets said that a gang of militant activists swarmed a runway and glued themselves to the tarmac. According to reports, police and fire brigade were rushed to the scene to free the glued militants from the runway.

The climate-extremist group “Last Generation,” which operates across Europe, took responsibility for the disruptive action. “Several activists of the “Last Generation” protest movement glued themselves on a runway at Munich Airport,” German state TV channel Tagesschau reported. “This led to the closure of the northern runway for about 45 minutes,” the broadcaster added.

German weekly Der Spiegel reported the details of the incident:

According to Munich Airport, one of the airport’s two runways has been shut down due to a climate protest. The activists have glued themselves to the runway north of the airport, an airport spokesperson said. The disruption in air traffic is to be expected.

The police went on a large-scale operation. “The activists are currently being removed [from the runway] by the police and taken into custody, ” the Upper Bavaria North police headquarters said.

Meanwhile, the police have disbanded the gathering, according to their own statement, and the disruption lasted less than an hour. The last person glued up [to the tarmac] was taken into custody of the airport police and fire brigade at 11:09 a.m. [Translated by the author]

Why the ‘Smart’ Party Never Learns If your views by definition are enlightened and progressive, why should you bother understanding those of the other side? Barton Swaim

The most obvious change in American politics this century is the sorting of voters along educational lines. The Democrats are increasingly the party of educated urban elites; the GOP belongs to the white working class. The dispute is over suburban and minority voters. The latter still plump mostly for Democrats, although the party’s social radicalism is pushing them toward the GOP. Voters with impressive educational credentials tend to be Democrats, and those without them lean strongly Republican.

That one party is the educated party—that its members see themselves, in some respects accurately, as more cultured and informed than their opponents—has generated an intellectual pathology that is obvious to everyone but themselves. Adherents of the smart-people party have lost the capacity for self-criticism. Which on its face makes sense. If your views are by definition intelligent, those of your critics must be dumb. Who needs self-reflection?

We can start to understand the Democrats’ predicament by ridding ourselves of a set of metaphors. For a decade or more, we’ve been told that left and right live in “silos” or “bubbles” or “echo chambers” or “information cocoons.” The left watch MSNBC and read the New York Times, and the right watch Fox News and listen to talk radio.

Exacerbating this state of affairs, we’re told, are social-media platforms whose algorithms give politically attuned users only content they’re likely to agree with. Facile claims to the contrary, Facebook, Twitter and similar platforms don’t have this effect. A 2019 study, “Are Filter Bubbles Real?” by Axel Bruns of Queensland University Technology in Australia surveys a wide array of evidence and finds that social-media users on all sides get plenty of exposure to content with which they disagree. “Ironically,” Mr. Bruns writes in an aside, “echo chamber and filter bubble concepts may have become so popular with some journalists, media critics, and politicians because members of these professional classes are genuinely more likely to inhabit an information cocoon of sorts.”

The Twitter Blacklisting of Jay Bhattacharya The social-media platform revealed that many had been censored and shadow-banned. By Justin Hart

Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, was a latecomer to Twitter, joining in the summer of 2021. In his first tweet, he linked to a recent article he had written that discussed age-based mortality risks and natural immunity, among other topics. His main message was powerful and contrary to Covid policies enacted across the country. “Mass testing is an insidious form of lockdown by stealth,” he wrote. Many Americans, especially parents of school-age children, would agree. But it’s possible that many on Twitter didn’t see his message.

This week Twitter released a set of internal emails and documents from before Elon Musk’s takeover of the company in October. One of the revelations was that Dr. Bhattacharya, among many others, had been censored and shadow-banned (tweets hidden in various ways) by Twitter.

Screenshots from an internal Twitter content-moderation system showed that his account was tagged with a label of “Trends Blacklist,” which ensured that his tweets would never make it to the algorithmic trending topics on Twitter’s front page.

How many people endured weekslong quarantine because Dr. Bhattacharya’s message was suppressed? How many students would have been spared the education death knell of remote learning had schools heeded his advice, or even known about it?

Wholesale prices rose 0.3% in November, more than expected, despite hopes that inflation is cooling: Jeff Cox

The producer price index, a measure of what companies get for their products in the pipeline, increased 0.3% for the month and 7.4% from a year ago.
A 38% surge in wholesale vegetable prices helped push the food index up by 3.3%, offsetting an identical 3.3% decline in energy costs.

Wholesale prices rose more than expected in November as food prices surged, dampening hopes that inflation could be headed lower, the Labor Department reported Friday.

The producer price index, a measure of what companies get for their products in the pipeline, increased 0.3% for the month and 7.4% from a year ago, which was the slowest 12-month pace since May 2021. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been looking for a 0.2% gain.

Excluding food and energy, core PPI was up 0.4%, also against a 0.2% estimate. Core PPI was up 6.2% from a year ago, compared with 6.6% in October.

Kyrsten Sinema leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent, cuts fragile margin in US Senate by Ronald J. Hansen

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema said Friday she is leaving the Democratic Party and will formally become an independent in a move that more fully places her at the center of a narrowly divided chamber.

“I have joined the growing numbers of Arizonans who reject party politics by declaring my independence from the broken partisan system in Washington,” she wrote.

Sinema maintained she doesn’t plan to change her voting habits: often aligning with Democrats but backing Republicans on certain issues. And she won’t dispense with the legislative filibuster that has led many Democrats to call for her to face a primary challenge in 2024.

Sinema’s move will jar Democrats who had hoped Sen. Raphael Warnock’s runoff victory in Georgia on Tuesday would provide the party a measure of breathing room on difficult votes that often hinged on Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.

“We’ve seen in recent years that the parties have pulled folks to the political edges,” Sinema said during a 45-minute interview with The Republic. “There’s an increasing demand that you kind of fit in with one political orthodoxy or the other. … I’ve never fit that.”

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose In victory and defeat, Democrats continue to push the voter-suppression myth. Jason L. Riley

“The voter suppression we’re seeing in Georgia and across the country is Jim Crow in new clothes,” Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia wrote on Facebook last year while campaigning for reelection. Such rhetoric has become commonplace on the political left, even while it has never been more divorced from reality.

In January, President Biden traveled to Atlanta and used similarly charged language to describe voting rules supported by Republican lawmakers in Georgia and other states. “Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion,” Biden said. “It’s no longer about who gets to vote. It’s about making it harder to vote.” Vice President Kamala Harris added that she would “not stop fighting against the anti-voter legislation that Republican legislatures continue to push at the state level.” Anti-voter legislation?

Democrats insist that Republicans have made it harder to cast a ballot by passing voter ID laws, limiting the timeframe for early voting, and reverting to pre-Covid voting protocols now that the pandemic has subsided. But if that’s true, why has voter participation been rising, including among the minority groups that Democrats claim are being targeted for disenfranchisement?

Warnock defeated his Republican challenger, Herschel Walker, in a runoff election on Tuesday that saw voter turnout exceed what it was on Election Day last month. It “surpassed expectations of election officials, who expected fewer voters to show up for the second round of voting,” reported the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Instead, turnout “increased by 200,000 voters from the 1.4 million people who cast ballots in Nov. 8 in the general election.”

Twitter Files Damn the Government and the Media They show a coordinated attempt to suppress speech and cover up Hunter Biden’s laptop: Charles Lipson

There are two pieces of deeply disturbing news to emerge from the “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk. The first is that Twitter, under its old management, was not the open, politically neutral platform it pretended to be. Journalist Bari Weiss has shown that Twitter had secret “blacklists” and related methods specifically designed to limit the reach of conservative commentators. When Twitter’s old management denied that bias, as it did repeatedly, it was lying.

Second, we are learning that Twitter worked closely with like-minded government bureaucrats to squelch legitimate news, information, and discussion. They did so to protect favored candidates (Democrats) and political positions (progressive). We will undoubtedly learn that Facebook, Google and other media giants had similar ties to Washington. We certainly need to know.

The government’s role here is damning. Its primary job under the First Amendment is to protect free speech, not to kill it. It botched that vital job, and it did so deliberately to increase its own control over private speech in public fora and, apparently, to promote certain political views.

The only good news here is that Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, is exposing the old management’s efforts to suppress speech and promote political bias on its platform. To expose those malign efforts, he ordered some of Twitter’s internal documents be given to two journalists: Matt Taibbi (who quickly published some of his findings as tweets) and Bari Weiss (who is beginning to publish some findings and promises to publish a longer analysis).