It’s amazing how much this Christmas season has been dominated by the words of a big man with a fulsome head of hair and a huge, flowing beard. Santa Claus? No, Phil Robertson.

The “reality TV” star landed in a cauldron of duck soup thanks to his comments on homosexuality. How odd that so many fret so much about his views and so little about others who target gay people.

Robertson told GQ, “Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God.” The leading man of A&E’s Duck Dynasty added: “It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

Fair enough. Like karaoke, the male posterior is not for everyone. But Robertson would have suffered less grief had he focused on religion and not drifted into sexual mechanics. Still, this story should not have exceeded 90 seconds on Entertainment Tonight.

Amid transcontinental flights, Christmas carols, and family gatherings, America became obsessed with the pronouncements of a man who resembles Mullah Omar. (Why is someone so epically ungroomed in GQ anyway?) Is Phil Robertson the governor of Louisiana? Is he a U.S. senator? Does he run Apple?

Nope. Robertson makes duck calls.


Hillary & Co. create a climate for bullying.

In “protecting the rights of all people to worship the way they choose,” then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton vowed “to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor.”

Mrs. Clinton required translation into the language of truth, as she generally does when her lips are moving. By the “rights” of “all people” to “worship” as “they choose,” she meant the sharia-based desire of Muslim supremacists to foreclose critical examination of Islam. Madame Secretary, you see, was speechifying before her friends at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) — the bloc of 56 Muslim countries plus the Palestinian territories.

At that very moment in July 2011, Christians were under siege in Egypt, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, and Iran — being gradually purged from those Islamic countries just as they’d been purged from Turkey, which hosted Mrs. Clinton’s speech. As Christians from the Middle East to West Monroe, La., can tell you, the Left and its Obama vanguard are not remotely interested in their “rights . . . to worship the way they choose.”

What they choose, after all, is to honor Christian tenets about sexuality, freedom of conscience, and the sanctity of life. Those tenets, just like honest criticism of Islam, are consigned to the category Clinton calls “what we abhor.” And if progressives abhor something, it somehow always becomes everyone’s duty to make certain that those who embrace that something “don’t feel that they have . . . support.”


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If there’s anything that can make people hate the Tea Party, it’s being held responsible for another Anthony Weiner comeback. But it’s not like Anthony has a choice.

It’s not the Tea Party’s fault that he has to make a comeback. It’s Huma’s. She’s not about to spend the rest of her life as a failed agent without an important politician to manipulate. And if Hillary goes down in flames in 2016, Anthony Weiner is her fallback position.

So she’s going to take away his computer, feed him all the saltpeter he can stomach and get him out there and running for Congress if it’s the last thing she does.

“What’s next? I’ll keep you posted on my plans,” Anthony Weiner writes. “But I hope we keep the band together. You have been an amazing resource and the network we have all become part of has helped lead the debate on national health care, the need for a smarter and more compassionate approach to the growing pockets of need in our nation, and we all have sought to make the argument that too often we progressives come to knife fights carrying library books.

“Although my Republican friends have to decide what to do with the tea party wackadoo wing of their party, it does not constitute a strategy to simply sit back and watch them immolate.


In response to the continuation of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, despite the recent escalation of terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria, Knesset Member Moti Yogev (Jewish Home) has presented a bill for Israel to annex the Jordan Valley, Israeli daily Ma’ariv reported on Friday.

Yogev’s bill has the support of MKs from right-wing parties, partners in Israel’s governing coalition, and even members of the left-leaning opposition.

An excerpt from the bill reads as follows: “Over the course of years, a consensus has built around the Jordan Valley with respect to its importance to Israel,” Ma’ariv reports. In an apparent appeal to Israel’s political opposition, the bill asserts that the first, “…valley communities were established by the labor movement… any future political settlement must include the Jordan Valley remaining under Israeli sovereignty.”

According to MK Yogev, “Israel should decide to exercise dominion over this vast region, whose Palestinian [Arab] population is sparse, and openly state that the Jordan Valley will remain under Israeli sovereignty forever.”

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