Medical ‘experts’ struggle to explain Africa’s very low Covid vaccination and death rates By Thomas Lifson

Even in the face of data showing that Covid “vaccines” do not prevent transmission of the virus but do cause extremely high rates of adverse events to be reported, the US (and much of the world’s) medical establishment remains fully committed to pushing universal vaccinations. The G20 meeting recently included plans for a global vaccine passport that would prevent international travel by those who have resisted the pressure to receive the spike protein-laden jabs, and many august institutions of higher learning such as Yale and the University of California demand that their young and (mostly) healthy students receive the spike protein dosages as a condition of study on campus.

If there is one dramatic case study that seems to upend the vaccination absolutists, it is Africa, many of whose countries are too poor to have mass vaccination programs, yet which has the lowest death toll from Covid in the world. The AP reported last year: Scientists mystified, wary, as Africa avoids COVID disaster

[T]here is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said.

Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.

Some researchers say the continent’s younger population — the average age is 20 versus about 43 in Western Europe — in addition to their lower rates of urbanization and tendency to spend time outdoors, may have spared it the more lethal effects of the virus so far. Several studies are probing whether there might be other explanations, including genetic reasons or past infection with parasitic diseases.


First, the bad news. In 2022 Israel has had the highest number of casualties from Arab terrorist attacks since 2008. Second, antisemitism, much of it propelled by the anti-Israel libels and bias in academia and the media is at an all-time high in just about every continent. Exception Azerbaijan.

But here is a silver lining: In spite of heightened security concerns and equipment, Israel’s research institutions, laboratories and hospitals continue to create better modalities and outcomes in science, medicine, agronomy and food production and storage.  Below is another amazing catalog of these triumphs brought to us weekly by Michael Ordman. Rsk


In medicine, Israeli scientists have developed cancer-killing antibodies using computers; generated microscopic bubbles to make tumors explode; predicted and prevented future heart attacks; protected medical staff from future radiation damage, and so much more that will extend future human lifespans.

In the food industry, Israelis are answering the call to feed a hungry world by creating foods such as no-turkey turkey, no-cow yogurt, no-tree cocoa and vegan products to satisfy all tastes. Meanwhile, Israeli technology will keep fruit and vegetables fresh for weeks on supermarket shelves.

Computer-designed anti-cancer antibodies. Israel’s Bar-Ilan Prof. Yanay Ofran has invented antibodies to attack tumors, using computers and then produced them from amino acids in a process akin to 3D printing. His startup Biolojic Design created Aulos Bioscience which is conducting human trials of AU-007 in Australia.
Ultrasound and bubbles can destroy tumors. Tel Aviv University researchers have used a combination of low-frequency ultrasound and injected nanobubbles to cause tumors to explode. Lab tests focused only on the area of the tumor, which avoids damage to healthy tissues. It could be used to treat tumors deep inside the body.
Hi-tech volunteers help diagnose cancer. Hundreds of Israeli hi-tech employees volunteer in the Code for Israel initiative to benefit Israeli society. One group founded the Pathomatic Project and developed an algorithm that immediately alerts medical staff, at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov (Sourasky) hospital, to cancer biopsy scans.
Risk of heart failure detected. The HearO app from Israel’s Cordio Medical (see here previously) achieved an 82% success rate in a study of 180 patients at 10 Israeli clinics. The app detected Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) an average of 18 days before it occurred, using algorithms and previously recorded speech.  
US approval for medical radiation shielding. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Radiaction Medical has received US FDA clearance for its Radiation Shielding System. The system protects medical staff in labs using fluoroscopy machines – a leading source of occupational ionizing radiation exposure for healthcare providers.
The “Waze” of feeding tubes. (TY WIN) The Envue feeding tube placement system from Israel’s Envizion Medical (see here previously) has been used tens of thousands of times in dozens of US hospitals including the Cleveland Clinic and the St. Vincent network of hospitals. It has been 100% successful and saved many lives.
Your personal clinic at home. Israel’s TytoCare (see here previously) has launched its Home Smart Clinic. It conducts remote physical exams using AI-powered guidance and diagnostic support. The virtual clinic includes the remote handheld diagnostic device plus Tyto Insights, Tyto Engagement Labs, plus all necessary support.  
Brain monitoring at home.  Israel’s X-trodes (see here previously) has partnered US-based EMOTIV to launch a first-of-its-kind medical-grade wearable solution for brain and physiological monitoring outside of clinical settings. X-trodes’ multi-electrode patches measure a patient’s EEG, EMG and ECG signals.
Mental health center for English speakers. Yeshiva University (YU), together with Amudim Israel, have opened the Jerusalem Therapy Center. It fulfills a critical need for affordable, English-language mental health services, serving those impacted by trauma, addiction, and other complex mental health related issues.
Advancing healthcare with the UAE. Israel’s Sheba Medical Center has signed a strategic agreement with Abu Dhabi-based innovation giant G42 Healthcare to develop new health technology. Plans include joint projects in stem cell research, cardiology, oncology, obstetrics, gynecology, diabetes, fertility, and more.
Bacteria or virus – Tucson hospital will know. (TY Atid-EDI) Arizona’s Tucson ER & Hospital has adopted the bacteria vs virus test from Israel’s MeMed (see here previously). The test distinguishes viral from bacterial infection within 15 minutes and avoids wasting antibiotics on a virus.
Hear from a top Israeli scientist. Fascinating podcast featuring Tel Aviv University’s Vice President, Prof. Dan Peer.  He is an extraordinarily prolific scientist with more than 130 patents under his name and over 150 publications. He discusses nanotechnology, COVID-19, and translational medicine.
The bus ride of his life. Volunteer EMTs from Israeli NGO United Hatzalah saved the life of Shmuel who had a cardiac arrest on a bus in Bnei Brak. One EMT was on the same bus and he alerted UH dispatch. In minutes four EMTs were working on Shmuel, whose pulse returned shortly after. In hospital, Shmuel thanked them all.

“The Kafirs [Unbelievers] Should Be Killed, All of Them”: The Persecution of Christians, October 2022 by Raymond Ibrahim

“I heard them. They were shouting in Arabic and Swahili, saying that the kafirs [unbelievers] should be killed, all of them, and make Congo an Islamic state. Shoot all of them. Kill all of them, and burn their houses, these notorious Christians.” —, October 10, 2022 — Democratic Republic of Congo

“The ADF rebels attacked the village, and more precisely the hospital. They looted everything they could find, taking medicines, and at the end they set fire to the building. A nun, who is also a doctor and was on night duty, was burned alive, along with a patient….. [Once the hospital was destroyed] the rebels continued on their way and set fire to another hospital nearby.” — Father Marcelo Oliveira,, October 22, 2022 — Democratic Republic of Congo

“When they were all gathered, they started asking who is Muslim and who is Christian. Those who identified as Christian, they started tying their hands behind their back and they cut their throats.” — Bishop Alberto Vera Aréjula of Nacala,, October 5, 2022 — Mozambique

Before long, the video went viral on social media, and was even broadcast as “breaking news” by TV9, which referred to James [falsely accused of blasphemy] as a “sanitary worker”—code in Pakistan for both Christians and the lowest of the low. In James’ own words, “I knew the sensitivity of this news; it was a death warrant against me.” – Voice of the Martyrs, October 12, 2022 – Pakistan

“[It is] an easy way to settle personal scores against someone. People don’t even think twice before using this law against someone, as victims of this law have to spend 8-11 years in prison to prove themselves innocent….” – Nasir Saeed, Director of CLAAS-UK (Centre for Legal Aid & Assistance),, October 22, 2022 — Pakistan

The president of Cairo University, Muhammad Uthman al-Khosht, assigned 31 new directors, deputy directors, managers, and researchers to head a number of departments, including those of agriculture, medicine, engineering, nursing, dentistry, statistical research, and African Studies. Although the Copts—Egypt’s indigenous, Christian, people—make up anywhere from 10-20% of its population, notable among these new Cairo University hires is that not a single one of them is Christian. All are Muslim. —, October 24 2022 — Egypt

Earlier this year, 98 female judges took the legal oath in preparation for assuming judicial roles in Egypt’s State Council…. [S]ince its inception 75 years earlier, not a single woman had sat on the podium of the State Council court—and now 98 are. Yet, not one of them is a Christian… at the very least 10 of the 98 should have, for proper representation, been Christian. (More examples of Egyptian discrimination are available here.) –, March 7, 2022 — Egypt

The following are among the murders and abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of October 2022:

The Muslim Slaughter of Christians

Tehran Dangles the Samson Option Again by Amir Taheri

The new enrichment program is taking place in the Fordo nuclear center which, built deep underground, is supposed to be immune from possible air strikes.

As on the eight previous occasions when this trick was used, Tehran’s message is addressed to Western powers, notably the United States: resume the nuclear talks or else!

The mullahs played that trick with presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. In every case, except that of Trump, the trick worked.

At the same time, Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian plays reluctant debutante by claiming that the US “is begging us to resume talks.” Over the past two weeks, he has been pestering Omani and Qatari foreign ministers with phone calls demanding they persuade Washington to return to the stalled talks.

Last week, Tehran announced that 41 foreign nationals have been seized as hostages and charged with helping the current anti-regime protests across the country. That brings the number of hostages now held by the mullahs to 81, the highest since they seized 52 American diplomats in 1979.

Will the trick work again? I am almost certain that, had it not been for the current uprising against the Islamic Republic, the Biden administration would have fallen for the trick with a big smile, if only to save Obama’s only legacy while settling scores with Trump.

It is not hard to expose Tehran’s game as a cheap trick. For years, Tehran, through its lobbyists and useful idiots in Washington, has been selling the story that Khamenei has issued a fatwa banning the production of nuclear weapons under Islamic law.

To be sure, no one has ever seen that fatwa except supposedly Obama, who claimed he had some knowledge of it. But if there is such a fatwa and the mullahs don’t intend to build a bomb, why would they need to enrich uranium up to 60 percent?

The mullahs’ game worked for as long as it concerned only themselves and the cynical or lily-livered Western politicians.

This time round, however, a third player is in the field: a good chunk of Iranian people who feel they cannot take it anymore.

The myth of the Khomeinist despotism as a people-based regime, peddled by characters like Noam Chomsky, has been punctured. Even Bill Clinton is now tweeting support for young Iranians calling for regime change in Tehran.

Like a one-trick pony, Iran’s ruling mullahs have played unpredictable so often that they have become predictable in their unpredictability.

NHL Boasts of Trans, ‘Non-Binary’ Hockey Tournament By Eric Lendrum

On Tuesday, the National Hockey League (NHL) boasted on Twitter about its first-ever “Team Trans Draft Announcement” tournament over the weekend, pushing back on criticism that such a league would present clear disadvantages to certain players.

Fox News reports that the tournament, which took place in Middleton, Wisconsin, consisted entirely of so-called “transgender” and “non-binary” players; the league claims that up to 80 players were part of the tournament. The tweet included the hashtags #HockeyIsForEveryone and #NHLPride.

The original tweet received widespread backlash, some of which prompted responses from the official NHL account. When one user criticized the concept by pointing out that “men [are] playing on [the] women’s team,” the NHL responded by falsely declaring that “trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary identity is real.”

After further criticism of both the original tweet and the response tweet, the administrators of the NHL account changed the settings so that no one else could reply to the tweets.

“We support any teammate, coach or fan who brings heart, energy and passion to the rink,” the league said in a statement announcing its “Hockey is for Everyone” initiative. “We believe all hockey programs – from professionals to youth organizations – should provide a safe, positive and inclusive environment for players and families regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation and socio-economic status.”

A new long train of abuses By Henry Pelifan

The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, is a catalogue of grievances by the Americans toward the dictatorial policies of the British Crown, which was aloof, arbitrary, arrogant, and despotic.  Much of the document deals with how laws were either ignored or abused to the constant detriment of the Americans.  These abuses eventually became intolerable, resulting in revolution. 

Today, slowly, our nation, in fighting terrorism, is using more and more laws to restrict the American people and their constitutional rights.  Our elected representatives have created secret courts and special laws, such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the USA PATRIOT Act, from which there is no or minimal appeal, giving the government the widest possible latitude in the guise of fighting terrorism foreign and domestic.

Laws upon laws are being drafted and passed that provide government with dictatorial powers.  In addition, there is little or no accountability for abuse by government officials.

Is this our future democracy?  There are examples of President Obama abusing his power with administrative changes affecting Medicare and the Affordable Care Act.  In the case of Medicare, changes include increasing out-of pocket-costs and lowering payments to doctors while increasing subsidies to insurance companies for the Affordable Care Act.  President Obama had unlawful immigration policies according to the Supreme Court and unlawful payments by for the Affordable Care Act, according to the Government Accountability Office.  Joe Biden has twisted immigration policy into a pretzel, making a mockery of the immigration system by allowing nearly five million people into the country in over two years. 

Thomas Jefferson wrote of King George III of England in the Declaration of Independence: 

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice,

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people,

Abolishing our most valuable laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments … 

The circle of laws used and abused slowly began to cut into the life of the colonists.  The Declaration of Independence is about the lack of justice “in the long train of abuses and usurpations” by the distant monarchy.  Are there similarities today with our own government?  

James Clyburn: ‘People love Biden’s approach…when they look at their bank accounts’ By Thomas Lifson

The House Majority Leader knows the media will not call out his obvious lie.

House Majority Leader James Clyburn was the kingmaker whose endorsement of Joe Biden in the 2020 South Carolina primary pushed him into the nomination despite his obvious infirmities. Perhaps the experience of denying Biden’s dementia has rubben off into other ares of reality denial. Via Breitbart:

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” House Majority Leader Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said that “people love Joe Biden’s approach and they are in love with his agenda.” But his ratings are low because even though people are “very pleased” “when they look at their bank accounts, they look at what’s happening with their families and in their communities,” that doesn’t show up in polls, and Biden will be like President Truman who did things that “were unpopular at the time, but over time, have proven to be exactly what the country needed.”

Clyburn stated, “I want to see him run again. I told him that. But that decision is up to him and his family. I think that if he learned anything in this election this November, it is this, that people love Joe Biden’s approach and they are in love with his agenda. That’s why we were able to defy all odds and do what we were able to do in defying conventional wisdom.”

Either the Majority Leader is delusional or he is gaslighting the public, stating an obvious falsehood in hopes that people would follow his narrative rather than the facts.

Maricopa County Made Arizona’s Elections Even More Of A Disaster Than People Realize By: Shawn Fleetwood

‘This was a horrible thing to experience. Poll workers conveyed a shocking lack of competence — it actually looked like willful incompetence,’ a Maricopa poll observer said.

After it trained upwards of 50,000 poll watchers, poll workers, and other roles for ongoing citizen engagement in the election process over the year leading up to the 2022 midterms, the Election Integrity Network sent out a survey to its on-the-ground volunteers following Election Day to gauge how things went.

The responses from election workers in key battleground districts and states around the country showed a mostly calm election cycle compared to 2020, with one massive and overwhelming exception. In Maricopa County, Arizona, election workers were appalled and aghast at how things had been run there.

“As soon as we sent the survey out, we were flooded with responses showing that they had no confidence in how the election had been run there,” Executive Director of the Election Integrity Network Marshall Yates told The Federalist.

According to Yates, unlike the rest of the country, where survey respondents espoused general confidence in their respective elections, the responses from Arizona were overwhelming, with Maricopa poll watchers and poll workers saying they had “zero” confidence in the election.

Biden Education Official Says Democracy—And Everything Else—Is White Supremacy By Catherine Salgado

“Kristina Ishmael [she/her],” a Biden deputy director to the Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology, made her Twitter account private after Fox News caught her claiming that democracy, “fatphobia,” and, well, pretty much everything else is “white supremacy.” Considering that Ishmael said she was tuning out white people, while she/herself is white, should we follow her example and exclude her from public expression?

Fox News reported that said she also tweeted, “Learning to be comfortable in my own skin & weight and really ready to reject the White supremacist ideal body? F*ck yes. Fatphobia is real. The ‘ideal’ weight, shape & look is white supremacy baked into our everyday lives. I’m so over it. We deserve more than diets.” Because apparently only white people have ever criticized fatness?

“[Democracy is] also built on white supremacy, which I see perpetuated in education circles when BIPOC folx are being told they’re too negative by addressing real issues instead of superlatives,” Ishmael tweeted. The Biden official also tweeted an accusation that the “white evangelical church” has “welcomed” both “White supremacy and hate.” Ishmael commented, “Amen.” Which would seem to lower her woke score, since she did not add “awomen.”

Over a quarter of Americans identify as evangelical, Fox News reported.

In 2019, Ishmael pontificated, “I walked away from a conversation because a white male dominated the conversation that was being facilitated by a woman of color. Sometimes walking away is the only thing to do.”

Ishmael also seemed to ponder if white homosexuals ought to be considered marginalized in school curriculum. Which is clearly a consideration of paramount importance for an educator. “In most ‘inclusive’ materials, the most dominant folx are still represented in the marginalized group (e.g. white, cis, gay men). This does not include the nuance of this group,” Ishmael whined. But she’s always focused on the most important aspects of education: “[M]ost of my curriculum was written from a very narrow and white perspective.”

FIFA has scored a spectacular own goal Everybody in the world knows why the World Cup is taking place in Qatar: Douglas Murray
“Everybody in the world knows why the World Cup is taking place in Qatar. It is because the Qataris are very rich and bribed FIFA officials to have the competition in their inappropriately climated statelet. Many people have lamented this, but I think the whole thing has paid off. Rather than covering over the lamentable aspects of Qatari society, the World Cup has highlighted them — as it has also highlighted a range of people who are willing to say almost anything so long as they get to trouser a lot of cash.”

Unlike some fair-weather fans I maintain a fairly constant interest in the workings of FIFA. Not because I especially care for association football, but because I consider myself something of a connoisseur of corruption. I do not spend all my time studying the matter, but I do take an interest in corrupt people and entities. They form a sort of hall of fame in part of my head.

Top of my list is probably Abdalá Bucaram. For anyone who failed to follow Ecuadorian politics in the 1990s, that is the period when Bucaram was elected to office in his country. Known as “El Loco” (“The madman”), the president had a colorful period in power. Among other things, he released a pop single trying to adopt his nickname in a positive light (“The madman who loves”). But he was best known for his fantastical corruption. So corrupt was Bucaram that when the Ecuadorian parliament voted to impeach him, he was caught trying to bribe officials to vote that he wasn’t corrupt. Shortly afterwards he was seen clambering on to a private jet to Panama with what one witness described as baskets full of cash.

Outside South America, you really have to go to international sporting organizations for corruption of this calibre. So it is that very near to Bucaram in my personal pantheon sits Chuck Blazer. You may remember him from a few years back as one of the FIFA officials who was proved to have received bribes to arrange for the World Cup to go to any country that could line his voluminous pockets. For Mr. Blazer was a big man. Indeed so morbidly obese was he that he had to move around in a mobility scooter. He had two apartments in Trump Tower, one of which was set aside for his cats. When the Feds came knocking, Mr. Blazer was on the way to his favorite restaurant on his mobility scooter. And so the Feds caught the FIFA official fairly easily on Fifth Avenue in perhaps the lowest-speed chase in NYPD history.