Noted professional clown and all around jackass David Horowitz has been on a publicity tour for his new book, The Black Book of the American Left. His book discusses, among other things, communist influence and support in America. I spoke to Horowitz and those praising him, asking how they can justify his new book with a straight face […]
That is a lot of camels. I doubt there are 100 camels in all of Berlin. But who are we to argue with the enlightened wisdom of Mohammedan justice?
This is your justice system. This is your justice system on Sharia. Even when there aren’t beheadings and behandings, there are camels. Lots and lots of camels.
As Taccidin Yatkin drove in the spring of 2013 to a reconciliation meeting with the Lebanese extended family Omeirat, he hoped that both sides in Arab tradition would join hands and would drink tea. In January 2009, Yatkin’s son Ali had hit the 17-year-old Mohammed Omeirat when he went through a red light with his Alfa Romeo and fatally injured him.
As the former president of the Central Council of Turks in Germany entered the premises of the Lebanese Association in Berlin-Neukölln, he knew that the victim’s family didn’t want to smoke a peace pipe.
There waiting were the Omeirats, 40 to 50 members of the family and other Arab clans. The message of the scenario was clear: Who does not cooperat, messes with the entire extended family Omeirat. Parts of which the police consider to be organized crime and which has distinguished itself primarily through property and violent crimes.
The director at the meeting was the Imam of the Mosque of Omar Neukölln reciting from the Qur’an determined that the case should be “solved according to Sharia”. The son of Othe meirats had been killed and the person responsible for it was not punished. According to the “law of our country he is guilty, whether he acted negligently or intentionally.” After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, Mayor Ray Nagin said that the storm was divine punishment for “being in Iraq under false pretenses.” Not only was a Liberal deity taking a position on WMDs and punishing George W. Bush by evicting a lot of black people from their homes, but the Democratic divinity was paradoxically also […]
RCP Average 10/20 – 11/11 — 39.2 52.7 Against/Oppose +13.5
Gallup 11/7 – 11/10 1039 A 40 55 Against/Oppose +15
Rasmussen Reports* 11/9 – 11/10 1000 LV 35 55 Against/Oppose +20
Quinnipiac 11/6 – 11/11 2545 RV 39 55 Against/Oppose +16
GWU/Battleground 10/27 – 10/31 1000 LV 43 53 Against/Oppose +10
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/25 – 10/28 800 A 37 47 Against/Oppose +10
FOX News* 10/20 – 10/22 1020 RV 41 51 Against/Oppose +10
All Public Approval of Health Care Law Polling Data Watching President Obama’s press conference Thursday, I almost started humming the old ditty “The Farmer in the Dell” because all I could think was: “The cheese stands alone.” The president did his level best to explain that he was as in the dark as anybody about the problems with his signature legislation. He explained […] This article is the first in a series of excerpts from my new book, Cry from the Heart, due in January 2014. If anyone is still looking for proof of the perils of socialism, they need look no further than the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Just as with any other socialist […] The former Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, once said, “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.” That day has not yet arrived. […] Don’t raise the bridge. Lower the river, divert the water, steamroll the riverbed, and install a bullet train as an “affordable” bridge substitute. Such grandiose thinking is derailing Obamacare at breakneck speed. Long after it has passed from the American body politic, Obamacare will be remembered as a Smithsonian-grade specimen of what happens when […] Middle East politics amounts to managing the decline of a failed culture. Nothing expresses Arab failure more vividly than Egypt, a banana republic without the bananas, now living on a $14 billion or so annual subsidy from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States. With 70% of its population living in agricultural areas, it imports […] The Bible is “the most dangerous book on Earth,” George Bernard Shaw famously warned a century ago. Today, Shaw’s words ring true—literally—for the 24 million people of North Korea. Possession of a Bible is a one-way ticket to the gulag or worse. The worst came true this month for a handful of North Koreans […]