VICTOR SHARP: THE COUNTERFEIT ARABS They are the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. They are indistinguishable from those Arabs who live in the surrounding artificial states such as Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia or the other entities throughout the Middle East created by the colonial powers, France and Britain. Both powers were victorious after the Ottoman Turkish Empire lay defeated […]


This isn’t going to be a good week for me. Friday will mark the 50th anniversary of the death in Dallas of President John F. Kennedy, and between now and then I expect a complete media blitz—make that a blitzkrieg—of stories, films, docudramas, book reviews, and counterfactual explorations about the event and, by extension, about all that the nation lost with the death of the brilliant but ill-fated president. Dallas policemen, such media duffers as Bob Schieffer and Jim Lehrer, Lee Harvey Oswald’s dentist, Jack Ruby’s rabbi, everyone still alive who has any memory of or connection with the assassination will be called upon to cough up his driblet of information.

I happen to be a member of that minority—perhaps in America the minoritiest of all minorities—who doesn’t get it. I understand the sadness of a still youngish man killed in the presence of his wife before a vast television audience. What I don’t get is the glamor of, the intense emotion surrounding, the general significance of John F. Kennedy. Nor do I understand the eagerness of so many of my countrymen to make the Kennedy family America’s equivalent of the royals.

Palestinians: Abbas Cracks Down on Media, World Looks Other Way by Khaled Abu Toameh

These groups [human rights, media, Western donor governments] see only what the Israeli authorities do. On the side of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, or Hamas in the Gaza Strip, they “see no evil.” For Western governments, so long as the Palestinian Authority leadership says it is committed to the peace process with Israel, its leaders are allowed to rule as a dictatorship.

The Palestinian Authority also apparently does not want the outside world, especially international donors, to hear about the financial corruption or violations of freedom of the media. It seems to want criticism to be directed only toward Israel in the hope that this will invite international pressure on the Israelis and force them to accept at the negotiating able all of Abbas’s demands .

The Palestinian Authority has resumed its security crackdown on Palestinian journalists and bloggers in the West Bank.

But the crackdown has thus far sparked protests only from Palestinian journalists.

Western governments that fund the Palestinian Authority continue to turn a blind eye to the breach of freedom of expression in the West Bank.

International human rights groups and organizations purporting to defend freedom of the media also continue to ignore the violations against freedom of expression under the Palestinian Authority.

These groups only see what the Israeli authorities do. On the side of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, or Hamas in the Gaza Strip, they “see no evil.”




Today, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will pay a visit to Auschwitz where he will make a show of concern for the demonization of Jews in the past century. However, at the very same time his UN staff is actively discriminating against Jews at UN Headquarters in the here and now.

On Friday, November 15, 2013, an official UN-accredited Jewish non-governmental organization had its security clearance to attend an open UN meeting in New York revoked at the behest of the UN Division for Palestinian Rights.

The group of 18 Birthright Israel alumni had been invited to witness the annual offensive “UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” by the UN-accredited Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust.

The annual event marks the anniversary of November 29, 1947, the day that the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which partitioned Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. It was a resolution accepted by Jews and rejected across the Arab world.

It was also a day celebrated by the victims of the Nazis and the Jewish people in their ancient homeland and around the world.

Kerry’s ‘Peace In Our Time’ With The Mullahs — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by an All-Star Cast: Ann-Marie Murrell, National Director of, Basil Hoffman, a Hollywood Actor (“The Artist”) and Monty Morton, a Conservative Entrepreneur.

The Gang gathered to discuss Kerry’s “Peace In Our Time” With The Mullahs. The discussion occurred in Part II (starting at the 14:30 mark) and focused on the administration’s continued betrayal of Israel entering the catastrophe stage. The discussion was preceded by a dialogue on the disastrous ObamaCare meltdown.

Don’t miss Part I, which shed light on When Presidents Lie and weighed Nixon’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s falsehoods — on the scales of damage to the American people. The segment also dealt with When Obama Said He’s “Sorry”, the myriad ingredients and consequences of the ObamaCare nightmare, the president’s true morbid objectives in implementing it, and much, much more:

Muslim Taxi Driver with Samurai Sword Arrested Trying to Kill UK Prime Minister Posted By Daniel Greenfield

Apparently UK gun control was effective enough so that Irfaq Naz had a 950,000-volt stun gun, hammers, kitchen knives, a machete and a samurai sword.

But maybe he just liked the idea of manually beheading the Prime Minister, who once claimed that the UK needs to integrate with Islam rather than the other way around.

Taxi driver Irfaq Naz, 34, was caught by officers in July driving the wrong way down a north London street having travelled down from his Middlesbrough home.

An unsheathed Samurai sword, a machete, kitchen knives, hammers and masking tape were also found in his Vauxhall Astra, after police resorted to smashing their vehicle into his to prevent him from driving on.

While officers were initially called to reports of a dangerous driver travelling for three-quarters of a mile into oncoming traffic, it was only after they’d detained him that he admitted he was ‘on his way to kill the prime minister’.

From the rear seat officers recovered a claw hammer, a lump hammer and an axe which were in a plastic bag that also contained masking tape.

In the boot they found a machete and a stun gun, shaped as a knuckleduster. That device, a Blast Knuckles 950,000 volt stun gun, was found to be in working order and a prohibited weapon.’

A search of his home at Finsbury Street, Middlesbrough, found the Downing Street postcode and the names of prominent political figures.


“As frustrating as may be sometimes,” Obama told ObamaCare navigators and volunteers. “We’re on the right side of history.”

It wasn’t the first time that Obama had invoked the right side of history to rally the troops. During the Arab Spring, as Mubarak resigned on his orders, he said, “History will end up recording that at every juncture in the situation in Egypt, that we were on the right side of history.”

It’s hard to be on the right side of history at every juncture. But Obama believed that he had achieved the feat by backing Mubarak, then backing his overthrow and then backing the Muslim Brotherhood.

Two years later, history recorded that Obama was on the wrong side of history with the fiction of the Arab Spring being swept away by the impersonal forces of history which despite liberal claims to the contrary do not care who was claiming to be on their good side last week.

After lying to Americans and telling them that his intervention in Libya was about protecting Benghazi from a massacre that was never going to happen, he told the Democratic National Committee; “We’re on the right side of history now throughout the Middle East, because we believe in preventing innocents from getting slaughtered, and we believe in human rights for all people.”

The Libyan rebels began targeting Africans and Christians, then they attacked the diplomatic mission in Benghazi, and today the country is run by warring militias; including Al Qaeda groups which recruit fighters and obtain weapons for their campaigns in Mali and Syria.

In the summer of this year, Obama told

JED BABBIN: HELPING THE PHILIPPINES…The Military is Doing a Helluva Job in the Philippines. And No One Is Talking About It.

Nearly ten years ago, the towns in Indonesia were called Banda Aceh and Pangadaran. Now they’re Philippine towns named Guiuan and Tacloban. Odd-sounding names of far-away places that we never hear about unless something terrible has happened there. They have almost nothing to do with America.

But the 600,000 homeless and the millions affected by Typhoon Haiyan are enormously fortunate because Americans want to have something to do with them. And our armed forces are not only the first on the scene after the Filipinos themselves, but they are doing things no one else can do, with speed and effectiveness.

When a disaster like Typhoon Haiyan hits, the big dogs come running and provide the help that only our military can with the speed that only they can achieve.

When Indonesia was nearly destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami nearly ten years ago, Americans stepped up to provide disaster relief as only we can. The UN relief chief at the time, some punk named Jan Egeland, said that the U.S.’s response was stingy. I recall doing a radio interview the following day with then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who didn’t take kindly to Egeland’s comment.

Rumsfeld — with some exasperation in his voice — pointed out that we, at the time of Egeland’s comment, had 33 Navy ships with thousands of sailors and Marines already there, fanning out to rescue people and deliver thousands of tons of supplies.

(It turned out, as it always does with the UN, that Egeland’s temper tantrum resulted from the idea that we weren’t picking up what he thought was our share of the UN’s relief costs. Never mind that between a third and a half of those costs were to pay the UN’s staff and travel expenses, and most of the rest couldn’t be accounted for at all.)

We do these things not only because we can. Anne Applebaum of the Washington Post got it precisely wrong the other day when she said we were displaying American generosity. Generosity is what we prove by donations to charities. This is different. Call it compassion, call it simple humanity, it’s what we do. It’s what Americans are made of, a reflection of a lot of the things it means to be an American.

The scope of our rescue and recovery operation is massive. First on the ground was the Third Marines Expeditionary Brigade, deployed from Japan on November 12, just four days after the storm. It began the relief operation and began setting the stage for the Navy, following close behind.

The aircraft carrier USS George Washington is, like all our Nimitz-class carriers, so massive that it’s sometimes hard to believe it actually moves. Home to about 6,000 officers and enlisted sailors, Washington and its sister ships have an awesome capacity to make war or peace, whichever is needed. Disaster relief meant Washington, based in Yokosuka, Japan, was given orders to shed its jets to make room for as many V-22s and helicopters it could operate off the flight deck, which is a lot. (The deck of a Nimitz-class carrier, at 4.5 acres in size, holds a lot of aircraft. The hangar decks below can roughly double that number.)

‘This Is What Terror Is’: Administration Slammed for Brushing Off Religious Root of Boko Haram Threat By Bridget Johnson****

WASHINGTON — On the same day the administration finally designated Boko Haram as a terrorist organization, a survivor of the Islamist group’s inhumanity poured out to Congress his story of being shot point-blank in the face for his Christian faith.

The joint subcommittee hearing of the House Foreign Affairs panels on Africa and Terrorism was sparsely attended by lawmakers, with chairmen Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and Ted Poe (R-Texas), respectively, and ranking members Karen Bass (D-Calif.) and Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) showing up to hear the horrifying tales from this hotbed of extremism — and learn about the threat the al-Qaeda-linked group poses to the U.S.

Habila Adamu comes from Yobe state in northern Nigeria, where gunmen came to his home on Nov. 28, 2012. They ordered him to step outside as his wife begged the gunmen not to harm him.

“They said she should go back, because they were here to do the work of Allah,” Adamu said. “When I heard that, I knew that they were here to kill me.”

After Adamu confirmed to the men armed with AK-47s that he was a businessman and not police or military, they asked if he was a Christian. “I said I am a Christian. They asked me why are we preaching the message of Mohammed to you and you refuse to accept Islam. I told them I am a Christian, we are also preaching the gospel of true God to you and other people that are not yet to know God,” Adamu testified. “They asked me if I mean we Christian know God. And I told them we know God and that is why I preach the good news to other people that do not know God.”

“Then they asked me, ‘Habila, are you ready to die as a Christian?’ I told them, ‘I am ready to die as a Christian.’ For the second time, they asked me, ‘Are you ready to die as a Christian?’ and I told them, ‘I am ready,’ but before I closed my mouth, they have fired me through my nose and the bullet came out through the back.”