After man nails scrotum to cobbles in Red Square, why don’t Russian protestors just get real?It was a pointed protest. But instead of nailing his scrotum to Red Square why didn’t he join a Facebook group, or start a new movement? This won’t help democracy in Russia one bit.

There’s got to be a better way. Pyotr Pavlensky’s decision to nail his scrotum to the cobbles in Red Square last week in protest against Vladimir Putin’s authoritarianism will no more help the cause of democracy in Russia than have the lewd antics of the now jailed young women from Pussy Riot.

Pavlensky has just been charged with “hooliganism” — a catch all part of the criminal code that was widely used to jail dissidents in the Soviet era.

Except that the dissidents in the Soviet era didn’t nail their private parts to public squares, defile churches or have sex in public to make their point, which is why Pavlensky and Pussy Riot enjoy very little respect among ordinary Russians. Their actions harm the democracy movement in modern Russia by making it easy for the authorities to portray all its opponents as cranks and weirdos.

“…our fixation on our defeats and losses is nailing us to the Kremlin’s cobbles,” Pavlensky said in a statement. No Pyotr. It’s you.

MICHAEL CURTIS:A Civilisationally Exhausted West in Mortal Danger Over Iran
The eager pursuit of Iran by Kerry and others is all too reminiscent of events concerning Nazi Germany, especially the infamous 1938 Munich agreement, now the symbol of inherent appeasement

It is a truth that should be acknowledged by the United States and all democratic countries that a nuclear Iran will mean the destruction of the State of Israel and a threat to the rest of the world. No doubt it is a desirable principle to attempt to reconcile national differences by negotiation. But not all agreements are worth the price paid.

It comes as no small surprise that in the negotiations with Iran in Geneva the United States together with five other countries, the permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany, should have persisted in a formula that would have ended in an undesirable compromise unlikely to limit the threat of Iranian aggression.

The formula appeared simple: Iran would freeze its nuclear program in return for the international loosening of sanctions against it. However, this reverses the reality that it is the present sanctions, and possibly future tougher ones, that have made Iran seem more agreeable to halt or dismantle its nuclear facilities and pursuit of a weapons program.

Is it naïve to doubt the intentions of Iran? In spite of the charm offensive in New York of Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, the nature of the Iranian regime, with its continuing support of the brutal President Assad in Syria and the terrorist Hezbollah with supplies and advisers do not make it a candidate for the next Nobel Peace Prize.

The draft negotiations were not likely to improve relations between the U.S. and Iran. Nor did they take account of the Iran’s Parchin military base southeast of Tehran at which weapons research continues.

Fortunately, a hasty, undesirable agreement in Geneva was blocked partly by French arguments which insisted as a minimum on restrictions on Iran’s heavy water plant in Arak that can produce plutonium, and partly, perhaps largely, because of Iranian intransigence.

The contemplated deal would have entailed the promise by Iran that it would not enrich its nuclear enrichment capabilities to more than 3.5 per cent as part of an interim agreement. In return, the international economic sanctions against Iran, on its oil operation and its currency, that have had considerable success, would be eased.

Because of the sanctions the Iranian economy was reduced by some 5 per cent last year. Iran’s daily crude oil sales have been reduced by 60 per cent in the last two years.

The Kerry Fiasco By Jerold S. Auerbach ****

Who could have imagined it? Secretary of State John Kerry is making his predecessor James Baker seem like Israel’s best friend. Back in 1990, Baker complained that Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir was thwarting Bush administration efforts to launch Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations (sound familiar?). He flamboyantly revealed the White House telephone number, instructing the Israeli government: “When you’re serious about peace call us.” The frustrated secretary, advised to consider how his blatant hostility might play out to American Jewry, memorably responded: “Fuck the Jews, they didn’t vote for us anyway.”

During the past several weeks, Kerry has repeatedly berated Israel while blithely undermining his own credibility. First, he blamed the Jewish state for stymied negotiations with the Palestinians, now in their fourth month of going nowhere (exactly where they have always gone). Then he dismissed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s repeated warnings that the United States was abandoning its Middle East allies, Arab states and Israel alike, by caving in to Iranian pressure to lift biting financial sanctions that have inhibited its nuclear development. Finally, with the announcement by Israel’s Housing minister that settlement construction would soon resume, quickly rescinded by Netanyahu, Kerry went ballistic.

Kerry’s fundamentally flawed analytical framework is grounded, as criticism of Israel inevitably is, in the distorted perception that Jewish settlements in the biblical homeland of the Jewish people pose the fundamental obstacle to Middle Eastern peace. “We do not believe the settlements are legitimate,” Kerry declared on Israeli television during his recent visit. “We think they are illegitimate. And we believe that the entire peace process would in fact be easier if these settlements were not taking place.” They send the message, to Kerry at least, that “perhaps you’re not really serious.” About any Palestinian obstacles to peace, including their resistance to partition that dates back to 1937, Kerry remained silent.


In the two and four-year institutions of higher learning where I teach, they have “purchased access [so instructors can] attend a live online seminar on “helping Unprepared Students Succeed in the College Classroom.” With “more and more students arriving on campus without the tools they need to succeed,” they invariably drop out or fail their classes. This seminar promises to be a panacea for all these difficulties.

The seminar aims to introduce strategies that will “promote student engagement” in addition to getting “students to buy in to [the] course and its requirements.” Ultimately the instructors will be able to “guide students to sound decision making by giving them choices with well-defined consequences.” And, of course we are enjoined to “make content more relevant for students.”

This culturally relevant teaching was made popular by Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings in the early 1990s. Please note that “culturally relevant teaching is a pedagogy” which displays “cultural competence” or “skill at teaching in a cross-cultural or multicultural setting to enable each student to relate course content to his or her cultural context.” Basically it “often deals specifically with instruction of African American students in the United States” but is not limited to this group.

And with these “novel” ideas, instructors will be helped to “respond confidently and effectively to performance issues such as partially or completely unread homework assignments,” students handing in “incomplete homework” and “course assignments that are sloppily completed or completely ignored.”

This is the state of higher education in America today! Of course, this is not about dealing with a student body that has no interest in higher education — either because the love of learning is nonexistent or because the student is simply not capable of doing college level work; rather it is about the bottom line as these “schools have a lot riding on improved retention — reputation, rankings, and financial stability [.]” So Kenneth L. Alford, Ph.D. and Tyler J. Griffin, Ph.D., who have entered into this entrepreneurial gold mine, maintain that they have “three recommendations–1. Increase relevance; 2. Increase relevance; 3. Increase relevance.”

I kid you not. Instructors are now being directed to repeatedly ask students “So What” or “Who cares?” This is to “assist students in order to see the ‘big picture.'” By asking a “so what” question, it will allow “students [to] have control over course decisions and direction [.]” Consequently, this will help “guide a class discussion on why this course should matter to them.” As instructors, we are to “play a devil’s advocate role.”

Furthermore, if we “give unreasonable expectations” it will only “increase students’ unpreparedness and decrease their motivation.” But paradoxically, we are still to “have standards” as ‘mercy should not be allowed to rob justice, or [we] run the risk of losing credibility — contributing to increased unpreparedness.”

After digesting this gobbledygook, I picked up a university school newspaper with the headline “Basic Algebra Remedial Classes Double in Size.” This four-year university has “adopted the math emporium model for its Basic Algebra course, which is being taught using a Smart Board and laptop.” Thus, students are bedazzled by the equipment and increased class size results in fewer adjuncts who need to be hired. But more to the point — why are remedial classes needed in a four-year university?

In a September 23, 2013 Chronicle of Higher Education article entitled “Florida Colleges Make Plans for Students to Opt Out of Remedial Work,” author Katherine Mangan describes how some Florida state lawmakers have decided to make these remedial classes optional for most students. Yet, many “community and state colleges, which all have open admissions, fear that an influx of unprepared students could destabilize introductory courses [.]” Ultimately those who struggle will fail. In fact, “colleges have become ground zero in a national battle highlighting the fact that remedial education is simply not working” — something that even the most ardent supporters of such programs now acknowledge.

But with “less than half of the students who took the SAT in 2013 ready to succeed in postsecondary education” it is clear that something very fundamental is lacking. Victor Davis Hanson asserts that “[c]ollege acceptance was supposed to be a reward for hard work and proven excellence in high school, not a guaranteed entitlement of open admission. Yet, more than half of incoming first-year students require remediation in math and English during, rather than before attending, college. That may explain why… hundreds of million dollars later, about the same number never graduate.” Increasing failure is becoming the norm and it is robbing young people of a hopeful future.

Not everyone belongs in college, yet, attending college is an incessant mantra being forced by “agenda-driven politicians, partisan ideologues and careerist technocrats.” Sadly, this generation is being saddled with false dreams, financial nightmares, and neither practical nor humanistic knowledge.

Some of my more astute students will share that they appreciate my being “tough” on them because they maintain that too many instructors just let them pass and do not demand coherent writing. A widespread lack of academic rigor is too often the norm. But far too many students have not yet absorbed the idea that “constructive, even painful feedback” is necessary for growth. Instead, as instructors, we are supposed to “tease knowledge out of students, rather than pound it into their heads. Projects and collaborative learning are applauded [whereas] traditional methods like lecturing and memorization are [often] derided as ‘drill and kill'” even though these latter methods do work well.


The following lie was bad enough but it’s nothing compared to what is coming in January with the unleashing of Section 1311:

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your current health insurance plan you can keep it.”

At a January 29, 2010 conference, President Obama stated the following, which is not true:

“..If you look at the package that we’ve presented — and there’s some stray cats and dogs that got in there that we were eliminating, we were in the process of eliminating. For example, we said from the start that it was going to be important for us to be consistent in saying to people if you can have your — if you want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep it, thatyou’re not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making. And I think that some of the provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge and so we were in the process of scrubbing this and making sure it was tight.” [emphasis is mine]

‘You’re not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making’ is the worst lie, worse than not keeping your doctors and your hospitals.

Government will get between you and your doctor. In fact, government will control all insured, even privately insured. No one is safe. Mr. Obama knew it in 2010 when he admitted ‘some provisions violate the pledge’ and he knows it now. He has said it but he will not explain it.

The people will soon find out because, next year, Section 1311 of The Affordable Care Act kicks in and, with it, complete government control over everyone’s healthcare.

Ben Gurion’s Legacy: Defiance of US Pressure Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Upon the 40th anniversary of Prime Minister Ben Gurion’s death, Israeli and American policy-makers should study the 1948 legacy of Israel’s Founding Father: Defiance of disproportionate US pressure forged Israel into a national security producer rather than a national security consumer, catapulted the Jewish state into the most productive US strategic ally, enhanced the long-term US-Israel mutually-beneficial ties (following short-term tension), and advanced the national security of both the US and Israel.

On May 29, 1949, toward the end of Israel’s War of Independence, which consumed 6,000 Israeli lives (1% of the population!), the US Ambassador to Israel, James McDonald, delivered a scolding message from President Truman to Prime Minister Ben Gurion. According to McDonald, Truman “interpreted Israel’s attitude [rejecting the land-for-peace principle; annexing West Jerusalem; refusing to absorb Arab refugees; pro-actively soliciting a massive Jewish ingathering] as dangerous to peace and as indicating disregard of the UN General Assembly resolutions of November 29, 1947 [the partition plan] and December 11, 1948 [refugees and internationalization of Jerusalem], reaffirming insistence that territorial compensation should be made [by Israel] for territory taken in excess of November 29 [40% beyond the partition plan!], and that tangible refugee concessions should be made [by Israel] now as essential, preliminary to any prospect for general settlement. The operative part of the note was the implied threat that the US would reconsider its attitude toward Israel (My Mission in Israel 1948-1951, James McDonald, Simon and Schuster, 1951, p 181).”

Ben Gurion’s response – with a population of 650,000 Jews, a $1 billion GDP and a slim military force in 1949, compared with 6.3 million Jews, a $260 billion GDP and one of the world’s finest military forces in 2013 – was resolute: “[Truman’s] note was unrealistic and unjust. It ignored the facts that the partition resolution was no longer applicable since its basic conditions had been destroyed by Arab aggression which the Jews successfully resisted…. To whom should we turn if Israel were again attacked? Would the US send arms or troops? The United States is a powerful country; Israel is a small and a weak one. We can be crushed, but we will not commit suicide (ibid, p. 182).”

‘God Bless America’ Gets Veteran in Hot Water With Employer :Richard Sharp STOCKTON, Calif. (KCRA) —A Dameron Hospital employee who is also a veteran said he was asked last week to remove his email signature that read, in part, “God Bless America.” Boots Hawks served the United States for 20 years in the Army, he said Thursday, adding that he has been a good employee at […]


The Russians are coming! Just as the red carpet was being rolled out in Cairo in honor of the visiting Russian foreign and defense ministers, Egypt’s headliners were busy declaring that nothing had altered in their country’s geopolitical orientation. According to them, all is as it was – they still are officially allies of the US, […]

AMIL IMANI; ISLAM- THE RELIGION OF BLOOD From Peshawar Pakistan to Nairobi Kenya, from Damascus Syria to Benghazi Libya, Muslims are on a killing rampage. The civilized world is shocked and distressed. Some mutation seems to take place in the humanness of the person the minute he announces his subservience to Islam by reciting the Shahada: “I bear witness that there is […]


People, countries and ideas are destroyed through their inability to resolve their contradictions. The left gained a foothold in America by exploiting the country’s contradiction between its insistence on moral superiority and the actual way that the sausage got made. The left did not resolve this contradiction, instead it pretended that it had transcended the contradiction because when it made the sausage and broke the omelets, it was doing it for the greater good.

Under the old system, human misery was caused by the pragmatic problems of reality. Under the new system, it was caused by the idealistic necessities of the greater good.

For example, before ObamaCare someone who couldn’t get health insurance was suffering for pragmatic reasons. With the advent of ObamaCare, someone losing their doctors and getting stuck with insurance they couldn’t afford was suffering for the idealism of the greater good.

The contradiction between the aspirations of the ideal and the brutal necessities of the real were not resolved. Instead the left made the suffering of individuals and groups irrelevant.

The left expanded its collective representation beyond the individual and even the nation. It enclosed the entire world and immunized itself against any moral challenge. By representing the welfare of the entire human race, any suffering it inflicted short of that could be justified for the sake of a majority.

Eventually the left was also destroyed by its contradictions, the dream died leaving behind gulags and ghettos. Nothing had actually been fixed. And the left insisted that it was the impulse of the ideal that was noble, regardless of how badly it was managed. As it had all along, it chose to die on the ideal, rather than live with the real.