The CIA: Funder of Trash and Terrorists by EDWARD CLINE ****

Imagine my surprise when a British friend sent me the link to a 1995 Independent newspaper article about the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement in fostering bad “art” (to loosely employ the term art) as a means of proving to the Soviets and to the world that the America wasn’t a cultural Death Valley. While I had always suspected that the CIA was involved in many questionable and highly dubious covert activities, ostensively in defense of national interests (e.g., President John F. Kennedy sanctioning the CIA’s wiretapping of the Washington press corps), this news helped to fit two or three handfuls of jigsaw puzzle pieces into a much broader picture.

Francis Stonor Saunders, writing for the Independent, and who later wrote a book about the CIA’s role in promoting not just abstract art, but “anti-communist” writers and journalists, opened with:

For decades in art circles it was either a rumor or a joke, but now it is confirmed as a fact. The Central Intelligence Agency used American modern art – including the works of such artists as Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko – as a weapon in the Cold War. In the manner of a Renaissance prince – except that it acted secretly – the CIA fostered and promoted American Abstract Expressionist painting around the world for more than 20 years….

Why did the CIA support them? Because in the propaganda war with the Soviet Union, this new artistic movement could be held up as proof of the creativity, the intellectual freedom, and the cultural power of the US. Russian art, strapped into the communist ideological straitjacket, could not compete.

What startled me even more was the date of the article, October 22nd, 1995. Why hadn’t I heard of this scoop before? How did it slip under my radar? The news ought to have rocked the foundations of modern art, and sent the practitioners, purveyors and rich connoisseurs of “Abstract Expressionism” screaming “We’ve been had! We’ve been tools of the capitalist lackeys! Duped by imperialist warmongers!” as they cascaded in lemming droves over the railings of the Brooklyn Bridge. It ought to have knocked the bottom out of the demand for the drips, drops and splashes that have passed for “high art” for so many decades and dropped the appraised worth of private and institutional collections by about 99.9%.

But, nothing like that happened. The practitioners, purveyors and connoisseurs are still with us, and foisting on the country “art” that is even worse than Abstract Expressionism,” “art” that can’t even be defined as “abstract.” Or psychotic. Or disturbed. Or “art.”

PRAVDA ON THE HUDSON: PETER HUESSEY For over 30 years, Iran and its allies have been at war with the United States and its allies, especially those in the Middle East. Iran is today and has been the world’s premier sponsor of the use of terror for political ends says our US Department of State. And one of its key […]

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Greece’s Golden Dawn uses 9/11 to degrade Jews (Warning: this is very nasty stuff): Robin Shepherd

Third largest party in Greece promotes Jew hatred of the kind that original Nazi predecessors would not have balked at

Decent people do not need a break-down of the rights and wrongs of what follows. Be aware that Golden Dawn is the third largest party in the Greek parliament, and retains its double double digit support among the public. It hates Jews, non-whites, gays, and everyone who is not like them.

What you are about to read is from their own website (third item down) and those they link to as supporters. As a precursor, and mindful that this is the third most powerful force in Greek politics, here is what one of their featured comments (they don’t let this happen by accident) said of 9/11 and the Jews:

“Zionist think they will rule forever. In fact they will pay for killing millions and millions of European people! And they scream their fake Holocast (sic) shit everyday! They will pay for every suffering and death they ever caused! Golden Dawn will prevail! Hail Golden Dawn!”

Remember, this is the third biggest party in Greece.

Here is what they linked into for their readers on the annversary of 9/11. Under the headline: “The Jew Doesn’t Fight his own battles”:

“World Zionism is the architect of global terrorism, the man behind the curtain if you will. Ever since the establishment of the terrorist state of Israel in 1948, there has been a major increase in violent terrorist acts across the globe. The world has plunged into an era of chaos, destruction, war, tyranny and strife, and all this satanic madness can be traced back to International Jewry’s doorstop, Tel Aviv. Israel is engaged in a global “strategy of tension,” a maniacal effort designed to drive a wedge between the Western world and the Islamic world. International Jewry will continue to exacerbate and exploit the contrived divisions between the West and the Islamic world, Christianity and Islam, until they achieve their final objective –- the annihilation of the hated Gentiles and eventual world domination.”

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