SUKKOT-THE AUTUMN HARVEST FESTIVAL: DAVID HORNIK Fifteen days after the stocktaking of Rosh Hashanah, and five days after the more rigorous stocktaking of Yom Kippur, falls the weeklong holiday of Sukkot—one of the most joyous and pleasant Jewish holidays. It began this year at sundown on Wednesday, September 18. In ancient Israel, Sukkot was (along with Passover and Shavuot) one […]

ON THE ROAD AGAIN…Anti-War Delegation to Syria. Ramsey Clark, Cynthia McKinney, Sara Flounders

The anti-war movement is in a race with the Pentagon to stop the U.S. from its goal — pushed back momentarily — of going to war with Syria.

This urgency is what made the International Action Center (IAC) send a delegation from the United States to Syria.

The IAC’s Sara Flounders gives an audio report (below) on the team’s trip so far, featuring an on-air meeting with members of “Over Our Dead Bodies” — the youth encampment of hundreds of voluntary human shields at Syria’s communications centers.


Leading the trip is former U.S. attorney general and human rights lawyer Ramsey Clark; former six-term Congressperson from Georgia Cynthia McKinney; Dedon Kamathi of the All African People’s Revolutionary Party and Pacifica Radio; and Johnny Achi of Arab Americans 4 Syria in Los Angeles. The International Action Center, which pulled together the delegation, sent key organizers John Parker from Los Angeles and Sara Flounders from New York.

The corporate media shift in tone on Syria, from warlike to congratulatory — falsely applauding the United States for a diplomatic breakthrough — is covering over Washington’s continued war threats.

On Sunday, Secretary of State John Kerry stated that Washington’s goal is to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power even if all of Syria’s chemical weapons are destroyed.

SOME GOOD NEWS: US PILOT SCARES OFF IRANIAN FIGHTER JETS WITH “TOP GUN” STUNT: DOUGLAS ERNST The U.S. Air Force has a message for Iran: Don’t mess with our drones. In what only can be described as a scene out of Tom Cruise’s “Top Gun,” Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, Air Force chief of staff, describes how F-22 stealth jets scared off Iranian jets from a U.S. drone flying in […]


Indian parents publicly beat daughter to death, behead husband in brutal honor killing


A 20-year-old woman was beaten to death and her husband beheaded by members of her own family in a horrific honor killing Wednesday in India.

Nidhi Barak, 20, and Dharmender Barak, 23, both students, were killed in Gharnavati village in the Indian state of Haryana as onlookers watched, the Daily Mail reported.

The couple had eloped earlier in the week because their families didn’t approve of the relationship. The girl’s parents then allegedly duped the two into believing a wedding ceremony was waiting for them when they returned home.

Police said the couple were tortured for several hours at Mrs. Barak’s home before she was beaten to death in full public view, the Daily Mail reported.

Mr. Barak was beaten and his arms and legs broken, before he was beheaded. His body was allegedly dumped at a public square, and the girl’s body was reportedly cremated on a pyre by her family.

Mrs. Barak’s parents and uncle have been arrested and police are now trying to trace her brother and other family members who disappeared missing since the crime.

OBAMA TO MEET ABBAS NEXT WEEK IN NYC: BEN WOLFGANG The White House confirmed Friday that President Obama will hold a bilateral meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas next week in New York City during the global gathering of world leaders for the U.N. General Assembly. “This is an important opportunity for [Mr. Obama] to reinforce the support of the United States for […]

Progressives, Dems Slap the Faces of Benghazi Dead By Frank Salvato

In a move that illustrates why the overwhelming majority of American’s have grown to despise partisan politics – and come to be understandably offended by the actions of the Left, Progressives and Democrats on the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee executed – under the guise of protest – one of the most insensitive and disrespectful actions in the history of the United States House of Representatives. They staged a pre-planned and organized “walkout” before the testimonies of the families of those slaughtered in Banghazi on September 11, 2012.

Those elected to office are sent to Washington to represent the whole of their constituencies, not just those with whom they agree. By staging this inarguably childish – and ultimately selfish – political theater, they have abdicated their responsibility to represent those with whom they disagree ideologically. This is an abdication of their obligation to the office; to their constituents. It is an action that even their supporters should abhor and, in fact, penalize them for.

The Capitalism Institute reports:

Earlier today, an important hearing regarding the attack on Benghazi was being held by the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee. The parents of the Benghazi heroes who died fighting to protect the US consulate were about to speak.

Then, in a turn of events that’s disgusting even by DC standards, most of the Democrats stood up and walked out. Apparently, they were either protesting or trying to show disrespect — either way, if there was any honor in their districts at all, this would end their careers…

Here’s the list of people who walked out:

Rouhani, Obama’s ‘Moderate’ Iranian Lifeline : Anne Bayefsky As President Obama would have it, Hassan Rouhani, the new president of Iran, is a moderate. The president is leading Americans to believe that, to borrow Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s description of butcher Saddam Hussein, here is a man “with whom we can do business.” Rouhani told NBC’s Ann Curry on September 18 that […]

CAROLINE GLICK: SYRIA, IRAN AND THE NORTH KOREAN MODEL Did US President Barack Obama score a great victory for the United States by concluding a deal with Russia on Syria’s chemical weapons or has he caused irreparable harm to the US’s reputation and international position? By what standard can we judge his actions when the results will only be known next year? To […]

MARTIN SHERMAN: FAILED PHILANTHROPY Trying to win the strategic ideological battle with the Left using the current methods is like a man standing in a bucket, trying to lift himself up by the handle. And just as futile. Philanthropy is not working as well as it should, and almost everyone knows it. The causes that receive the most […]


From the end of 1948 to the fall of 1950, Alaska Airlines took part in the airlift of 50,000 Jews from Yemen to the newly created nation of Israel. Known as Operation Magic Carpet, Alaska Airlines employees flew in perilous conditions while helping to fulfill a Biblical prophecy that said the Yemenite Jews would return to their homeland “on the wings of eagles.” than 60 years later a new museum in the state of Alaska pays tribute to this piece of Alaska Airlines history. The Alaska Jewish Museum’s first featured exhibit, “On the Wings of Eagles: Alaska’s Contribution to Operation Magic Carpet,” tells the story of a young Alaska Airlines and its employees’ heroic efforts to avert a humanitarian crisis during a trying time in world history.

“We decided to have the ‘On the Wings of Eagles’ exhibit at the museum because of the unique melding of energies between disparate groups (Alaska Airlines, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the State of Israel and the American government) to ensure the rescue of virtually an entire population from devastating circumstances,” says Leslie Fried, the museum’s curator.

The Yemenite Jews in Aden were living under extremely harsh conditions in the years prior to and immediately following the birth of the State of Israel.

At the time, Alaska Airlines was the largest non-scheduled carrier in the world. When the American Joint Distribution Committee contacted Alaska President James A. Wooten, he was moved after seeing the terrible conditions under which the Yemenite Jews lived in the Aden ghetto created by the British.