A Former Prisoner of Zion Describes His “Wandering in the Desert” of the Soviet Union: Yosef Begun ****

The pilgrimage of Succot commemorates an important event in ancient Jewish history – the wandering of the Jews in the Sinai Desert after they escaped from Egypt. The former Egyptian slaves found themselves in the wilderness and were very frightened by the challenge of freedom. Some even wanted to return to the fleshpots of Egypt. God’s punishment of 40 years of wandering in the desert was actually a lesson in Jewish education for the horde of former slaves. They had to learn to be Jewish people.

In October 1917, when the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia, everything changed in the lives of the Jews. In keeping with their ideological dogma, the totalitarian rulers denied Jews the right of cultural autonomy and destroyed the institutions of Jewish education.

When I was a schoolboy growing up in Moscow before World War II, there was no means of Jewish education. Under the Soviet regime, millions of Russian Jews were estranged from any national connection after the liquidation of social institutions of Jewish life, and they were prevented from having any connection with Jews beyond the Soviet borders.

If the Egyptian Jews wandering in the Sinai Desert under Moses’s guidance experienced spiritual elevation, the Soviet Jews some 3,500 years later went through steady national degradation. To make a kind of historical analogy, the Jews were “wandering” in a spiritual “desert” in the Soviet Union.

However, although they were deprived of national development, Jews in the USSR had equal rights when it came to civil affairs and education.

Many well-educated Jews played an active part in the development of the Soviet Union’s culture and economy. For example, I worked as a PhD specialist at the Moscow Radio Institute. The Soviet regime used this double-edged policy to conceal the spiritual genocide of its millions of Jews. As Israel’s first prime minister David Ben-Gurion said, “The danger of the extermination of the Jewish people is not to have them disappear. A people can be exterminated not only in gas chambers but also by killing their soul. The mass of Jewish people is being exterminated in such a way.”

Clearly, he was referring to the Jews in the Soviet Union. Spiritual genocide, like all other types of mass persecution for ethnic reasons, has the same result – extermination of an ethnic group. As American author Herman Wouk wrote in This Is My God, “These people are lost from Judaism; lost down the road that has swallowed many more Jews than the Hitler terror ever did. Of course, they survive as individuals, but from the viewpoint of the army, it makes little difference whether a division is exterminated or disperses into the hills and shucks off its uniforms.”

The Bible says that according to God’s sentence, our Jewish ancestors had to wander in the desert until the generation of former slaves died, but the new generation could enter the Promised Land.

Contrary to that, the Soviet Jews were doomed to wander in that invisible Jewish desert of the USSR forever.

The dictatorship decreed that all generations of Russian Jews – parents and grandparents, as well as children and grandchildren– would never leave it. As the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Jewish history, the Soviet Jews ultimately had to vanish but remain alive as individuals.

The anti-Jewish policy reached its peak in the “black years” of Russian Jewish history, the final years of Stalin’s life, 1948-1953. The Soviet dictator was going to realize his version of the “final solution of the Jewish question.” The last remaining people who dealt with Yiddish culture in the USSR were arrested and killed after a secret trial. As in medieval Europe, a group of Jewish doctors were accused of trying to kill the government leaders. Jews were under threat of mass deportation to the coldest areas of the north. Stalin’s sudden death during Purim of 1953 brought a miraculous salvation. The Jews were saved, but again as individuals. Under the same totalitarian regime, Jews remained the victims of the same policy of spiritual genocide and continued to wander in the Soviet desert. I spent almost 40 years of my life in that desert – from my birth in 1932 until 1971, when I submitted my request to leave for Israel.

After Stalin’s death, more and more Jews tried to escape. Not out of the country, as it was under lock and key, surrounded by the Iron Curtain, but out of that spiritual desert where we Jewish people lived. The main problem was to realize an initial idea, to get your own wish – to be a Jew. Not according to any official registration but in terms of belonging to the Jewish people and its destiny. It seems too simple, just to wish. For today’s readers, yes. But for the Jews of that time, no! They were wandering in a spiritual desert, totally ignorant as Jews, without any knowledge of the history and culture of their people. How could such a Jew get such an idea? It wasn’t simple to realize the idea. Indeed it was the first and most difficult obstacle on the way. I will try to explain how it happened with me.

At the beginning of the 1960s, when Khrushchev’s “thaw,” a more liberal policy that shifted Stalin’s severe winter, I was in my 30s and had a prestigious, well-paid job at the Institute of Radar Systems. Moscow was a great center of Russian culture, which I enjoyed. My Jewish friends and I used to talk about many things, including forbidden subjects such as human rights and democracy, but never Jewish topics. Why? Our collective Jewish memory was wiped clean. We didn’t know anything about our Jewish past or present. We were cut off from all Jewish connections. Being totally alienated and afraid of being accused of Zionism or nationalism, we were silent. As Elie Wiesel so aptly titled his book about us, we were “The Jews of Silence.”

But then something happened to me at the cinema. In the new, more liberal era, we were permitted to see more foreign films. Among them were those related to the war, and we sometimes saw footage of the Holocaust: deportations and the murder of Jews. The subject of the Holocaust was forbidden in the USSR, and watching those horrific episodes, I experienced a strange thought: “I am a Jew like them, and I could be among those miserable people.”

My friends did not share this interest; it was too painful.

But I couldn’t shake off those horrifying images. Each time I thought of them, they strengthened my newfound feelings.

Together with the shocking impression of the fate of those unfortunate men and women and children,I realized that I was a Jew and was seeing my Jewish people.

For many years, my Jewish origin had been rather confusing and uncomfortable for me. I wanted to be like all the people I lived with – Russians – but I knew that I was in some way not like them, somehow strange. Now everything changed. Of course, this change took place in my own mind. I continued to live as usual – I was still wandering in the desert like the majority of Jews in the USSR. But as I said, after Stalin’s death individuals and small groups of Jews began to look for a way out of the desert. They didn’t know each other; everyone looked for his or her own way out. Sometimes those people were arrested and punished for “nationalistic activities.”

After the “discovery” of my own people, I became interested in finding out who they were. At that time there was no Internet – people read books in libraries. To my great surprise, there were no books about Jews in the massive Lenin State Library in Moscow. (The majority of Russian language books on Jewish subjects were published before 1917.) Well, if they didn’t want me to read about Jews in Russian, I would read in Yiddish, the official language of Jews in the USSR. Yiddish wasn’t known to the young generation but was used by the older people. Contrary to Hebrew, which was a forbidden “counter-revolutionary language,” Yiddish was taught in schools after the Revolution. I hoped that with Yiddish I could communicate with the older, less assimilated Jews. With Yiddish I could read the Yiddish newspaper Sovetishe Heimland (Soviet Homeland) or to listen to Evreiskiye Pesni (Yiddish Songs) on the radio. But my naïve hope to find some means – textbooks a dictionary – to learn Yiddish and approach these rare manifestations of Soviet Jewish culture failed. Again! There was nothing anywhere, not in the libraries nor in bookstores. Like in a real desert! It is worth mentioning that I am talking about the “best time” of Jewish culture in the USSR, after Stalin’s time and before the 1967 Six Day War, which was followed by massive anti-Zionist propaganda.

It was my experience, further evidence, that the desert in which I lived, with some three million other Jews, was made to prevent an attempt to leave.

The majority of the inhabitants remained there until the collapse of the communist regime, decades after the time I am talking about. There was, of course, resistance against this spiritual imprisonment, but those people acted on their own, each in his or her own way. I met many of them in the Jewish movement in the 1970s. Many of them went through arrest and imprisonment for their nationalistic activities such as teaching Hebrew or talking about Israel.

In my case, it was by chance that I met a man who led me out of the desert.

He was well-educated Jew of the pre-revolutionary epoch. He became my Hebrew teacher, or my first guide to the Jewish world that was hidden for Soviet Jews. From him I learned about Torah and Jewish history, Zionism and the State of Israel. In Moscow at that time there were, of course, other people like my teacher, as well as people like me, their potential pupils. But these two generations of Jews couldn’t meet. Everything was done to prevent their meeting each other. The Soviet regime had severed the connectionbetween the two generations of Jews to prevent the transfer of the national memory.

Lev Grigorjevich Gurvich was educated in a modern Zionist type of Lithuanian yeshiva. His mission was to teach Jews, but all his life he worked as an accountant in a Moscow factory.

Close to 70, he was a Soviet pensioner, and our meeting was a great event for both of us. At a time of nationwide fear, it was a very bold action for him to take me on as a student. I would go to his small, shabby apartment where several other families lived, each in their own unit, with a common bathroom. In his 10-square-meter room there was a bed, half a table and a chair.

When I arrived, he would close the door and lock it and turn on the radio, explaining that it would be better if the neighbors didn’t hear our conversation. Such were my first Hebrew lessons, followed by Torah reading lessons, talks about Jewish history and, incredible for that time, stories about the State of Israel. I found out later that he had connections with people from the Israeli Embassy. For me, it was a completely clandestine affair, as my whole career could be destroyed if the authorities knew about my “anti-Soviet” meetings with my Jewish teacher.

The Six Day War of June 1967 changed a lot in the lives of many Soviet Jews, who recognized that they had a state and an army their own Jewish ones. It was inspiring. They were proud, but the Jews of Russia were silent and separated in the Jewish desert. They couldn’t openly express their joy.


Another Tack: Heed the broken mirror What’s the likely outcome of the US-Russia accord on Syria’s chemical arsenal? Look no further than what happened to UN Resolution 1701 of seven years ago. That resolution, which ended the Second Lebanon War and which purportedly eliminated Hezbollah’s missile armories, is a mirror image of the non-disarmament-to-come. It is […]


http://m.townhall.com/columnists/calthomas/2013/09/19/climate-change-icecapped-n1703907 There is a tradition in politics that is similar to one in the legal profession: When evidence supports your position, make your argument based on the evidence, but when it argues against your position, ignore the evidence and appeal to emotion. The evidence is piling up that “climate change,” formerly known as “global warming,” […]

Soeren Kern: Europe: Anti-Israel or Anti-Semitic?

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3986/europe-anti-israel-anti-semitic “It [EU] has not placed similar criteria on Turkey, Morocco, China or any other nation involved in a territorial dispute… What makes the situation far worse is that that the European Union is abrogating agreements that it signed and witnessed… If Europe thinks Jews will return to the days when we were forced to […]

The CIA: Funder of Trash and Terrorists by EDWARD CLINE ****


Imagine my surprise when a British friend sent me the link to a 1995 Independent newspaper article about the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement in fostering bad “art” (to loosely employ the term art) as a means of proving to the Soviets and to the world that the America wasn’t a cultural Death Valley. While I had always suspected that the CIA was involved in many questionable and highly dubious covert activities, ostensively in defense of national interests (e.g., President John F. Kennedy sanctioning the CIA’s wiretapping of the Washington press corps), this news helped to fit two or three handfuls of jigsaw puzzle pieces into a much broader picture.

Francis Stonor Saunders, writing for the Independent, and who later wrote a book about the CIA’s role in promoting not just abstract art, but “anti-communist” writers and journalists, opened with:

For decades in art circles it was either a rumor or a joke, but now it is confirmed as a fact. The Central Intelligence Agency used American modern art – including the works of such artists as Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko – as a weapon in the Cold War. In the manner of a Renaissance prince – except that it acted secretly – the CIA fostered and promoted American Abstract Expressionist painting around the world for more than 20 years….

Why did the CIA support them? Because in the propaganda war with the Soviet Union, this new artistic movement could be held up as proof of the creativity, the intellectual freedom, and the cultural power of the US. Russian art, strapped into the communist ideological straitjacket, could not compete.

What startled me even more was the date of the article, October 22nd, 1995. Why hadn’t I heard of this scoop before? How did it slip under my radar? The news ought to have rocked the foundations of modern art, and sent the practitioners, purveyors and rich connoisseurs of “Abstract Expressionism” screaming “We’ve been had! We’ve been tools of the capitalist lackeys! Duped by imperialist warmongers!” as they cascaded in lemming droves over the railings of the Brooklyn Bridge. It ought to have knocked the bottom out of the demand for the drips, drops and splashes that have passed for “high art” for so many decades and dropped the appraised worth of private and institutional collections by about 99.9%.

But, nothing like that happened. The practitioners, purveyors and connoisseurs are still with us, and foisting on the country “art” that is even worse than Abstract Expressionism,” “art” that can’t even be defined as “abstract.” Or psychotic. Or disturbed. Or “art.”


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/pravda-on-the-hudson For over 30 years, Iran and its allies have been at war with the United States and its allies, especially those in the Middle East. Iran is today and has been the world’s premier sponsor of the use of terror for political ends says our US Department of State. And one of its key […]


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ “Military Colonist” is a term that has gone out of fashion in this brave new world of “No Human Being is Illegal” and “Every Refugee Deserves to be Resettled.” The university history professor with an office full of fake Indian jewelery and a view of the parking lot will lecture on the military colonies […]

Greece’s Golden Dawn uses 9/11 to degrade Jews (Warning: this is very nasty stuff): Robin Shepherd


Third largest party in Greece promotes Jew hatred of the kind that original Nazi predecessors would not have balked at

Decent people do not need a break-down of the rights and wrongs of what follows. Be aware that Golden Dawn is the third largest party in the Greek parliament, and retains its double double digit support among the public. It hates Jews, non-whites, gays, and everyone who is not like them.

What you are about to read is from their own website (third item down) and those they link to as supporters. As a precursor, and mindful that this is the third most powerful force in Greek politics, here is what one of their featured comments (they don’t let this happen by accident) said of 9/11 and the Jews:

“Zionist think they will rule forever. In fact they will pay for killing millions and millions of European people! And they scream their fake Holocast (sic) shit everyday! They will pay for every suffering and death they ever caused! Golden Dawn will prevail! Hail Golden Dawn!”

Remember, this is the third biggest party in Greece.

Here is what they linked into for their readers on the annversary of 9/11. Under the headline: “The Jew Doesn’t Fight his own battles”:

“World Zionism is the architect of global terrorism, the man behind the curtain if you will. Ever since the establishment of the terrorist state of Israel in 1948, there has been a major increase in violent terrorist acts across the globe. The world has plunged into an era of chaos, destruction, war, tyranny and strife, and all this satanic madness can be traced back to International Jewry’s doorstop, Tel Aviv. Israel is engaged in a global “strategy of tension,” a maniacal effort designed to drive a wedge between the Western world and the Islamic world. International Jewry will continue to exacerbate and exploit the contrived divisions between the West and the Islamic world, Christianity and Islam, until they achieve their final objective –- the annihilation of the hated Gentiles and eventual world domination.”


http://www.thecommentator.com/article/4157/what_does_obama_s_syrian_mess_spell_for_israel Just as Obama poured forth with endless and empty threats against Damascus, so he is likely to do the same against Tehran Towards the end of Macbeth, the eponymous hero reflects that life is a tale “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”. In the last few months, this has come to be an […]

The Clintons Employ Muslim Brotherhood Officials? You Can’t Be Serious …Andrew McCarthy

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