First: Diana West is my friend. I admire her, respect her and trust her research.

I read her book “American Betrayal” carefully. I came to her book with a serious difference with her over Senator Joseph McCarthy who was Senator while I was experiencing a political growing up at Bronx High School of Science where supporting the candidacy of General Eisenhower was heresy, to say nothing about the “sainthood and martyrdom” of the Rosenbergs.

Like George Orwell, McCarthy’s name altered the dictionary…and “McCarthyism” became synonymous with punishment and harassment of dissent…..I went along with this until I read “Witness” by Whittaker Chambers; until I realized that the Communist hunter James Jesus Angleton (a C.I.A. counterintelligence agent and one of the men who helped found the Mossad in 1951) was right about a Russian/Communist mole in the C.I.A. even though he was called a “crackpot conspiracist”; until the revelations that J.Robert Oppenheimer, the head of the Manhattan Project may have been a Soviet agent (the Alsop brothers hysterically compared the investigation of Oppenheimer to the Dreyfus affair); until I read Diana’s book. Maybe….just maybe…Joseph McCarthy, not the most attractive or likeable messenger was on to something really big. “American Betrayal” is persuasive, informative,meticulously researched and documented and convincing.

Now, many may disagree.David “Spengler” Goldman, a friend whom I like and respect agrees with Ron Radosh. So does a dear friend of mine who has courageously exposed the radical agenda of the climateers and so called environmentalists, so does Jamie Glazov, another person whom I like and respect, so do many others, and Frontpage had every right to publish Radosh’s nasty review.

But, and this is the serious butt of the scandal…Frontpage should not have removed Mark Tapson’s good review and then as a conciliatory crumb offered Diana the chance to rebut Radosh. I don’t blame her for refusing and all the squirming and offensive name calling and apologetics at the site don’t excuse their craven decision to remove Mark Tapson’s review which they had accepted and posted.

In good time and in a venue of her choosing Diana west will reply, I can’t wait to read and post it.

Here is Diana’s response:

I have not had time to respond to the massive hit piece against my book American Betrayal posted today at

I will.

I would like to point out in brief, however, the simple, lowdown mendacity of the “Editors’ note” — that would be editors David Horowitz, Jamie Glazov, perhaps others — that tops 7,000 words of misrepresenting, twisting, and omitting by Ronald Radosh passed off as a “review.”

(This is the Radosh m.o., by the way, as briliiantly exposed in 2008 by M. Stanton Evans.)

Here it is:

Editors’ note: Frontpage offered Diana West equal space to reply to Professor Radosh’s points below. She refused.

To say that this misrepresents the truth is one of those understatements of the year.

First of all, Frontpage doesn’t inform their readers that they are actually looking at Frontpage American Betrayal Review #2.

Frontpage posted an earlier review — Review #1. It was positive. They removed it — purged it. (It is archived at Ruthfully Yours.) This is unheard of. Quite commonly, controversial books rack up more than one review, more than one opinion. The commissars of Frontpage don’t permit “incorrect” opinion, however, so the positive review of my book was removed from the website. On my incredulous inquiry of Glazov, he proceeded to explain in emails to me that the reviewer, Mark Tapson, “lacks the expertise” to review the book, and later, that the problem was the review’s “inaccuracy.” I asked what was innaccurate in the review and received no reply.

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Climate Realism and Socialist Realism By Norman Rogers

Louis Fischer, born in 1896 in Philadelphia, was a journalist who became a supporter and believer in the Soviet Union and world communism. He lived in Moscow for many years. In an essay in The God That Failed Fischer describes how in the middle 1930’s the Soviets ordered all writers to “treat the present as though it did not exist and the future as if it had already arrived.” That became known as Socialist Realism. Russian workers who lived in poverty and shared a single room with other families were depicted as well fed, smiling and happy. That was the communist depiction of the future, a future that never arrived.

Socialist Realism was promotion of fantasy for political reasons. The present did not live up to the enthusiastic promises and predictions that accompanied the founding of the communist state. Rather than admit error, the supporters constructed a mental fantasy world. The promises would still come true, but they would be delayed for understandable reasons. In the meantime they pretended the promises had already come true.

The U.S. Department of Energy has a plan to reduce the cost of solar power by a factor of 4 by 2020 with the hope that solar would increase from .05% of our power to 14% by 2030. The motivation is, of course, to reduce emissions of CO2. This is Climate Realism, very similar to Socialist Realism. Not only does solar power, at the plant gate, cost 4-8 times as much as conventional power, but it is erratic and seasonal to say nothing of not working at night. It also needs to be placed in the southwest where there is a lot of sunshine. This leads to needing storage of electricity, or perhaps storage of heat for certain types of solar. The only practical and efficient way of storing electricity is pumped storage, or two lakes at very different altitudes with a reversible hydroelectric plant connecting them. Then you need extra long, very high voltage power lines to bring the electricity from the southwest deserts to the cloudy cities of the Midwest and East. The Department of Energy is spinning a fantasy. Most of the cost of solar power is in pedestrian things like steel and concrete. Even if the cost of photovoltaic panels were zero, solar would not be remotely competitive. If complete solar plants cost zero, it would still not be practicable due to the cost of backup plants, electricity storage and long power lines.