DEVIN NUNES: OBAMA’S GREEN CRUSADE GOES NATIONAL **** The tried and true formula underlying Obama’s climate speech Having grown up on a farm in California’s San Joaquin Valley, I have seen firsthand how environmental extremists smashed a flourishing agricultural region. Citing the need to protect a three-inch baitfish called the Delta smelt, green activists succeeded in getting farmers’ water supplies drastically cut. […]

For Politicized Justice Department, Zimmerman ‘Civil Rights’ Case Is CIA Interrogators Case All Over Again : Andrew McCarthy For those of us who are very proud of our service in the Justice Department – I was a federal prosecutor for nearly 20 years – there is nothing more appalling than seeing the attorney general of the United States heaping praise on, and joining in the machinations of, a race-mongering political demagogue such as Al […]

Morsi Supporters Wave Al Qaeda Flags — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by Tiffany Gabbay, National Development Director for the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Nonie Darwish, author of The Devil We Don’t Know, and Adib Ghobrial, an Egyptian immigrant.

The Gang members gathered to discuss Morsi Supporters Wave Al Qaeda Flags, analyzing why Obama and Islamist terrorists both back the Brotherhood.

BEN SHAPIRO: HOLLYWOOD WEIGHS IN ON THE ZIMMERMAN VERDICT The non-black folks who occupy Hollywood’s higher echelon carry with their fancy cars and palatial estates an unearned sense of racial guilt. Most of those in Hollywood are socialists at heart, and thus can’t reconcile their success with the disproportionate poverty they see around them. They have an especially hard time dealing with the […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: OBAMA’S FIGHT FOR A BLOODY TYRANT On the day that President Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s brutal tyrant who had presided over the torture and mass rape of protesters, was overthrown by popular protests, a statement was issued by the White House. The statement said, “The United States does not support particular individuals or political parties” and then went on […]

BRUCE THORNTON: RACE INDUSTRY LEECHES The trial of George Zimmerman is over, but the persecution of him by the race industry isn’t. The Department of Justice is currently combing through the case to find some pretext, no matter how specious, for charging Zimmerman with a violation of civil-rights laws. No matter that the FBI investigation has eliminated race as […]

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: OBAMA’S AUTHORITARIANS Mouthing Sixties-style anti-Western slogans is the way to win the president’s heart. There were many paradoxes left after the protests of the 1960s. One of the worst was American elites’ hypocrisy toward authoritarianism abroad. Most Americans granted that anti-Communist strongmen like Ferdinand Marcos, Augusto Pinochet, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, and Anastasio Somoza stifled liberty […]

ERIC HOLDER’S CYNICAL THREAT The jury has spoken in Florida, acquitting George Zimmerman of all state murder and manslaughter charges arising out of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. It was a prosecution that should never have been brought: That was the judgment of the veteran police officers who first investigated it and concluded that Zimmerman had acted […]

FAD FOOD NATION…BOOK REVIEW BY TREVOR BUTTERWORTH A skeptical survey of the claims being made about food, health and the environment. Not so long ago, I spoke to a chef who ministers to children attending some of the most elite and expensive schools in America. Why, I asked him, was his company’s website larded with almost comical warnings about the lethality […]

WHEN IS A LAW NOT A LAW? WHEN OBAMA SAYS SO BY ALAN CARUBA Obamacare has been showing signs of being so unenforceable, so expensive, and so utterly stupid that Obama’s administration has had to engage in all manner of patently illegal waivers and delays to maintain theirs lies about it. In the words of the late Chinese Communist dictator, Mao Zedong, Obamacare has been “a great leap […]