Despite his many talents, Netanyahu’s incumbency can be characterized as a catalogue of capitulation on issues he pledged to hold firm on. Martin Sherman thoroughly castigates our prime minister for either failing to implement the policy [he] believes in or implementing a policy he does not believe in. In Sherman’s world, once a political […]
Stroke device is a lifesaver. (Thanks to Atid-EDI) The revolutionary Ventritek105 device from Tel Aviv’s Biosan Medical treats Intra Ventricular Hemorrhage (IVH), which has a 50% average death rate. More than 90% of the study patients treated with Ventritek105 were alive and well at the 30-day follow-up.
Researching a cure for genetic cancer. Another article on Weizmann Institute’s use of two diverse antibodies to target aggressive hereditary breast cancer.,7340,L-4394858,00.html
“It’s about saving people”. Several subscribers have sent me this link to Eli Beer who started United Hatzalah and its lifesaving ambu-cycles. The paramedics on two-wheels get to emergencies in 3 minutes, saving lives before an ambulance can fight through traffic. Watch this inspiring story of Chutzpah and co-existence.
92 years young and still practicing. Dr Cyril Sherer is still treating patients in Jerusalem 70 years after graduating in London. He and his wife spent 13 years in New Zealand and made Aliya to Israel in 1961. His story reads like a history of modern medicine.
The blind can “see” with their fingertips. (Thanks to Israel21c) Bar-Ilan Professor Zeev Zalevsky has invented a bionic contact lens that receives electrical signals and transmits the encoded image to the wearer’s cornea. The image gets translated into a tactile sensation that can be interpreted visually.
Treating corneal edema. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s EyeYon Medical has two solutions for corneal edema, which affects an additional two million patients every year. First, Hyper CL is a patented contact lens that uses osmosis to release fluid build-up. Then a DSPEK polymer film implant prevents the formation of fluid.
Inhalation masks for babies. Until now, infants’ inhalation masks have been miniature versions of adult ones – ill-fitting and unable to deliver medicine effectively. Now Israel’s Technion has made an infant-specific inhalation mask that even allows a pacifier to be stuck in the child’s mouth while he/she is wearing the mask.
Major Hasan is honest about himself; why aren’t we? On December 7, 1941, the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor was attacked. Three years, eight months, and eight days later, the Japanese surrendered. These days, America’s military moves at a more leisurely pace. On November 5, 2009, another U.S. base, Fort Hood, was attacked […]
“I now support West’s conclusions after rereading KGB: The Inside Story account 23 years later. It does not ring true that Hopkins was an innocent dupe dedicated solely to defeating the Nazis. Hopkins comes over in history as crafty, secretive and no one’s fool, hardly the personality traits of a naïve fellow traveler. And his fingerprints are on the large majority of pro-Soviet policies implemented by the Roosevelt administration. West deserves respect for cutting through the dross that obscures the evidence about Hopkins, and for screaming from the rooftops that the U.S. was the victim of a successful Soviet intelligence operation.”
Reds Under The Beds: Diana West Can’t Sleep
Diana West comes charging in at a furious gallop unfurling the banner of treason in her recent book American Betrayal. The Secret Assault on our Nation’s Character. She arrives late to the subject of Soviet infiltration of the United States. But she brings attitude, wearing her outrage on her sleeve as she recounts the duplicitous activities of key American communists and sympathizers who allegedly transformed U.S. policy to conform with Stalin’s ambitions. Despite her hyperbolic, exclamation point, italicized febrile style, the awful truth appears to materialize, like a photographic image in a pan of developing fluid. Yes, yes…. it is true! she constantly exclaims.
And to her credit she explores key events and individuals beyond the declassified evidence available since 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. She notes books and articles from the 1940s and 1950s that identified espionage rings and traitorous federal officials at the heart of U.S. policy who operated in the thrall of Soviet communism. She is horrified by treasonous behavior and draws conclusions from parallel events, such as FDR’s commitment to Russia which she says altered the course of World War II and the chilling aftermath.
West never slows down divulging her selected evidence of manipulation of U.S. policy by Stalin’s agents of influence, such as efforts to induce the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor; the call for Germany’s “unconditional surrender” that she says prevented a negotiated accommodation with “good Germans”; the Chinese repudiation of Chiang Kai-shek in favor of Mao; and the White House-favored decision by the U.S. military to abandon Churchill’s Mediterranean Strategy that — West asserts — could have cut off the advancing Red Army before it rolled into Germany.
DE JURE AMNESTY The 1986 amnesty or the Immigration Reform and Control Act, which neither reformed nor controlled immigration, took in some 3 million illegal aliens. The new amnesty or Comprehensive Immigration Reform covers 12 million illegal aliens. If 1986’s euphemistic amnesty was a mere amnesty, this is a super-amnesty four times as big as […]
The practice of terrorism as religious sacrifice will not disappear with the creation of a Palestinian state Now that the Middle East Peace Process is back “on track,” it is important to understand the continuing impact of irredentist and Jihadist roots of Palestinian nationalism. Armed with such an understanding, a two state solution in […] Over the past few months, Progressives and Democrats who favor the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) – both elected and not – have insisted that the new and expanding entitlement will go forward as planned because, after all, it is “the law of the land.” When I ponder this statement I find myself […]
Israel Caves to Pressure to Free Convicted Terrorists Under pressure to restart talks with Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA), Israel has diverged from its refusal to accede to Palestinian preconditions and agreed to free 104 Palestinian terrorists from its jails. It’s a mistake. Israel should withstand the pressure and say no. Why? Because it makes […]
This horrific report from Jammu and Kashmir describes how an armed mob of 20,000 Muslims “celebrated” Eid by attacking Hindus. The Muslim terrorists looted and burnt down Hindu shops and homes, stole Army weapons and beat and murdered Hindus. Police did not intervene to stop the rampage and carnage.
Jammu and Kashmir is in the Himalayan mountains and is the northernmost state in India bordering China. The area is home to Hindu shrines visited by tens of thousands of pilgrims each year.
In 1947, the region was recognized as part of India under the Instrument of Accession. Shortly thereafter, Pakistani Muslims, not native to the area, began migrating to the state eventually forcing over 250,000 indigenous Hindus to leave. Further, in violation of a U.N. resolution, Pakistan retained troops in the region.
Today, as a result of the Hijra or cultural invasion by Muslims, 67% of the inhabitants of Jammu and Kashmir are Muslims.
Janet Levy, Director
Women Against Shariah
Los Angeles At 47 stories, the In Tempo skyscraper in Spain is set to be the tallest residential building in the European Union. But anyone living on floors 21 through 47 has a problem: to get any higher than the 20th floor, you have to take the stairs. The In Tempo skyscraper in Spain was built […]