No one has pushed harder than Representative Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) to get to the bottom of the Benghazi massacre. He has admirably fought to hold President Obama and the administration to account for their shocking derelictions of duty. Nevertheless, one can only be baffled by his tendentious reaction to news that the Justice […] There’s still a real chance that the Captain Schettinos of the House Republican brain trust will rescue Obama’s presidency by passing an amnesty. But some in the open-borders crowd are getting nervous about John Boehner’s ability to achieve Obama’s objectives. Their fear is that this session of Congress will end with no amnesty bill […]
This is the fifth and final part in a series based on the new book American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character (St. Martin’s Press) by Diana West.
On March 3, 1945, under prodding from both the senior US military commander and US ambassador in Moscow, FDR cabled Stalin to request “urgently” that provisions be made for ten American rescue crews to move in and out of Soviet-captured territories to evacuate liberated American prisoners or war, many of whom required medical attention. With uncharacteristic punch, FDR underscored his request as being “of the greatest importance.”
On March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet. There were no groups of American ex-POWs in the Red zone, so no flights necessary. The Soviets would tell the British the same thing about an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 British ex-prisoners.
The US ambassador, Averill Harriman, knew Stalin was lying. He was hearing about hundreds, even thousands of lost American men roaming Soviet-held territory, and he was hearing straight from some who had made their way to Moscow.
On March 6, 1945, the Soviets forcibly took over Romania, shredding the Yalta agreement.
On March 8, 1945, Harriman cabled FDR that he had positive proof that Stalin’s statement regarding American POWs “was not repeat not true.” He stated that some three to four thousand Americans had been freed from German POW camps and were still unaccounted for.
On March 16, 1945, Churchill cabled FDR. “At present all entry into Poland has been barred to our representatives… This extends even to the liaison officers, British and American, who were to help in bringing out rescued prisoners of war… There is no doubt in my mind that the Soviets fear much our seeing what is going on in Poland.” NOTE: This is the third in an occasional series on the truth-tellers of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character (St. Martin’s Press). One point I try to convey when speaking to audiences about my new book, “American Betrayal,” is the inspiration of the truth-tellers. These are the men and women who […] In the summer of ’45, the United States concluded a war that had come to be seen by some as unwinnable after the carnage at Iwo Jima, with a bang. On August 6th, the bomb fell on Hiroshima. And then on the 9th, it was Nagasaki’s turn. Six days later, Japan, which had been […]
The media’s collusion with the Obama administration’s false portrayal of jihadist attacks on US targets gives foreign leaders concerned about the US’s lackadaisical attitude towards jihadist threats no reason for confidence. In the absence of public pressure, the Obama administration has no reason to change course when its policies fail
This week, after a three and a half year delay, US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was finally placed on trial for massacring 13 and wounding 32 at Ft. Hood on November 5, 2009.
Hasan was a self-identified jihadist. His paper and electronic trail provided mountains of evidence that he committed the massacre to advance the cause of Islamic supremacy. Islamic supremacists like Hasan, and his early mentor al Qaeda operations chief Anwar al-Awlaki view as enemies all people who oppose totalitarian Islam’s quest for global domination.
Before, during and following his assault, Hasan made his jihadist motives obvious to the point of caricature in his statements about the US, the US military and the duties of pious Muslims.
But rather than believe Hasan, and so do justice to his victims, the Obama administration, with the active collusion of senior US military commanders went to great lengths to cover up Hasan’s ideological motivations and hence the nature of his crime. On the day of the attack, Lt. General Robert Cone, then commander of III Corps at Ft. Hood said preliminary evidence didn’t suggest that the shooting was terrorism. Cone said this even though it was immediately known that before he began shooting Hasan called out “Allahu Akhbar.” He called himself a “Soldier of Islam” on his business cards.
In an interview with CNN three after the attack, Army Chief of Staff George Casey said, “Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.”
The intensity of the Obama administration’s participation in this cover-up became clear in May 2012. At that time, Congress had placed a clause inside the Defense Appropriations Act requiring the Pentagon to award Purple Hearts to Ft. Hood’s victims. Rather than accept this eminently reasonable demand, which simply required the administration to acknowledge reality, Obama’s emissaries announced he would veto the appropriations bill and so leave the Pentagon without a budget unless the clause was removed.
Rather than define Hasan’s attack as an enemy attack or a terrorist act, the administration has defined it as a case of “workplace violence.” Following this determination, those wounded in the attack, as well as the families of the murdered are denied the support conferred on soldiers killed or wounded by enemy fire.
Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We’ll Keep Building This week the Israeli cabinet approved a new national-priorities map by 15 votes and four abstentions. Each year the map extends special benefits to a list of communities. This year, out of 600 that were chosen, 90 are in the West Bank, and 9 of those are […] Obamas Eid Speech: ‘Eid is Part of a Great Tapestry of America’s Many Traditions’ Obamas Eid Speech: ‘Eid is Part of a Great Tapestry of America’s Many Traditions’ : US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle today sent their warmest greetings to Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr around the world, calling it “part of a great tapestry of […] MEMBERS’ CORNER: The recent closings of U.S. embassies and consulates in response to a “specific” and “serious” threat of an al Qaeda terrorist attack (see below), reveal two things about our national security apparatus and war against Islamic terrorism: neither of them are good. First, it was reported that the recent threat potentially involved terrorists […]
Times change, circumstances are nuanced, players are substituted, but like fashion, history has a tendency of repeating itself. However, unlike shoes or dresses, reiterative history can be disastrous to a country and its people. Point in hand, the circumstances and attitude of many Jews today regarding “peace” talks between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs and […]