Everyone knows that the current negotiations between Jews and Arabs will fail; nothing Israel can offer – short of suicide – will satisfy Arabs. Photo: REUTERS/Issam Rimawi/Poo Announcing an agreement to release 104 of the most blood-thirsty Arab prisoners in Israeli jails in return for Palestinian Authority promises to show up at the latest […]
ADAM KREDO: All the Anti-Israel News That’s Fit to Print Critics question objectivity, credibility of New York Times’s Israel correspondent Update: The New York Times appended a correction to Rudoren’s story Wednesday afternoon following this report. The correction states in part, “An earlier version of this article misstated the United States’ view of the West […]
Catholic Radio Station Invites Robert Spencer to Speak at Eastern Michigan University
Catholic Radio Station Invites Robert Spencer to Speak at Eastern Michigan University:
An Ann Arbor-based Catholic radio station has invited author Robert Spencer to speak at a symposium at Eastern Michigan University on Saturday.
Spencer is scheduled to speak at “Is Islam a Religion of Peace?” sponsored by Ave Maria Radio.
The symposium, which will be held in the student union, will feature pro-Muslim speakers, too. But Spencer’s appearance is controversial. The New York Times reported that Spencer’s comments were cited 64 times by the Norwegian white supremacist that killed 76 people in Norway in 2011. Spencer was banned from the United Kingdom …
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England: Fundraiser Launched to Turn Sheffield Pub into a Mosque
England: Fundraiser Launched to Turn Sheffield Pub into a Mosque:
A fundraising appeal has been launched by a Sheffield Muslim group to buy a disused pub and turn it into a mosque.
Firth Park Cultural Centre has placed collection pots in shops around the suburb, to raise cash to convert the old Pheasant pub.
The boarded-up building, on the corner of Hatfield House Lane and Barnsley Road, would be renamed Firth Park Masjid.
But the plans are causing controversy in the surrounding area.
Sheffield Lane Top resident Jackie Gregory, aged 51, said: “I think most people would rather see it converted into private flats, rebuilt …
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Muslim who Talked of Waging Jihad in United States, Pleads Guilty in Alabama
Muslim who Talked of Waging Jihad in United States, Pleads Guilty in Alabama:
A Syracuse, New York, native pleaded guilty Tuesday to a terrorism charge, admitting that he moved here and discussed carrying out violent acts in the United States before settling on a plot to join a jihadist movement overseas.
Mohammad Abdul Rahman Abukhdair, 25, had been scheduled to go on trial later this year. On the day of his pretrial conference Tuesday, the defendant switched his plea to guilty.
Federal prosecutors have agreed to recommend a 15-year prison sentence for the charge of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. They …
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Shh! Muslim Stabs California Man 17 Times under Direction of ‘Allah’
Shh! Muslim Stabs California Man 17 Times under Direction of ‘Allah’:
Daymond Agnew (pictured inset) told investigators that his Sunday began when he heard a voice from Allah telling him to go to a California hardware store to ‘help’ people.
They said it ended when Agnew spray-painted his face with the silver and black colors of the Oakland Raiders and stabbed a store clerk to death after he complained.
Agnew, 34, was charged on Monday with murder and was being held in lieu of $1.6 million bail after authorities said he went on a bizarre, deadly trip to the store in El Sobrante, …
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Benghazi Scapegoat: ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Producer on Supervised Release from Prison
Benghazi Scapegoat: ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Producer on Supervised Release from Prison:
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man allegedly behind the film “Innocence of Muslims,” has been granted supervised release from a federal prison, according to the U.S. Justice Department.
Bureau of Prisons records show the 56-year-old Nakoula is at an undisclosed halfway house in Southern California.
He technically remains in federal custody, but the tentative release means he can leave the facility for a few hours a day. Until recently, he had been held behind bars at a correctional institution in Anthony, Texas.
Nakoula is due to be formally freed next month, according to records.
He …
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‘Mankini’-Wearing Charity Walkers Pelted with Stones by Muslims in Birmingham, England
‘Mankini’-Wearing Charity Walkers Pelted with Stones by Muslims in Birmingham, England:
Two animal lovers were branded pedophiles and pelted with stones by dozens of Muslims for wearing ‘mankinis’ on a sponsored walk.
Steven Ellis, 41, and brother-in-law Jason Hendry, 22, had to be rescued by police after being attacked by outraged residents in a city street.
The duos, who were raising money for a dogs’ home, said officers told them the skimpy outfits had offended Muslims living along the route.
Jason said: “It’s disgusting. I was angry with the way people reacted.
“We tried to explain it was a bit of fun to help charity. …
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Senators McCain, Graham Urge Release of Egypt’s Jailed Islamists
Senators McCain, Graham Urge Release of Egypt’s Jailed Islamists:
Two senior Republican senators visiting Egypt on Tuesday urged the military-backed government to release jailed Muslim Brotherhood leaders and defuse political tensions between Islamists and the nation’s largely secular security forces.
Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) joined a number of international envoys seeking to end more than a month of deadly violence between backers of the interim government and Islamist supporters of former President Mohamed Morsi, who was overthrown in a coup last month.
The senators, dispatched on a mediation mission by President Obama, met with interim Prime Minister Hazem Beblawi and Gen. Abdel Fattah Sisi, commander of …
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DAY 1: Nidal Hasan – ‘I Am The Shooter’
DAY 1: Nidal Hasan – ‘I Am The Shooter’:
Nidal Malik Hasan fired the last of 146 bullets in his assault on Fort Hood, then walked outside where he met two civilians who asked about the commotion and the laser-sighted pistol in his hand.
Maj. Hasan told one person not to worry. He assured the other it was just a training exercise and the gun shot only paint. He let both live.
But moments earlier, dozens of uniformed soldiers received no quarter from Maj. Hasan, prosecutors said Tuesday as the Army psychiatrist’s long-delayed trial began in a Texas military courtroom.
With his life hanging …
Read more The Environmental Protection Agency’s war on economic growth, jobs, poor families, modern living standards, and people’s health and welfare is about to get a lot more damaging.. The Clean Air Act says EPA must set standards for ozone and other pollutants – and periodically review existing standards, to determine whether they are adequately protecting […] On July 28th8, Israel’s Ministry of Justice disclosed the names of Palestinian terrorists who will be released over the next nine months as the price Washington is demanding from the Israelis to entice the Palestinian Authority to rejoin the talks they’ve been boycotting for the past four and a half years. Failure to have […] Frontpage Interview’s guest today is P. David Hornik, a writer and translator living in Beersheba, Israel who is a columnist for Frontpage and PJ Media, and who has also been published in American Spectator, American Thinker, the Jerusalem Post, the Jewish Press, Israel National News, Ynetnews, Moment, and elsewhere. He is author of the […] Mark August 13 on your calendar. It’s claimed that a big celebration is being planned in Ramallah. Of course, Americans—especially those living in the Middle East—have a lot more to occupy them these days. On Tuesday, after a drone strike in Yemen had killed four Al Qaeda members, the U.S. (and Britain) told all […] A Department of Health and Human Services official told the House Ways and Means Committee that immigrants living in the United States on temporary visas are eligible for federally subsidized health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, “depending on their income.” “It was my understanding it was just going to be those that are […] The five-year farce known as the “Ergenekon” trial – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s purge of military and political opponents under the cloak of an “anti-terrorism” prosecution – is now completed. On Monday, a special court pronounced the convictions and harsh sentences – ranging from decades of incarceration to life-imprisonment – for dozens […]