“Goodwin herself seemed trapped in a hall of mirrors last month after The Weekly Standard accused her of plagiarizing from several sources in her hugely popular The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, a 1987 bestseller that later was made into a successful TV miniseries. At first, Goodwin minimized the extent of the problem. Then, after more details surfaced, she wrote a somewhat self-serving essay for Time that conceded fault but insisted that her mistakes were inadvertent, the result of inadequate research procedures. Finally last weekend she told the New York Times that The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys has more flaws than even the Standard had alleged.”
I got a heads up on this speech by the liberal historian yesterday but couldn’t find a transcript or even a video to blog about it.
Breitbart has the shocking story; Goodwin turned her speech into a rant about gay marriage and women’s rights:
She said she was obsessed, while writing about Eleanor Roosevelt, with people who slept on the second floor of the White House. And when First Lady Hillary Clinton heard her talking about that on the radio, she invited her and her husband to spend the night at the White House with the Clintons.
In nearly exactly the same words, Kearns Goodwin told the Gettysburg audience the same story she told at Dartmouth’s commencement in 1998: