Stephen Hawking Flash 90 Hawking Confirms He is Boycotting Israel British physicist Stephen Hawking confirms that he cancelled his trip to Israel because of an academic boycott, not illness. British physicist Stephen Hawking has confirmed that he will not be attending the Presidential Conference in Israel because he is joining an academic boycott of […]


WASHINGTON—Israel has warned the U.S. that a Russian deal is imminent to sell advanced ground-to-air missile systems to Syria, weapons that would significantly boost the regime’s ability to stave off intervention in its civil war.

U.S. officials said on Wednesday that they are analyzing the information Israel provided about the suspected sale of S-300 missile batteries to Syria, but wouldn’t comment on whether they believed such a transfer was near.

Russian officials didn’t immediately return requests to comment. The Russian Embassy in Washington has said its policy is not to comment on arms sales or transfers between Russia and other countries.

The government of President Bashar al-Assad has been seeking to purchase S-300 missile batteries—which can intercept both manned aircraft and guided missiles—from Moscow going back to the George W. Bush administration, U.S. officials said. Western nations have lobbied President Vladimir Putin’s government not to go ahead with the sale. If Syria were to acquire and deploy the systems, it would make any international intervention in Syria far more complicated, according to U.S. and Middle East-based officials.

According to the information the Israelis provided in recent days, Syria has been making payments on a 2010 agreement with Moscow to buy four batteries for $900 million. They cite financial transactions from the Syrian government, including one made this year through Russia’s foreign-development bank, known as the VEB.

BENGHAZI TRUTHS VS. WASHINGTON POLITICS: ELLIOT ABRAMS ‘I was stunned. My jaw dropped,” said Gregory Hicks at Wednesday’s House hearing on the Benghazi terror attack last fall and its aftermath. Mr. Hicks, deputy chief of mission in Libya under Ambassador Chris Stevens, was referring to the now-famous TV appearances by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. Ms. Rice, blanketing the Sunday talk […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: JOHN MCCAIN’S FOOLISHNESS If Saturday Night Live or the Onion were doing a John McCain skit, I doubt they could come up with something more ludicrous than the real Maverick being interviewed on Charlie Rose. Senator McCain was grousing about what he asserts is the Obama administration’s shifting position on arming the jihadist-rife “rebels” in Syria. As the Washington […]


Dear Dersh: Look what some idiot posted and used your name. You’re a lawyer….sue the stupid bastard!!!! rsk

By: Alan Dershowitz

Alan M. Dershowitz’s Perspective: There are a small number of extremely vocal right-wing Jews who believe that retaining the entire West Bank is more important than trying to make peace with the Palestinians. Some of them believe that God gave the Jewish people the West Bank and it is a sin to give any of it up.

It was that kind of thinking that led to the assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin when he tried to exchange land for peace with the Palestinians. There are others who believe that because Jews lived in Judea and Samaria thousands of years ago, Israel has no right to end any current Jewish settlement on the West Bank.

There are still others who believe that it is foolish even to try to trade land for peace with the Palestinians, since the Palestinian leadership has no real interest in arriving at a peaceful solution.

This noisy clack boos disrespectfully when they hear the name of President Obama, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, former Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or anyone else who favors a two-state solution that does not compromise Israel’s security.

I have now joined this distinguished company of people who get booed for advocating territorial compromise in the interest of peace. I was booed and jeered at The Jerusalem Post Conference on April 28, 2013 when I proposed an idea for restarting peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.

These same people cheered loudly when Carolyn Glick, a right-wing opponent of any territorial compromise, announced that: “There are no competing narratives. There is only the truth.” For her, the only truth lies in history and archeology. Of course it is true that the Jews lived on the West Bank for many years two millennia ago. (It is equally true that Native Americans populated Manhattan Island as recently as four centuries ago.)

Park His Carcass in The Caucasus Posted By Andrew Bostom    A New York Times (NYT) report [1] Monday 5/6/13 included discussion of the “logistics”  complicating burial of jihad terrorist murderer Tamerlan Tsarnaev, whose body, as of this morning, Wednesday 5/8/13, remains in storage, and cannot [2] be interred.   Two key players in this macabre, if illuminating saga have emerged—Ruslan Tsarni, uncle of […]

MOSHE PHILLIPS: THE ADL AND FOXMAN ATTACK GLENN BECK IN IGNORANCE OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NAZIS AND COMMUNISTS Abraham Foxman and the ADL have done it again. This time they have attacked Glenn Beck for using imagery that they claimed was Nazi at the NRA convention. The problem is that Beck did not use a mock-up of Mayor Bloomberg giving the Nazi salute — the image was of Mayor Bloomberg in a famous […]

Why is Netanyahu in China for Jerusalem Day? Moshe Phillips

Why is Netanyahu in China for Yom Yerushalayim? This year, Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, is observed on Tuesday evening, May 7th through Wednesday night, May 8th and celebrates the 46th anniversary of the reunification of Judaism’s holiest city. Prime Minister Netanyahu will not be in Israel for Yom Yerushalayim this year, he will be visiting […]


Jed Babbin: Obama is not done cutting defense just yet
April was a pretty awful month for President Obama, but it’s too early for Republicans to start celebrating his political demise.

People keep trying to compress the political calendar, wanting to convince us that time is running out for Obama, even though he’s barely past 100 days in his second term.

Yes, Obama’s gun control initiative was a resounding failure. It didn’t pass the Democrat-controlled Senate. California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban got only 40 votes.

And, yes, the Gang of Eight’s immigration reform bill may go precisely nowhere because the House wants to carve out parts of the “comprehensive” approach and afford them real debate rather than rushing the whole 800-plus-page bill through without scrutiny as the Senate seems intent to do.
Those issues aren’t dead by any means, but the question is whether Obama’s political skill is enough to revive them.


1945 Europe VE Day / Victory In Europe Declared 8th May 1945 : President Truman and Prime minister Churchill declared victory in Europe today, celebrating the defeat of Nazi Germany . Following the announcement huge crowds, many dressed in red, white and blue, gathered outside Buckingham Palace in London and were cheered as the King, […]