The Good News America is in great shape energy-wise. We have more gas and oil reserves than ever before. Indeed, the United States could shortly become the world’s largest exporter of coal. Our cheaper power rates may bring energy-intensive industry back from Europe and Asia. If America’s small colleges are nearly broke and our […] Disarming is not a word you’d normally associate with the government of Iran. But the context here is the United Nations, so normal is not exactly a word that applies either — especially not in the case of Iran’s affinity for UN bodies officially tasked with promoting disarmament (of which the UN has many, […]
“Sadly, most of the public has been taken in by mainstream media’s climate propaganda. The latest Rasmussen polls show the highest level of support for global warming alarmism since 2008. We can therefore expect Obama to take advantage of the public’s misunderstanding to bring in even more draconian controls on conventional energy sources to “stop extreme weather and climate change.”If the U.S. eventually collapses into energy poverty, broad sweeping unemployment, and bankruptcy, we will know who to blame.”
Said Thomas Jefferson: “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” Jefferson’s comment may be expanded to include most of today’s mass media; this is especially true of television. As American linguist Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa said: “In the age of television, image becomes more important than substance.” It is effectively visual lying, dictated by Marshall McLuhan’s observation: “The medium is the message.” For example, TV news programs often illustrate air pollution with a smoke stack emitting water vapor, implying it is pollution when it is anything but.
Distortion and deception are accentuated by hyperbole. Television news and documentaries frequently report normal weather as “extreme weather,” implying it is abnormal and caused by human activity. But while a hurricane, for example, may inflict serious damage to our structures and cause major loss of life, it is a normal event in hurricane-prone regions, where it is foolish to live without preparing for the weather patterns of the area.
The problem is accentuated when supposedly prestigious newspapers like the New York Times present provably false information. “Summer’s Beast is Loose [1],” published in the Times on July 16, was an obvious attempt to sensationalize warm, but normal, summer temperatures: So let’s have that honest discussion about race that people keep clamoring for. Someone please explain the brainwashing of a 5th-grade African-American girl who, when she was introduced to Duke Ellington’s music, said, “I don’t wanna hear no white man’s music.” She was merely echoing the implacable hatred that she learned at home. […] Driving the seemingly endless climate-treaty negotiations, the most widely feared consequence of Global Warming appears to be a catastrophic rise in sea level (SLR). Environmental advocacy groups are filling the airwaves with lurid images of flooding of Bangladesh and Pacific islands, and raising the specter of hundreds of millions of environmental refugees demanding care […] WWI was caused less by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, and more by Germany and Austria Hungary’s eagerness in courting the Muslim Ottoman Empire. Before and during WW2, England and Germany both assiduously courted Muslim support in the Middle East. The Holocaust was one of the byproducts of this rivalry, as Germany courted Muslims […] It’s an iron law of nature as certain as the one about an angel getting its wings every time a bell rings or a snowstorm blanketing the area every time Al Gore comes to town to remind the carbon puffing infidels about Global Warming; every time Obama gives a speech; a thousand businesses go […] Who the heck does Huma think she is? That’s the question “a top [New York] state Democrat” is asking about Anthony Weiner’s wife, according to a report by Fred Dicker of the New York Post. “The Clintons are pissed off that Weiner’s campaign is saying that Huma is just like Hillary,” Dicker’s Dem declares. […] A tale of love and tackles: The story of Israel’s football league More than a thousand enthusiasts play in Israel’s little known, underfunded football league • Most of the players are observant Jews, but there are also Palestinians • Love for the game is the main ingredient that keeps this league alive and flourishing. This is not a […] Abba Eban famously stated that the Palestinian Arab leadership never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. This week Israel made another huge traumatic concession just to initiate another opportunity to conduct peace talks. In parallel news, Israelis continued to make the most of numerous opportunities to benefit humanity. Israelis have made several […]