How can any public support a peace agreement with the “sons of monkeys and pigs”? In Israel, even those who are afraid that the Israelis and the Palestinians may leave the negotiating table are hopeful. Talks may begin. The Palestinians waived their preconditions, which included the 1967 borders and halting construction in the territories, […] Muslims say they are upset over police who are enforcing the secular laws of France. Police in the suburbs of Paris are working to restore order after hundreds of Muslims went on a rioting spree to protest the simple identity check of a Muslim woman who was wearing a full-face Islamic veil. It is […] In the former Soviet Union, the joke was “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.” It took over four decades of the Cold War to finally put an end to the lie that Communism as an economic system works. After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, the Soviet Union came to […] Conservatives are afraid of liberals and this hurts our country. In Afghanistan and Iraq our country has lost over 3000 troops. While serving in Iraq at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003) I had the opportunity to serve with young men and women who were willing to give their lives for America. Never […] According to President Obama “Trayvon Martin could have been me, 35 years ago.” Initially my reaction to his remark is he is playing to his constituents. After all, why not take advantage of the rabble rousing as he has done before. But my acquiescence quickly turned to anger. This pot-smoking kid from Hawaii accorded […] On Friday night in Amman, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that Israel and the Palestinian Authority were ready to resume peace talks. A perceptive Reuters article noted that “he did so standing alone as dusk fell over the Jordanian capital.” The article mentions a “former senior U.S. official” who “said Kerry appearing alone […]
This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by Ying Ma, author of Chinese Girl in the Ghetto, Ann-Marie Murrell, the National Director of, and Tiffany Gabbay, National Development Director for the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
The Gang members gathered to discuss Race-Hustling After the Zimmerman Verdict. The discussion occurred in Part II and examined why certain racial violence is discussed in our society — while another variety is left unexamined. The discourse included a focus on: Why Aren’t We All Kade’jah Davis?(beginning at the 5:50 mark), focusing on why our entire society knows Trayvon Martin’s name but not the name of a 12-year-old black girl shot and killed by a 19-year-old black male. When will Obama say that she could have been his daughter? [For more on this phenomenon, read John Perazzo’s Frontpage article, “Trayvon Martin and Forgotten Dead”]
Jamie Glazov of Frontpage Magazine joined Dr. Gina to show how and why the Left allies itself with Islamists. He is author of United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyrrany and Terror: Rarely has there been a policy as universally supported in Washington D.C. and as universally rejected by Americans of all ages, races, genders, incomes and religions as the proposal to send weapons to the Syrian terrorists. The average American who has never heard of the Al-Nusra Front, is utterly in the dark about the […] As protests against the Zimmerman verdict spread, along with the vandalism and shopping sprees that progressives call “demonstrations,” the President last Friday made some remarks that reinforced all the race-hack rhetoric keeping this country racially divided and most blacks mired in social and economic misery. Not satisfied with his remark from last year that […]