There was once a time when the counterculture realm of musicians, actors, writers, and other artists defiantly stood up to The Man. Today they eagerly line up to serve as emissaries of a Big Government agenda. According to The Hollywood Reporter and The Washington Post, President Obama’s Rasputin – that is, senior advisor Valerie […] A century ago it was the lure of work that drew people from rural areas and far away countries to American cities. The big cities had jobs. Unlike rural areas, they had such high concentrations of them that if you moved there, then you might be able move from job to job without having […]
—Has our luck run out? There was a time, going back to George Washington, when a good guy would come along to save the day. Abraham Lincoln surely came along just in time. We were blessed. This does not seem to be the case anymore. Instead of Martin Luther King, we have Al Sharpton. What does that say? Plenty.
From coast to coast, there is anger all around. On the one hand, black rage. On the other hand, white rage.
There was a time when “God shed his grace” on us.
God is dead? If so, we killed Him. Talk on the radio, on TV, along the Internet, none of it is about American greatness. Rather, it is about fear and loathing.
We have become small.
A perfectly legal acquittal that was rendered by a perfectly legal jury has been consigned to secondary importance.
If the outcome does not fit, quick, change the rules, and rather than plead for calm and harmony, our leaders rouse the streets.
As a result of the George Zimmerman case, we are being asked to submit. She’s touted as a dogged reporter, but what were her actual journalistic accomplishments? In the movie Animal House, the Deltas are put on trial for their antics. When offered a chance to defend themselves, the best argument the fraternity’s president can come up with is, “But sir, Delta Tau Chi has a long tradition […]
Cornel West is a very smart man who has some very dumb opinions, but when he’s feeling froggy he can be a hoot. In a recent interview, Professor West mocked Al Sharpton for playing the odalisque in President Obama’s media seraglio, calling him the embodiment of the “rent-a-Negro phenomenon on MSNBC.” The Reverend Sharpton, he said, is constrained because “he’s still on the Obama plantation.”
The use of the word “plantation” to describe the relationship between black Americans and their political patrons is an unfortunate staple of contemporary rhetoric. Professor West’s remark is unusual in that “plantation” rhetoric usually comes from the Right, as in Star Parker’s Uncle Sam’s Plantation, Deneen Borelli’s Backlash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation, remarks by Michelle Malkin (“a textbook example of plantation progressivism”) or Ann Coulter (“Democrats seem to have decided blacks are safely on the plantation”), Rush Limbaugh (“The libs run a plantation”) and the like. Joe Biden, because he is a despicable human being, drove straight past the plantation to the sanitarium when he told a largely black audience that Mitt Romney would “put y’all back in chains.”
The plantation rhetoric is distasteful for the same reason that facile Nazi tropes should be verboten: Some instances of evil are unique, and using them as a handy cudgel in every disagreement dilutes their emotional potency. Hitler was Hitler, and nobody else is. The Reverend Sharpton is slavish, but he is not a slave. When black critics use plantation rhetoric, it is repugnant; when white critics use plantation rhetoric, it is repugnant and condescending. In the wake of the Zimmerman-Martin case, Attorney General and Corrupt Political Hack Eric Holder [1] has taken aim at Stand Your Ground laws because they had nothing to do with the Zimmerman-Martin case but are a distraction from the issue of racism, which also had nothing to do with it. So… that makes […] The EU guidelines are clearly anti-Semitic: they are a unique set of guidelines crafted for the occasion of targeting Jews. The EU does not ask similar guarantees of China for Tibet, Turkey for Cyprus, or Indonesia for Western Papua. Last week, the European Union issued guidelines regarding the use of EU funds in Israel. […] Of the 6,000 languages now spoken on this planet, half will disappear by the end of the present century. Speakers the languages of the West, including Italian, German, Russian, Polish, and Hungarian, will suffer a catastrophic decline in numbers. The Poland of Pope John Paul II, the Catholic redoubt of the West whose resistance […] Under a vile race-baiting administration it’s everyone’s duty to do so. There’s a strategy and consistency in the statements by President Obama and his administration in the aftermath of the verdict that freed George Zimmerman. Whether it’s Attorney General Holder attacking thirty states’ “stand your ground” laws, the president saying he “could have been” […] On Friday, just as he was about to return to the United States from Jordan, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced that he had finally gotten the Palestinian Authority and Israel to agree to resume “stalled peace talks.” His sigh of relief was almost as palpable as it was audible. After a round […]