It’s time to leave Afghanistan now, regardless of what Mr. Karzai wants to charge us.
It’s not about gratitude or the lack of it. It’s not about anti-Americanism or even arrogance. The current dispute over customs duties between the American military and Karzai’s Kabul Kleptocrats is only about corruption.
As the story goes, once the Taliban were toppled from power, when U.S. military equipment — tooth and tail, bullets and MRE’s — was shipped into Afghanistan over the past twelve years, it was exempted from customs duties and taxes by an agreement between the two governments.
Now, the lower case kkk gang claims that none of that equipment can be removed from Afghanistan unless it has a validated customs form attached to it. And, because about 70,000 truckloads have already passed over the Afghan border — most of it to Pakistani ports where it can be picked up by cargo ship — the Afghans are demanding more than $70 million in “fines” for improper exporting.
And, at times, they’ve closed the border to make their point whereupon U.S. officials have shipped the cargo out by air at a cost of five to seven times the amount it costs for ground shipments.
(You may wonder why the air shipments aren’t stopped by the Afghans or why they aren’t subjected to the same customs duties and fines. Isn’t it the same question of sovereignty that supposedly prevented us from sending combat aircraft into Benghazi when the mission there was under attack on the anniversary of 9/11? Is Afghan “sovereignty” less subject to violation than its Libyan equivalent? You see, we didn’t have Libyan permission to cross their border even to save American lives and you could be confused by the inconsistency between Libyan entry and Afghan exit. But I digress.)