Mouthing Sixties-style anti-Western slogans is the way to win the president’s heart. There were many paradoxes left after the protests of the 1960s. One of the worst was American elites’ hypocrisy toward authoritarianism abroad. Most Americans granted that anti-Communist strongmen like Ferdinand Marcos, Augusto Pinochet, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, and Anastasio Somoza stifled liberty […] The jury has spoken in Florida, acquitting George Zimmerman of all state murder and manslaughter charges arising out of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. It was a prosecution that should never have been brought: That was the judgment of the veteran police officers who first investigated it and concluded that Zimmerman had acted […] A skeptical survey of the claims being made about food, health and the environment. Not so long ago, I spoke to a chef who ministers to children attending some of the most elite and expensive schools in America. Why, I asked him, was his company’s website larded with almost comical warnings about the lethality […] Obamacare has been showing signs of being so unenforceable, so expensive, and so utterly stupid that Obama’s administration has had to engage in all manner of patently illegal waivers and delays to maintain theirs lies about it. In the words of the late Chinese Communist dictator, Mao Zedong, Obamacare has been “a great leap […] On July 3, the Obama administration quietly revealed that it will not enforce the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate until 2015, though the law unambiguously requires that it go into effect Jan. 1, 2014. Administration spokespersons depicted the change as a mere tweaking. That’s untrue. It will affect 10 million workers, double the number […]
The same people marching in protest in the streets about the supposed endemic racism in the court decision on the legally clean Trayvon Martin case were the ones dancing in the street about the racial rightness of the courts after the highly dubious legal procedures in the OJ Simpson case…
In other words — their knee-jerk anti-White racism, or mindless anarchism, and protection of self-delusion in rushing to judgment is overtly apparent…
Zimmerman was clearly assaulted before obviously defending himself, he didn’t pursue Martin — and, anyway, following someone would not be a valid pretext for assault….
Zimmerman has a strong record showing he is in no way anti black (not admissible in the court!), in fact was active in helping and associating with black social mixing and charitable activity. Martin had a record of petty crime and early involvement in violent ‘gansta’ activity (also not admissible in the court!)…
Calling for a Dept of Justice investigation – and our besmirched Attorney General, the benighted Eric Holder acquiescing, when the FBI has already cleared Zimmerman of any racial ‘hate,’ is pure racism also.
If Zimmerman (who is half-Hispanic) is ‘White’ then so is Obama White! … (Sigh..)
Are we to see Hispanics now as a kind of half-cast between Whites and Blacks — are Hispanics now open to charges of ‘hate’ crimes against Blacks? Do Whites have an unfair and inordinately heavy load in any case invoked to have racial overtones?…
Will there ever be an end to this groupism that strikes a dagger in Martin Luther King’s primary dictum — all men should be treated for their individual qualities and NOT because of their racial grouping?..
No justice, no peace, on the streets of Baltimore. Of, if you prefer, open season in Harm City.
Using a translator, police spoke to the victim, who knows some English, according to the police report. The victim told officers that he was standing in the intersection of Fairmont and N. Potomac Street when a group of five black males first approached him.
He described all of the males as between 16 and 18 and told police a 6-foot suspect with a black “stretchy” shirt and mohawk told him, “What’s up, [expletive].” When the victim raised his phone to call 911, the suspect raised his shirt and flashed a silver handgun in his waistband.
The victim turned and ran before he was caught in the 2800 block of Fairmont and was beaten, police said. He sustained abrasions to his elbows and forearms but refused medical attention.
Police listed all of the suspects involved as black males. Three were “skinny” while one was described as overweight.
A witness posted on Facebook that she saw the gang of young men chasing the victim before they caught up to him and started kicking and beating him. That witness wrote that the black males were shouting “This is for Trayvon!” as they beat the man.
If Eric Holder is still looking around for a hate crime to prosecute, Baltimore offers one.
Not for the first time over the past few years, I am glad to have left Baltimore in the rear-view mirror. It’s an anti-gun state, tilted against the law-abiding. The leaders there, all Democrats, are the usual collection of demagogues and monsters that infest most urban governments in America. They will have no serious response for the communities among them that are now under threat from the Sharpton brigades. “People resent the Jews for having emerged from their immemorial weakness and fearlessly resorted to force. They thereby betrayed the mission that history had assigned to them — being a people … that did not get tangled up in the obtuse narrowness of the nation-state.” – Pascal Bruckner, The Tyranny of Guilt It is now […]
If this were a TV drama, it would be ‘The X-Files’ in its 46th season.
Sufian Abu Zaida is a well-known Palestinian nationalist who worked closely with Yasser Arafat and sits on the Fatah Revolutionary Council, the ostensible legislative branch of the Palestinian Authority’s ostensible ruling party. Though he spent years in Israeli prison on terrorism charges, he has long been considered a relative moderate for his participation in various peace initiatives.
These days Mr. Abu Zaida is an unhappy camper, but not because of the Israelis.
“Honestly, no one ever dreamt we would reach this situation of concentration of authorities and senior positions in the hands of one person,” he wrote about Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a recent op-ed published on several Palestinian websites.
“The President today is the President of everything that has to do with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause. He is the president of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the State of Palestine and the Palestinian Authority. He is the president of the Fatah movement and general leader of the [security] Forces. And as the legislative council is now suspended, he issues laws and has practically replaced the council.”
Mr. Abu Zaida goes on to complain of the pervasive toadyism among Palestinian ministers and officials, their “impotence and fear” in the face of Mr. Abbas’s every decision and appointment. “One of the main reasons that made President Abbas a natural candidate after President Arafat passed away is that many had thought Abbas’s management would be different than Arafat’s,” he notes. Yet now the president “holds authorities that Arafat in all his greatness and symbolic importance didn’t hold.”
Oh, well: Just another aging strongman in another squalid
More people have left the workforce than got a new job during the recovery—by a factor of nearly three.
recent months, Americans have heard reports out of Washington and in the media that the economy is looking up—that recovery from the Great Recession is gathering steam. If only it were true. The longest and worst recession since the end of World War II has been marked by the weakest recovery from any U.S. recession in that same period.
The jobless nature of the recovery is particularly unsettling. In June, the government’s Household Survey reported that since the start of the year, the number of people with jobs increased by 753,000—but there are jobs and then there are “jobs.” No fewer than 557,000 of these positions were only part-time. The survey also reported that in June full-time jobs declined by 240,000, while part-time jobs soared by 360,000 and have now reached an all-time high of 28,059,000—three million more part-time positions than when the recession began at the end of 2007.
That’s just for starters. The survey includes part-time workers who want full-time work but can’t get it, as well as those who want to work but have stopped looking. That puts the real unemployment rate for June at 14.3%, up from 13.8% in May.
The 7.6% unemployment figure so common in headlines these days is utterly misleading. An estimated 22 million Americans are unemployed or underemployed; they are virtually invisible and mostly excluded from unemployment calculations that garner headlines.