Of all the many changes that the Obama administration has enacted over the last five years, the least remarked upon are the strange changes in our vocabulary. To fathom the shifting meaning of words [1], here is a guide to the new Obama lexicon.
Affordable Care Act: Mostly unaffordable, uncaring, and inactive [2].
Assault Weapon: Paint your .22 black and add a plastic handle [3].
Associated Press: Leakers who dared to challenge [4] the White House monopoly.
Baby: Punishment for a mistake [5].
Benghazi: We won’t have any more because one video-maker is now in prison [6].
Berlin Wall: Analogous to the Cold War fence [7] that kept out German illegal aliens from entering a free East Berlin.
Biden: Buffoonery after it becomes boring.
Buffett: He alone built that [8].
Carney: Ron Ziegler lives [9]!
Cashing in: A practice finally ended when Hillary Clinton and Lisa Jackson left office.
Coal: A toxic rock that the crazy Chinese believe makes heat [10].