After Boston: The Worst Is Yet to Come Posted By Abraham H. Miller Future Islamist terrorists can take comfort in the reluctance of both the media and the president to blame the culture of Islamic extremism. Sometime in the not-to0-distant future there will be meetings of the various law enforcement agencies involved in the hunt for the Boston terrorists. They will look at what worked and what […]

MICHEL GURFINKIEL:AND NOW, A FRENCH SPRING? Less than one year after François Hollande’s election as president and the stunning victory of his socialist supporters at the National Assembly, there is a widespread feeling in France that his administration is doomed. According to the latest poll [1] released by Journal du Dimanche on April 21, 74% of the French now entertain bad […]


In a post titled “Anger Management,” Mark Steyn writes, “Former brother-in-law Elmirza Khozhugov explains Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s grievances to The New York Times“:

So he blew up an eight-year old boy and a couple of hundred other Americans.

And now the media are full of stories about how the Tsarnaevs were all-American kids and “beautiful, beautiful boys” and maybe it was the boxing or the Ben Affleck movies or the classical music but, whatever it was, it was nothing to do with Islam. Nothing whatever.

I blame The Catcher in the Rye. Particularly after the New York Times‘ Michiko Kakutani did, too, on their front page, to boot. (Link safe; goes to Newsbusters):

Given the layers of irony, sarcasm and joking often employed on Twitter, it can be difficult to parse the messages of a stranger. Yet some of them can seem menacing or portentous, given what we now suspect: “a decade in america already, I want out,” “Never underestimate the rebel with a cause” or “No one is really violent until they’re with the homies.” But others suggest a more Holden Caulfield-like adolescent alienation: “some people are just misunderstood by the world thus the increase of suicide rates.”

As Ace notes, Kakutani is “the writer they usually trot out when they need to have a conservative’s book reviewed for their book review. Oddly enough, she doesn’t drip with such conspicuous sympathy for law-abiding people who haven’t murdered anyone.”

Presumably Kakutani will be calling for a parole of Mark David Chapman in tomorrow’s edition of the Times. He also had a Holden Caulfield-like adolescent alienation, which he publicly expressed in a manner as nearly as effusive as the Tsarnaevs.

Update: At Twitchy, “Bomber in the Rye.” And at the Conversation, Iowahawk runs into Muggeridge’s Law, which posits that there is no way a satirist can compete with reality for its sheer absurdity. Or the New York Times, whichever strikes first:

Chechnya Terror Link to U.S. Well-Established by Feds Since 9/11 Posted By Bridget Johnson

URL to article: At a Friday congressional hearing, the House Foreign Affairs Committee will begin what’s sure to be the lengthy process of lawmakers diving into the Islamic terror threat from Chechnya and Dagestan. But disturbing ties between the U.S. and Islamic radicals in the Caucasus region were known to authorities long before Tamerlan […]

JASON RILEY: JEFF SESSIONS AND CHARLES GRASSLEY….THE GOP IMMIGRATION PRETENDERS Earlier this week, I wrote that two GOP senators who were very quick to drag the Boston Marathon bombings into the immigration reform debate—Charles Grassley of Iowa and Jeff Sessions of Alabama—also had track records of opposing increases in legal immigration. Because some lawmakers like to pretend that they only oppose illegal immigration, I […]

PETER BROOKES: OUR MUCH NEEDED MISSILE DEFENSE Our attention is focused on the terrorist attack in Boston last week, but just two weeks ago we were gripped by North Korean threats of a new Korean War and the possibility of New York’s being hit attacked by long-range missiles. While North Korean promises of thermonuclear war have faded from the news for […]

DEROY MIRDOCK: OUR SOUTHERN BORDER WELCOME MAT FOR TERRORISTS The Southern Border: Our Welcome Mat for Terrorists We regularly intercept large numbers of individuals from terrorist-sponsoring nations. By There are at least 7,518 reasons to get the U.S./Mexican border under control. That equals the number of aliens apprehended in fiscal year 2011 from the four nations the U.S. government labels “state sponsors of […]

Two-time Oscar winner two-times

By Tabitha Korol

David Miliband, former Secretary of the United Kingdom, current president and CEO of The International Rescue Committee, said, “Israel is a strategic partner and close friend of the UK,” yet we have people in the limelight who use their positions of influence to destroy that alliance. Case in point, “two-time Oscar-winning actress and director Emma Thompson” is two-timing the alliance, the State of Israel and the Jewish people. She sides with Islamic Palestinians who have been occupying the Biblical Judea and Samaria since they lost their war of aggression in 1967, but repeats the Islamic mantra that Israel is the occupier. Thompson’s acceptance of propaganda over historical documentation is an indication of woeful or willful ignorance.

Thompson eschews Palestinian terrorism, the murder and mayhem against Israeli children on school buses or asleep in their beds, and prefers a fabricated Palestinian victimhood that captivates UN and world attention through generations and provides them with enormous financial support – “one of the highest levels of aid in the world” To maintain their free medical care from Israel and financial aid from the US, UK, UN, Europe and Israel, Palestinians utterly destroyed, with “no hope of repair,” the extensive greenhouses and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip so generously left them by the departing Israelis in 2005.

Why is Thompson oblivious to Jewish Jerusalem for more than 3,400 years, more than 2000 years before the followers of Muhammed began their deadly advance across the Middle East, in 624, raping, enslaving and killing?Why ignore the seven neighboring Islamic armies that joined together to completely annihilate the new State of Israel in 1948, and the Six-Day War they began in 1967, which they also lost? Why ignore that the fleeing Arabs assumed a new identity, “Palestinians,” for the sole purpose of creating a bond to land that was never theirs? Why does she disregard the Jewish Palestinian Brigade that fought with the English against the Nazis and side with the Arabs who fought with the Nazis against England’s forces? Is this not two-timing?


You can’t beat Fleet Street when it comes to the cherchez la femme angle. Today, the London papers are full of Mrs Tamerlan Tsarnaev:

As a girl growing up in Rhode Island Katherine was known to her friends as Katie. One school friend who asked not to be named recalled: ‘I saw her like a few months ago and she was just totally transformed. She was not the same person at all.’

Another agreed: ‘She was just this All-American girl who was brainwashed by her super-religious husband.’

He didn’t do it all himself. He had a lot of “support“:

“They are a very nice family, with three lovely daughters who are friendly and well-mannered,” said Mrs Gillette. “And they were so happy to have a granddaughter. This is terrible for them”.

Neighbours said that Mr and Mrs Russell had been “very supportive” of their daughter’s decision to take up Islam, which saw her begin wearing a veil covering her hair, in line with Muslim practice.

The important thing is to be “very supportive”, regardless of what it is you’re being “supportive” of. Daniel Greenfield:

The story of Katherine Russell is the story of Europe and America. It’s the story of what happens when you tolerate and tolerate until you’re wearing a Hijab and a black eye and your husband roams the streets murdering your friends and neighbors in the name of the religion you accepted even though you don’t really understand it.



I’m sure the disgraceful announcement by the Spanish government that it will soon open a consulate in Gaza, a territory ruled by HAMAS, the internationally designated group of terrorist killers, has not escaped your attention. However, you may have missed the news that Spain has ordered several new warships with glass bottoms. This, no doubt, is so the new Spanish navy can get a better look at the old Spanish navy!

Best regards,

Paul Schnee

The Opening of a Spanish Consulate in Gaza – Alan Baker

Spain announced on March 14, 2013, that it would open a Spanish consulate in Gaza, accredited to the Hamas administration. Opening a consulate in Gaza is incompatible with the provisions of the 1995 Oslo II agreement, under which the Palestinians are committed not to exercise powers in the sphere of foreign relations, and specifically not to permit the establishment of diplomatic or consular posts in the West Bank or Gaza. In opening a consulate in Gaza, Spain would be in violation of the Interim Agreement, in contravention of the EU’s status as signatory and witness to the agreement.

Furthermore, the opening by Spain of a consulate in Gaza would be seen universally as a formal act of diplomatic recognition of Hamas by Spain, in direct contravention of the EU designation of Hamas as a terror organization.

Moreover, Spain’s foreign minister might consider recent expressions by Hamas bodies calling for Spain to be returned to Muslim rule as “Al Andalus,” and calling for acts of martyrdom, suicide bombings and resistance as the way to achieve this.