NEW YORK, July 8, 2013— If you were wondering what Jennifer Lopez did this summer, here is the scoop. She was entertaining the glorious leader of Turkmenistan.
Thereby she answered the following question: What would you do for a million dollars?
We are only talking price.
In fact, if the reports are true, she got even more than that after she volunteered to belt out a Marilyn Monroe styled “Happy Birthday” number to the glorious leader whose name it is impossible to spell or pronounce, so let’s just call him Glorious Leader. He hates cats and dogs. Most of his own people are in jail or waiting to be jailed.
Even the United Nations, which adores cruel dictators, can not find a good word to say about him.
Let’s try spelling his name if only to say we tried. Here goes: Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow.
Do not try that at home.
So on Saturday, June 29, what was J. Lo doing in a place like Turkmenistan, serenading a man like that? This is exactly what the world wants to know. The people who are paid to apologize for her only say that she did not know how bad it was in Turkmenistan. She certainly knew nothing about good old glorious what’s-his-name.
Plus, if you are J.Lo and you choose to avoid tyrannical dictatorships, that would deny you more than half the known world. A girl has to sing,
Given Turkmenistan’s atrocious record on human rights, where was Alice Walker to stop J.Lo from going ahead? What a strange silence from a “human rights” activist who tried to stop Alicia Keys from performing in Tel Aviv, and who, apparently, can find no fault in any country except Israel, where civil liberties are valued and protected.