This week’s utterly disturbing Leftists Much of the reaction on British Left has been to search for apologies to make and excuses to give. It’s a devastating and destructive philosophy There is one phrase that has stood out for me over the last few days. One jarring, horrible sentence that betrays the warped mindset […]

ARI LIEBERMAN: FROM LONDON TO RAMALLAH- THE BLOODY HANDS OF ISLAM On May 21, in an act of sheer barbarism, obscene even by Islamist standards, two Muslims armed with knives and machetes brazenly hacked to death and nearly beheaded British soldier Lee Rigby on a London street in Woolwich in broad daylight. The attackers yelled Allahu akbar – God is Great – a common Islamist […]

DAVID SINGER: PALESTINE-BEWARE THE SNAKE-OIL SALESMAN–_beware_the_snake_oil_salesman.html Paul Larudee, one of the founders of the Free Gaza and Free Palestine Movements and an organizer in the International Solidarity Movement, has made some incredibly misleading statements in his latest article “The Palestine Liberation Movement is not about Anti-Semitism,” published in Dissident Voice on 23 May. Having studied linguistics and earned a PhD, […]

OBAMA’S MOST DANGEROUS ENEMIES BEING TARGETED: ED LASKY There is a pattern emerging in the Obama Presidency. He is at war with reality; his greatest enemies are facts. And he has been targeting for years a small group of people whose duty is to expose the truth. Their loyalty runs to the citizenry and not to Barack Obama. They are not Republicans […]

Daniel Pipes and Islamic ‘Essentialism’ By: Andrew G. Bostom Has there been an unexpected “harmonic convergence” regarding Islam between Daniel Pipes, the historian, and unabashed Zionist, and Edward Said, anti-Israeli, Arab polemicist? Daniel Pipes’ recent essay in The Jewish Press (originally published in the Washington Times) derides “those who focus on Islam itself as the problem”—identifying Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, and Dutch […]


President Obama’s speech last week at the National Defense University made clear the governing idea of his foreign policy. Nations in decline—democratic ones, at any rate—tend to be nations in retreat. When Britain informed the Truman administration that it could no longer prop up the governments of Greece and Turkey in the winter of […]

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Problem of Muslim Leadership

Another Islamist terror attack, another round of assurances that it had nothing to do with the religion of peace.

I’ve seen this before. A Muslim terrorist slays a non-Muslim citizen in the West, and representatives of the Muslim community rush to dissociate themselves and their faith from the horror. After British soldier Lee Rigby was hacked to death last week in Woolwich in south London, Julie Siddiqi, representing the Islamic Society of Britain, quickly stepped before the microphones to attest that all good Muslims were “sickened” by the attack, “just like everyone else.”

This happens every time. Muslim men wearing suits and ties, or women wearing stylish headscarves, are sent out to reassure the world that these attacks have no place in real Islam, that they are aberrations and corruptions of the true faith.

But then what to make of Omar Bakri? He too claims to speak for the true faith, though he was unavailable for cameras in England last week because the Islamist group he founded, Al-Muhajiroun, was banned in Britain in 2010. Instead, he talked to the media from Tripoli in northern Lebanon, where he now lives. Michael Adebolajo—the accused Woolwich killer who was seen on a video at the scene of the murder, talking to the camera while displaying his bloody hands and a meat cleaver—was Bakri’s student a decade ago, before his group was banned. “A quiet man, very shy, asking lots of questions about Islam,” Bakri recalled last week. The teacher was impressed to see in the grisly video how far his shy disciple had come, “standing firm, courageous, brave. Not running away.”

Bakri also told the press: “The Prophet said an infidel and his killer will not meet in Hell. That’s a beautiful saying. May God reward [Adebolajo] for his actions . . . I don’t see it as a crime as far as Islam is concerned.”

THE AUDIENCE AND DANIEL PIPES….JUST NOT BYING THE “ISLAMISM” THING Trashing Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and Andrew Bostom is not the way to go Daniel, impressing upon our leaders to confidently articulate and promote Western values, and their superiority to all else, is the way to go.    There is no moderate Islam, only Islamic societies more influenced by non-Muslim culture and values. When […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE GREAT RACE CARD GET-AWAY “Don’t be afraid to see what you see,” President Reagan counseled in his farewell address. We would do well to heed his advice as President Obama attempts to lead America backwards, to September 10. Make no mistake: That was the not-so-subtle message he sent last week during his speech at the National Defense University—a […]

OBAMA SURRENDERS THE WAR ON TERROR: ALAN DOWD “Don’t be afraid to see what you see,” President Reagan counseled in his farewell address. We would do well to heed his advice as President Obama attempts to lead America backwards, to September 10. Make no mistake: That was the not-so-subtle message he sent last week during his speech at the National Defense University—a […]