RUTHIE BLUM: RICE AND POWER CANNOT MAKE THINGS WORSE Two appointments made this week by U.S. President Barack Obama have been causing a stir reminiscent of the brouhaha surrounding his nomination a few months ago of Chuck Hagel as defense secretary. The first was the promotion of Susan Rice from ambassador to the U.N. to national security adviser. The second was the filling […]

JACK ENGELHARD: ME AND ESTHER WILLIAMS….see note please When I came to the United States the movies were magic…double features and I often sta through both twice. I wanted only to be Esther Williams and marry Peter Lawford….rsk WASHINGTON, June 7, 2013 — Right now she is probably teaching the angels how to swim. Esther Williams is dead. She left us last […]


The inevitable corruption of the permanent bureaucracy A few years ago, after one corruption scandal too many, the then Liberal government in Canada announced that, to prevent further outbreaks of malfeasance, it would be hiring 300 new federal auditors plus a bunch of ethics czars, and mandating “integrity provisions” in government contracts, including “prohibitions […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: WHAT IS PRIVATE AND WHAT IS NOT The national security of the United States justifies the collection of “metadata.” Seemed reasonable to me. “I want the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of every person in the five boroughs.” I barked the instruction to one of the eager young interns whose job was not to wonder aloud why cranky federal prosecutors made […]

RACHEL ABRAMS: 1951-2013

Dear Rachel Abrams was a witty, irreverent, sassy, brilliant friend and writer and the daughter of my beloved friends Midge and Norman Podhoretz, sister of Naomi Munson, Ruthie Blum and John Podhoretz. Here is John’s tribute to his sister.
John Podhoretz |

Rachel Abrams, the legendary Bad Rachel of the Internet, was as tender a woman as she was the soul of toughness on her blog. Rachel died this morning at the age of 62 after a three-year battle against stomach cancer. She was an extraordinary artist and a writer of great power. She was my sister. The best tribute to her is her own work. Here, from 1988, is a short story she published in COMMENTARY called “School Days.” Her memory will be for a blessing as her life was our blessing.

And here is a sample of her brilliant writing at her blog. Rest in peace Rachel…an angel now among angels. rsk

What If The Arab Spring Springs A Leak?

Liberal Scandal Strategy: The Cincinnati/Benghazi Connection: Chris Adamo Ongoing revelations of fraud and deceit on the part of the Obama Administration in response to the Benghazi attacks, combined with expanding news of politically motivated abuses of power by the Internal Revenue Service, might seem to be putting the Democrat juggernaut on the ropes, or at the very least relegating the second term […]

Cliff Kincaid: Obama/Holder Justice Department Threatens First Amendment Reacting to reports that the Obama Department of Justice may prosecute those who write and post articles offensive to Muslims, Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative has vowed, “We will fight you on this every step of the way. We will drag your dhimmi asses all the way to the Supreme Court. […]


Galloway: “I am a soldier in Che Guevara’s army”
British Member of Parliament George Galloway says murderous racist Che Guevara is his “leader” and his “hero”

Watch as British Member of Parliament repeatedly refers to himself as a “soldier in Che Guevara’s army”.

In case you had caught a touch of the progressive mind-flu that makes you think Guevara was some kind of freedom-loving revolutionary, have a read of this to remind you how he was a racist murderer.

Galloway describes him as his “hero”. Let’s take a look at what Guevara wrote about black people, and maybe you should ask Galloway yourself if he endorses his hero and leader’s comments:

“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”

British MP Caught on Camera, “You Look Like a Bloody Jew”

Tory MP Patrick Mercer, who has now resigned the Conservative whip following lobbying allegations, was caught on camera expressing anti-Semitic and sexist comments about a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces

Former Conservative Party Member of Parliament Patrick Mercer, who has now resigned his party’s whip following lobbying allegations, was caught on camera expressing anti-Semitic and sexist comments about a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces.

Watch as Mercer describes his encounter with a female IDF soldier, and says of her, “You don’t look like a soldier to me. You look like a bloody Jew.”

Saudi Cleric Who Raped and Killed Daughter Receives Small Fine

Saudi cleric who raped and killed daughter receives small fine An Islamic cleric in Saudi Arabia has paid just £31,500 in ‘blood money’ after reportedly raping, torturing, and killing his 5-year-old daughter Saudi Arabian media sources have reported that an Islamic cleric who raped, tortured and killed his 5-year-old daughter, has been let off […]