Once Again, McCain Demonstrates How to Lose by CHRISTOPHER ADAMO

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/once-again-mccain-demonstrates-how-to-lose In the immediate aftermath of the 2012 election disaster, the Republican Party grew extremely introspective, with many of its key figures postulating that the party needed to shift leftward if it was to have any hope of future successes. This effort was encouraged in part by the liberal media along with Democrats, who readily […]

Where’s the Outrage Over Obama’s Lies? By Bruce Thornton

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/bruce-thornton/wheres-the-outrage-over-obamas-lies/ Last month President Obama said in a speech, “I’m proud of the fact that under my administration oil production is higher than it has been in a decade or more.” Last year in the second presidential debate, Obama made the same claim, and when Mitt Romney pointed out the facts that debunked it, Obama […]

Israel Apartheid Week – Campus Blood Libel By Charles Jacobs

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/charles-jacobs/israeli-apartheid-week-learn-to-crush-it/ This article originally appeared in the Boston Jewish Advocate. Spring’s coming. Get ready for Israeli Apartheid Week on campuses across the nation. Here in Boston last week, Harvard got off to an early start: the college’s Palestine Solidarity Committee placed mock eviction notices on students’ doors, warning students that their rooms were “scheduled for […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/democracy-is-not-the-answer/ To understand how we got to the point that spending hundreds of millions of dollars to support a government run by people who have been at war with us for almost a century is a policy that most foreign policy experts endorse, it helps to take a brief trip back in time. In the […]


http://bit.ly/XcKUDD On the eve of President Obama’s visit to Israel, the American constituent is concerned about his attitude towards Israel, as reported by the March 4, 2013 issue of The Hill, one of the two newspapers on Capitol Hill. According to The Hill, which features a Pulse Opinion Research poll, “The President’s support for Israel […]

Explaining the Denial Denying Islam’s Role in Terror by Daniel Pipes

http://www.meforum.org/3466/islam-terrorism-denial Over three years after Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s massacre at Fort Hood, Texas, in November 2009, the classification of his crime remains in dispute. In its wisdom, the Department of Defense, supported by law enforcement, politicians, journalists, and academics, deems the killing of thirteen and wounding of forty-three to be “workplace violence.” For example, […]


The Catholic Church has chosen a new Pope and the caterwauling of non adherents that are disappointed that the Church rejects “liberation theology” is sickening. Would they have preferred a Pope from the Maryknoll Catholic movement? Their good job as missionaries obscures the fact that for years they acted as a radical, pro-Soviet, pro Communist, anti-Israel movement in the church. Or how about the Berrigan Brothers? Daniel and Phillip were both priests who were radicals and put on the most wanted list for their vandalism and destruction of government property including draft boards where they poured blood on official documents.

Let me say at the outset. I like and respect my fellow “infidels ” as Catholics are called by the Jihads. My own life has intersected in many ways with Catholics.

My father left Europe and went to Bolivia, a Catholic nation which offered refuge to more Jews than Canada. My brother and I were born there and like the thousands upon thousands of Jews who found a life in the Catholic nations of South America we were treated well and with respect for our heritage and religion. We attended a Catholic school there where the only transgression was an occasional tug at my pig tails….mostly carried out by my kid brother and his friends.

I do not want to revisit the dark days of the Vatican and the Jews of Europe. I prefer to remember the roles of many priests who helped to save and hide Jews. Priests like Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty, ( J. P. Gallagher’s book The Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican )a real life Irish Catholic priest who saved thousands of Jews and Allied prisoners of war in Nazi occupied Rome. I think of Catholics like Irena Sendler, Odoardo Focherini, a journalist, Père Marie-Benoît, born Pierre Péteul, was a Capuchin Franciscan friar, Monsignor Francesco Repetto in Genoa, Reverend Bruno Reynders (Pere Bruno) a Catholic Belgian Monk, Frank Foley a British secret service agent….. only a handful of the heroic Catholics who risked all to save thousands of Jews.

The role of Irish Catholics who piloted ships and planes to Palestine is epic. Prominent Catholics in America such as Hugh Carey, Paul O’Dwyer, and his brother NY’s 100th Mayor William O’Dwyer (who organized the first Israel Day Parade in New York) openly supported Zionism and the advent of Israel.

Less known is the role of the late Francis Cardinal Spellman, Catholic Archbishop of New York, who influenced the United Nations decision in 1949 to admit Israel to UN membership.(http://archive.jta.org/article/1964/05/12/3076861/cardinal-spellmans-aid-in-admission-of-israel-to-un-disclosed) In 1949, Charles Silver, president of Beth Israel Hospital, former president of the New York City Board of Educationhe asked Cardinal Spellman to issue a statement supporting Israel’s application for membership in the United Nations. Cardinal Spellman replied: “I will do something that may mean a great deal more. ” What Cardinal Spellman did, according to Mr. Silver, was to contact Latin American and other delegations with a suggestion that they vote for Israel’s admission. When the vote was taken, in May of 1949, it was 37 to 12 in favor of Israel’s application.

My husband graduated from the Jesuit St. Peter’s College in Jersey City where he never encountered anything but sensitivity and empathy and a deep sorrow for the Holocaust. The late Cardinal O’Connor, who lit a candle in St. Patrick’s Cathedral on every anniversary of Kristallnacht, left a sickbed with fever to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht in 1988 an event memorialized with bells, candles and prayers in Catholic churches throughout America. A few months later I was honored to be a guest at a dinner at the private residence behind St. Patrick’s Cathedral where the cardinal expressed his commitment to Jews and Israel.

We may not agree with some of their doctrinal convictions…but they do not chop heads of dissidents, they don’t erupt into violent orgies at perceived insults. They are beleaguered by the same jihadists that are driving Christians out of the Middle east and harassing them in every Moslem country in the world.

I welcome, respect and salute the choice…their choice of Pope and I pray that he continues the crucial work of reconciliation and amity between Jews and Catholics that is so critical to our survival.



http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2448/Why-Does-Obama-Need-1-6-Billion-Bullets.aspx Dear Mainstream Media, Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama went off his teleprompter and added a couple of sentences to the text of a speech about expanding the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps. Over rolling applause, the soon-to-be president of the United States said: “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order […]


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=3727 Ahead of his visit to the Holy Land next week, U.S. President Barack Obama decided to grant an exclusive interview to leading Israeli anchorwoman Yoni Levi. The 25-minute one-on-one was taped on Wednesday at the White House and broadcast Thursday night, with Hebrew subtitles, on Channel 2. A few days ago, when Channel 10 […]



That’s something to remember when you arrive there next week.

Israel has a government, elected by its people in a free, fair, open and democratic election. Multiple parties representing widely divergent points of view met a wildly diverse electorate through free media and open debate. This is no stultified two-party affair with a libertarian insurgency.

Israel will be the only country you visit in the region, this time or any other, that has a fully democratic system. Do not be swayed by the “apartheid” slander. Citizens of Israel are Jews, Moslems, Christians, and Druze, each with religious and non-religious elements. Their background is Ethiopian, Russian, North and South American, European, and derived from every country of the Arab world plus Persia; watch Rita before you go. There are left and right-wingers, socialists and capitalists. (Surprise: some of the socialists are right wing and some of the capitalists are left wing, since left and right in Israel are not only economic values, but relate to land and security. Some of the security hawks are economic leftists.) Every single one of them has a vote — and they use it.

Remember, the Palestinians could have had that, too. Or could they? Abbas’s single elected term ran out in January 2009; people who stay after that are dictators, not “elected leaders.” Journalists and protests against PA corruption are stifled with an increasingly heavy hand. Hamas is overtly intolerant of the Christian minority in Gaza, and the West Bank’s Christians are leaving as well; the brave ones talk about why. A key Palestinian demand is that territory they may one day have for a state must be Judenrein. Why would they think you would find that acceptable?