Send Us Your Violent Bigots, Yearning to Butcher Our Children: Ann Coulter It’s been a bad few weeks for cultural assimilation. Last month, two welfare-receiving immigrants in the United States, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, set off bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring hundreds. By the end of the week, they had murdered a cop and engaged in a wild shoot-out and bomb-throwing […]

Betrayal in Benghazi By Colonel Phil Handley The combat code of the US Military is that we don’t abandon our dead or wounded on the battlefield. In US Air Force lingo, fighter pilots don’t run off and leave their wingmen. If one of our own is shot down, still alive and not yet in enemy captivity, we will either come to […]

P. DAVID HORNIK: SHOWDOWN IN SYRIA A war of words and threats is shaping up over the Syrian issue. On one side stands Russia, the embattled Assad regime’s main backer along with Iran. On the other—not necessarily acting in any sort of unison—stand the United States, Europe, and Israel. The Daily Beast reports that the Obama administration “has asked the […]

The “Grievances” Defense by Peter Huessy If grievances explain terrorism, the implication is that removing the grievances would remove the terrorism. The U.S. was warned, however, before 9/11, that it faced a “poisonous coalition” of terror groups, wealthy sheiks, military establishments and intelligence, all fueled with an apparently endless supply of indoctrinated recruits from madrassas and mosques. This coalition now […]

VINCENT COOPER: ISLAM AND BRITAIN Mr. Cameron says we will never buckle under the threat of terror. But in forty years time, Cameron may be a minority. What then? “The terrorists will never win, because they can never beat the values that we hold dear.” That was David Cameron in response to the butchering on a London street of […]

FREE SAEED ABEDINI A CHRISTIAN PASTOR JAILED IN IRAN: FERNANDO MENENDEZ Saeed Abedini, an Iranian-born American Christian pastor, is wasting away in Teheran’s Evin prison Saeed Abedini, an Iranian-born American Christian pastor, is wasting away in Teheran’s Evin prison. Recently released from solitary confinement his health is said to be failing despite being a relatively young man. Beatings and torture have led to kidney issues […]

ANDREW McCARTHY:Enemy Combatant Jihadists in Civilian Courts — The Lunatics Run the Asylum Here we go again. Recall that the Obama administration chose to indict Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law in civilian federal court for the 9/11 attacks and the overarching al Qaeda conspiracy to kill Americans — thus undermining the military commission case at Gitmo against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other 9/11 attackers. Now we learn […]


“Here, 95 years ago, the U.S. Marines stopped the German army’s last great offensive of World War I.”

At Belleau Wood, just outside Paris, the scars of war are everywhere: shell holes so large they could hold a car, the remains of trenches, pockmarked stone walls and trees that still contain pockets of mustard gas trapped deep in their trunks.

Here, 95 years ago, the U.S. Marines stopped the German army’s last great offensive of World War I.

This week, as an unpaid volunteer historian, I accompanied 20 men and women of the U.S. Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment as they carefully tramped back to the front where their Marine forebears fought nearly a century ago. Later in the week, I will give them a guided tour of Pointe du Hoc and the other crucial beaches and airborne-drop zones of Normandy.
All the Marines on this trip received severe wounds in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan. Three were wounded in both conflicts. For some veterans, intense firefights and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) took their arms and legs. Many carry scars that vividly arc across their bodies.

As we rode to the battlefield, they shared memories of fighting as intense as any that I had heard from the thousands of World War II soldiers and Marines I have interviewed over the years. Several of the Marines showed me pictures of their spines and legs that resembled erector sets.

JOHN FUND: OBAMA’S CHICAGO WAY …POLITICAL TACTICS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE DALEY PLAYBOOK The scandals swirling around the Obama administration have many journalists scratching their heads as to how “hope and change” seem to have been supplanted by “arrogance and fear.” Perhaps it’s time they revisit one of their original premises about Barack Obama: that he wasn’t influenced by the Chicago Daley machine. You know: the machine that […]


A man has been arrested for the stabbing of a French soldier last weekend. A native of France, Alexandre Dhaussy is a convert to Islam — like the two men who hacked Drummer Rigby to death in Woolwich, like the young wife of the Boston Marathon bomber, and the young Canadian jihadist the bomber hooked up with in Dagestan, and the Belgian teenagers who ran away from home to fight in Syria.

These young “reverts” (as Islam calls converts) have made a bet on where the future lies. These photographs from Cable Street in East London show how sound the bet is: Two churches each built to hold a thousand worshippers now have between them 32 graying parishioners; the mosque, meanwhile, overflows, so that each Friday the streets are full of the faithful on their knees pointed toward Mecca. I was in Spitalfields last year, and saw the scene for myself — and was almost overwhelmed by the sense of loss: In the nihilism of multiculturalism, the great imperial metropolis is now the colony.

Unless something changes, that last photograph is Europe’s future. And Europe’s past will be as abandoned as those churches. In the Nineties, in his famous and controversial book Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples, V. S. Naipaul wrote of the eastern lands conquered by Islam that “converted peoples have to strip themselves of their past.” In the West, in the nation states that built the modern world, that process is well under way. And Islam is Europe’s future. Which is to say, for Europe, there is no future.