The Difference Two Letters Make… by Gerald A. Honigman A friend of mine passed away several years ago who was a great, old fashioned “Liberal.” In many ways, many of us could fall into that same category when you really think about it. But things today just ain’t what they used to be. For one thing, somehow I just can’t see Jews as […]

FASHIONABLE ANTI-SEMITISM ON CAMPUS: MARILYN PENN wonder how many charitable Jewish alumni and parents of current students know that Columbia, Barnard and NYU are hosting presentations for Israeli Apartheid Week, commencing March 11th. At Columbia/ Barnard, the topic is “Colonialism from the US to Palestine,” an interesting choice considering the recent expose of Islamist enforced slavery in Mauritania, not to […]

WHO IS SAMIRA IBRAHIM? TO BE HONORED BY KERRY AND MICHELLE OBAMA Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan | The Weekly Standard On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award. The award, says the press release, is […]

Europe Rolls Over for Hezbollah Blackmail by Soeren Kern The recent cases in Bulgaria and Cyrus provide irrefutable evidence that Hezbollah is highly active in Europe, where it raises funds, launders money, traffics drugs, recruits operatives and plots attacks with impunity The main objective of Israeli President Shimon Peres’s week-long state visit to Brussels, Paris and Strasbourg March 5-12 is apparently to persuade […]


Don’t cry for him Venezuela. Exactly sixty years after the death of Stalin, his political spawn Hugo Chavez will join him in hell. Will Kevin Spacey, Danny Glover and Sean Penn and Michael Moore be pallbearers?

STANLEY KURTZ: FOSSIL FUEL DIVESTMENT PART 3 The fossil-fuel divestment campaign now sweeping America’s college campuses is a window onto much that is wrong with our culture and our politics. The fate of America’s free-enterprise system — long the engine of our prosperity and security — now hangs on a generation increasingly skeptical of the system’s premises. Surely doubts about capitalism […]

The Tyranny of Deceit: A Response to ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ by MARK SILVERBERG In the aftermath of World War II, with the hideous revelation that two-thirds of European Jews had been systematically exterminated by the Nazis, anti-Semitism became unfashionable. But that is no longer the case. As the memory of the Holocaust fades into history, as we continue to transfer petro-wealth to our enemies; as Europe morphs […]

MSNBC Hires Axelrod and Gibbs — on The Glazov Gang

On this week’s Glazov Gang, Morgan Brittany, Ann-Marie Murrell and Dwight Schultz gathered to discuss MSNBC Hires Axelrod and Gibbs. The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on Obama’s continuing media puppet show. The segment also highlighted Hagel heading to the Pentagon and CPAC 2013 coming up. Part I focused on Threatening Woodward, dealing with the thought crime of a journalist in the Obama-era. The segment also included an analysis of Texas Kids Forced to Wear Burqa, shining a spotlight on the troubling Sharia education in Texas’ public school system. To watch both parts of the two part series, see below:

DANIEL PIPES ON LARS HEDEGAARD **** At 11:20 a.m. on Feb. 5, Lars Hedegaard answered his door bell to an apparent mailman. Instead of receiving a package, however, the 70-year-old Danish historian and journalist found himself face to face with a would-be assassin about one third his age. The assailant shot him once, narrowly missing his head. The gun locked, […]

Obama’s Billion-Dollar Giveaway to the Muslim Brotherhood Posted By Arnold Ahlert In the past few weeks, Americans have been subjected to a barrage of doomsday predictions regarding the disaster that would befall us should the sequester come to pass. Many were rightly incensed, then, that last Thursday, only one day before the “devastating” sequester cuts were scheduled to kick in, newly appointed Secretary of State […]