Huma Abedin is back in the spotlight again, as her husband Anthony Weiner has announced that he is running for mayor of New York City. The Daily Mail of the United Kingdom claims that “Huma Abedin [is] deemed her husband’s greatest political asset.” Michael M. Grynbaum, et al. of the New York Times claim that “it is Ms. Abedin, a seasoned operative well versed in the politics of redemption, [who] has been a main architect of her husband’s rehabilitative journey[.]”
The word “operative” is a word that needs careful examination. If Weiner were to win the mayoral election in New York, could this bring the Muslim Brotherhood closer to the inner security workings of New York City?
Almost one year ago, Walid Shoebat exposed Huma Abedin’s connections to the Brotherhood. Michele Bachmann and four other Republican congressional representatives requested that “no Muslim Brotherhood-associated entity or individual [be] placed into a position of honor or trust within the programs and operations of the Department of State unless he or she has publicly condemned and disclaimed the previously stated goals of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Yet such condemnation was never forthcoming from Abedin.
The five Republican congressional representatives were lambasted by Senator John McCain and Rep. Keith Ellison for entertaining the notion that someone closely connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, as Ms. Abedin is, might not be the best candidate to hold the job of deputy chief of staff for the State Department.
Couple this with the fact that in 2011 the “Obama administration formalized ties” with the [Muslim Brotherhood], and in 2013 “the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a group with Muslim Brotherhood origins and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial, toured the White House and met with multiple officials,” thus signaling a major “policy formulation” by the White House.
Such overlapping groups all stem from the Muslim Brotherhood, and the issue of infiltration may now have a new twist as Weiner runs for office. It is critical to recall that the Brotherhood’s objective is to “destroy the Western civilization from within.” As Claire Lopez explains:
… the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) functions as a kind of umbrella organization for many hundreds of offshoot Islamic Societies across North America. Yet, in spite of its DoJ status as a front group for the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood, ISNA still has been granted a coveted advisory role with the National Security Council (NSC) of the Obama White House. ISNA’s president, Muhammed Magid, is not only the Director of the All-Dulles Area Muslim Society Center, but also an A-list invitee to White House iftar dinners and a member of the Department of Homeland Security ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ Advisory Council.
Notwithstanding the New York Times whitewash of the evidence, Huma Abedin was, in fact, an assistant editor for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1996 to 2008. Her mother works to advance the Brotherhood agenda against Western interests and policies. Her brother has had a “strong working relationship with Abdullah Omar Naseef and Yusuf Qaradawi.” Naseef “ran a charity front for terror,” and Qaradawi has stated that: