BRET STEPHENS: A CHURCH IF YOU CAN KEEP IT How do porcupines make love? About the same way one writes a column about a religion that is not one’s own: With utmost caution. Yet when it comes to the Roman Catholic Church and the drama of Benedict XVI’s resignation, this is no mere parochial event. The church is a pillar of the West. […]

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: THE EVOLVING TERROR THREAT As France announces plans to stand down in Mali and the United States builds a new drone base in neighboring Niger, the conflict formerly known as the global war on terror is spreading and intensifying. Many in Washington would like to talk about other things, but while the West might be tired of the […]

KURTZ: FOSSIL FUEL DIVESTMENT PART 2 You may not have heard of the fossil-fuel divestment movement yet, but you will soon. While the campaign to have universities sell off any stock they may hold in large fossil-fuel companies is still in its infancy, the effort has spread to hundreds of campuses in just the past few months. This ambitious crusade […]

Irish4Israel Hope To Intensify Their Activities & Seek Funding To Do So

In view of the shrill and egregious demonisation of Israel emanating from the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and the fact that the Irish President is no friend to the Jewish State, it’s great to learn (hat tip: reader Jill) that, thanks to young Irishman Barry Williams and the Irish4Israel organisation, a vigorous pro-Israel initiative is being mooted in the Emerald Isle.

In order to succeed in its aims, it’s seeking donations.

In Barry Williams’s own words:

“Irish4Israel began in 2010 as a social movement to defend Israel in Ireland,

We have now grown from 100 to over 2,250 followers on Facebook and 450 on Twitter.

We now wish to increase our activities and wish to place some bus shelter advertising around Ireland.

We will provide receipts and photographs of the project upon completion and look forward to you helping us.

If you have any questions please email us at

We can also supply you with addition information.

Thank you.”

Anti-Israel fanaticism in Ireland

HAMAS REJECTS SMUGGLED ROCKETS BECAUSE…..THEY WERE “TAGGED” BY ISRAEL… The terrorist outfit in the Gaza Strip has apparently rejected a delivery of rockets on the basis that they were ‘tagged’ by Israel aza’s terrorist government Hamas has allegedly rejected a delivery of smuggled rockets from Libya after discovering that Israel had managed to equip them with tracking devices. Sources close to smugglers in […]

THE “MODERATE KINGDOM” SAUDI ARABIA SCHEDULES EXECUTION OF SEVEN FOR CRIMES COMMITTED AS JUVENILES….THAT DESERVES ANOTHER BOW The NGOs Amnesty International (AI) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) have claimed that Saudi Arabia will today (March 5th) execute seven men for crimes committed when a portion of the group were juveniles. It is claimed the seven men, from the southern province of Asir, were sentenced to death in 2009 for an armed […]



OSLO, Norway — A record 259 nominations have been received for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, with candidates including a Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban and a U.S. soldier accused of leaking classified material to WikiLeaks. Fifty of the nominations were for organizations.

The secretive committee that awards the prize doesn’t identify the nominees, but those with nomination rights sometimes announce their picks.

Names put forward this year include Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army private who has admitted sending hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the secrecy-busting website WikiLeaks and 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai, an education activist who was shot in the head by Taliban militants while on her way home from school in Pakistan.

“This year’s nominations come from all over the world … well-known names, well-known presidents and prime ministers and also lesser well-known names working in humanitarian projects, human rights activists,” said Norwegian Nobel Committee’s non-voting secretary Geir Lundestad, who announced the nomination numbers Monday. “In recent years, some of the Nobel Peace Prizes may have been controversial but they have added to the interest of the prize.”

Last year, the prize went to the European Union for promoting peace and human rights in Europe following the devastation of World War II, but not everyone approved the decision to give it to the bloc, which is dealing with a financial crisis that has led to hardship and suffering for many on the continent.

Three peace prize laureates – South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mairead Maguire of Northern Ireland and Adolfo Perez Esquivel from Argentina – insisted the prize money of $1.2 million should not have been paid out in 2012 because they said the EU contradicts the prize’s values because it relies on military force to ensure security.

DAVID GOLDMAN: LOOKING FOR MARRIAGE IN THE WRONG PLACES Two mutually incompatible arguments are advanced to defend gay marriage. The first states that marriage is a good thing provided by the state, such that gay people have the same right to it as anyone else. The second states that marriage is a bad thing, and that bringing gay people into the institution of […]

THE ARAB STREET IS STILL ANGRY: DANIEL GREENFIELD Much like Festivus, American diplomacy to the Middle East usually begins with an airing of grievances. These are not the American grievances over decades of terrorism and acts of violent hatred. These are the grievances that are supposedly infuriating the Arab Street. The list begins with Israel, continues on to the “Arab Dictators” supported […]

JED BABBIN: THE SEQUESTER AMNESTY The lawless Obama administration is brazenly endangering the country to prove a political point. Because the word “sequester” sounds more like a bronchial infection than a governmental disaster, President Obama failed to terrorize House Republicans into raising taxes in order to avoid it. They tried everything they could think of to scare us. We’d […]