Maryland Blessed With $100 Million Turkish Mega-Mosque….note by Janet Levy
Maryland Blessed With $100 Million Turkish Mega-Mosque

Last week, Maryland Governor, Martin O’Malley, invited guests from several Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, including ISNA and ICNA, to a Islamist celebration ceremony. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan attended and placed a ceremonial stone at the construction site of a 15-acre Neo-Ottoman empire-inspired complex with five buildings, including a mega-mosque, financed by the Turkish government, due to be completed next year in Lanham, Maryland.The $100 million complex is slated to be “the largest and most striking examples of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere.

In 2007 on Turkish television, Erdogan admonished Westerners’ use of the term “moderate Islam,” by declaring, “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
That should have set off alarms in the West and extinguished any fantasies of Turkey’s role as a pillar of “moderate” Islam. Erdogan had made earlier alarming statements, similarly ignored as in 1994, while mayor of Istanbul, when he avowed, “Thank G-d Almighty, I am a servant of the Shariah.” Further confirming his strategy in 1996 after he was dismissed as mayor, the future Prime Minister stated, “Democracy is like a streetcar. You ride it until you arrive at your destination and then you step off.” (In other words, fake democracy until you no longer have to – pure TAQIYYA!) Since 2002, the Turkish government has been pursuing a version of Islam closely aligned with the Wahhabi extremist Islam of the Saudis.
The building of Christian churches has been denied in Turkey.
Janet Levy, Director
Women Against Shariah
Los Angeles

On May 15, 2013, the Turkish Prime Minister, Erdogan, an anti-Semite, attended a ceremony a stone’s throw from our nation’s capital celebrating what he claims “will likely become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the Western Hemisphere.” Next year, when completed, the Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, in Lanham, Maryland “US of A,” a project of the Islamist Turkish government, will be the grandest Islamic site in the Western Hemisphere. Allah Akbar!

The 15-acre neo-Ottoman empire inspired complex will have five buildings and a mosque capable of serving over 750 faithful Muslim worshipers. I have to give President Obama and his State Department some credit. The White House was correct in proclaiming that they had Islamists on the run. I just did not think they were beginning to run America.

Last week’s Islamist celebration ceremony was attended by Maryland Governor, Martin O’Malley who welcomed guests representing the “Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA),” the “Islamic Society of North America” and several other U.S. Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. Rumor has it that Governor O’Malley is considering a Presidential run in 2016.


Europe Shall Bleed, Once AgainAmil

Me and my brother against my cousin; me, my brother, and my cousin against the other. This is an old Muslim saying and Muslims live by this motto. To be sure the people of the “religion of peace” find the world full of “other,” to oppress and kill, both within as well as without the Islamic Ummah.

Civilized peoples’ idea of the “other” is the exact opposite of that of
Muslims. All over Europe, for one, people have been singing the praises
of multiculturalism; the idea that everybody should bend over backwards
to accommodate the different in society. However, the different in this
case are the hordes of invasive Muslims, with their rigid medieval
ideas about every aspect of private and public life.

To Muslims, anyone who doesn’t toe the line of Islam, as each sect defines it, is the “other” and fair game as kafir (blasphemous; unbeliever in Allah). The “other” covers a broad spectrum: the six billion or so people of the world who are not Muslims, including the Jews and Christians who are considered Dhimmis. Every one of the numerous sects and sub-sects of Islam consider every other sect and sub-sect as “other” to be punished and even eliminated.

Centuries old Sunni-Shiite bloodletting is only one glaring example of the Islamic unceasing animosity for the “other.” Yet, these devotees of Allah never lose sight of the most important objective: destruction of everything non-Islamic and imposition of Islam on everyone and every land. Just recall what the Taliban did to the statues of Buddha, among other things; what the Wahabis are doing throughout the world; and, what the bomb-seeking Shiite mullahs of Iran are doing to the Baha’is in Iran in relentless race to dominate the region, destroy Israel, and later rule the world.



Henry Kissinger, who turns 90 this Monday, May 27, is one of the most influential Jews in American history—and one of the most controversial. In the 1970s, if Woody Allen was all about using Jewish smarts to manage the world’s insults and sorrows, Henry Kissinger was all about using Jewish smarts to manage the world.

This brilliant refugee from Nazi Germany with the gravelly voice, Teutonic accent, and thick Poindexter glasses, embodied the pinnacle of a certain type of Jewish aspiration and achievement in 20th-century America, becoming a Harvard professor in 1954, Richard Nixon’s foreign-policy mastermind in 1969, and the first Jewish secretary of state in 1973, as well as the era’s most surprising sex symbol. For the past four decades, he has remained the dean of America’s foreign-policy establishment, advising presidents and foreign governments alike. Just this month, at the Atlantic Council, Hillary Clinton wished him an early happy birthday. “Everywhere I go,” she said, “people talk to me about Henry.” Yet at the same time he remains a profoundly polarizing figure. In the last few years alone bloggers have called him a kapo who should have been gassed, and the late Christopher Hitchens pronounced him a “vile creature.”

Jews have similarly ambivalent feelings about the man. The Richard Nixon tapes released in 2010, in which one can hear Kissinger advising the president that “if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern,” triggered a new round of denunciations. Indeed, just as Kissinger has long struggled with his Jewish identity, Jews have long struggled with him.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013, in broad daylight, a murderous act of jihad butchery was committed on a busy London street. The Daily Mail published a pictorial chronology of the gruesome attack, noting, prominently:

At 2:20 PM (London time) a British soldier (25-year-old Drummer Lee Rigby of the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers), wearing a “Help for Heroes T-Shirt” (a charity for wounded British soldiers) was deliberately rammed by a car and crushed against a road sign
The Muslim assailants emerged from the car, dragged the victim to a wall, slashing and stabbing him to death with cleavers and knives, while bellowing “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is great”). Nearly decapitated, the soldier’s corpse was then dragged back into the road.
For some 20 minutes afterward, the murderers paraded up and down the street, permitting their pictures to be taken, and one trumpeted his rationale for the grisly murder.

The two attackers were both of Nigerian descent, and apparently “known” to British security services. One assailant, whose explanatory statements were recorded on video, was later identified as Michael Adebolajo, nom de jihadist “Mujahid,” “holy warrior.” Adebolajo was an acquaintance of Anjem Choudary, the prominent London jihadist ideologue, who characterized the Nigerian Christian’s conversion to Islam (some 10 years ago) in mainstream Islamic parlance as a “reversion” to the “primordial” monotheistic faith, i.e., the Muslim creed. Choudary also emphasized Adebolajo’s devotion to Koranic memorization, along with his restrained, pleasant, “normal” demeanor.

He was a pleasant, quiet guy. He reverted to Islam in about 2003. He was just a completely normal guy. He was interested in Islam, in memorizing the Koran.

Indeed, Adebolajo’s false grievance-laden diatribe, recorded while his blood-stained hands clutched a cleaver and a knife, featured this devout Koranic justification for the butchery he had just committed:

…[W]e are forced by the Qur’an, in Sura At-Tawba [the 9th “sura,” or chapter of the Koran] through many ayah [verses] in the Qu’ran, we must fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Sura or chapter 9 of the Koran is believed by Muslims to be either one of, or the final “revelations” of Islam’s holiest guiding text, thus assuming doctrinal precedence over others, even abrogating them outright. Unfortunately, sura 9 consists of an almost continuous series of timeless jihad war injunctions directed at all non-Muslims, and even Muslims deemed “hypocritical” for their inadequate piety.

With depressing predictability, and notwithstanding Adebolajo’s mainstream Koranic justification for his act of jihad butchery—designed to sew terror—British Prime Minister David Cameron negated the Islamic roots of this brutal public assassination. Cameron pontificated,

It was an attack on Britain and it was also a betrayal of Islam. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.

Cameron’s cultural relativist dogma on Islam mirrored equally misleading and corrosive statements made by then-U.S. President George W. Bush in the aftermath of the mass 9/11/2001 jihad terrorist attacks. The appropriate Muslim commentary on such remarks by feckless Western leaders, which resonates even more loudly (and shamefully) today, was provided by Omar Uthman Abu Omar, an alleged “al-Qaeda” ideologue and resident British Muslim cleric of Jordanian origin. The loquacious Abu Omar, better known as “Abu Qatada,” observed (in October 2001):

MELANIE PHILLIPS: THE BRITISH LIBERAL DENIAL THAT THE HACKING TO DEATH OF A SOLDIER HAD ANY LINK TO ANY RELIGION On one thing the British liberal class is certain – the hacking to death of a soldier in a Woolwich street yesterday had absolutely nothing to do with religion.  The murderers screamed ‘Allahu akhbar’ as they tried to decapitate the soldier (a barbaric hallmark of Islamic terror), announced proudly that ‘We swear by almighty […]


Stiff competition for Most Fatuous Reaction award
There’s been some stiff competition over the past 24 hours for the coveted award of Most Fatuous Reaction to a Jihadi Atrocity.

I hooted at the commentator visiting from planet Zog, who had thus totally missed all the barbaric snuff-movie beheadings and eviscerations and human bomb attacks carried out by jihadists over the past two decades across the world and who wailed, poor dear, that ‘none of it made any sense’.

I enjoyed the pointed satire of the commentator who intoned that we were all guilty of causing the two jihadis to hack poor Drummer Rigby to death and tried to behead him, while claiming they were fulfilling the edicts of the Koran and waiting for the police to arrive in order to try to murder them too – but then I realised that it wasn’t satire at all.

I marvelled at the languidly superior commentator who drawled that the problem in Woolwich had been caused by ‘testosterone’ and that the real threat to all of us was actually from the collapsing EDL and the all-but collapsed BNP. And at the even more languidly superior commentator, who flicked barbs at Britain’s ‘hyperbole’ and ‘hysteria’ and implied that in Woolwich Britain kind of had it coming to it since it had been perceived as indifferent to ‘the appalling impact of a drone attack on a Pashtun village’.


Christianity: Good for the Jews? Examining the state of contemporary Christendom in an article first published January 5, 2012, Elliot Jager asks whether Jews have an interest in seeing Christianity thrive–and answers yes.—The Editors On a sun-drenched day during the week before Christmas, Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre was crowded with pilgrims from Nigeria.  […]

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