Islamophobia: ‘A Crime against Humanity’ JanSuzanne Krasner The UN and its arms across the world have become a platform for some of its member to spew propaganda and racial hatred against the U.S. and Israel while cloaking their own crimes against humanity. At a recent UN Conference in Vienna, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan used the podium to address the […]


Ex-Turkish finance minister has stem cell treatment in Israel. (Thanks to Israel21c) Kemal Unakıtan spent nearly two-and-a-half months at the International Center for Cell Therapy & Cancer Immunotherapy in Tel Aviv. He received groundbreaking stem cell treatment to wean him off dialysis and avoid a kidney transplant.

New treatment for psoriasis. Researchers from Ben-Gurion University and Teva have developed an improved version of an experimental medicine for the treatment of the chronic skin disease psoriasis. It inhibits the faulty immune system signal interleukin-17 that triggers the inflammation associated with psoriasis.

For kids with disabilities, virtual reality isn’t just a game. (Thanks to Israel21c) A unique-to-Israel use of virtual reality (VR) has been pioneered at ALEH, Israel’s largest network of facilities for children with severe cognitive and physical disabilities. Residents at ALEH’s Moriah facility in Gedera go on field trips in simulated environments.

Restoring mobility to the spine. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s Premia Spine offers a unique treatment to those suffering from spinal degeneration. Its artificial titanium joint replaces the posterior spinal column totally. No more pain, full mobility and none of the problems that alternative spinal fusion treatments cause.


Jihad. We write it in capital letters. We argue over its definition. We place it on the same grandiose level as its perpetrators do. But Jihad is a very simple thing. It is the religious sanctification of the most cowardly and brutal crimes imaginable, from robbery to rape to murder to mutilation to massacre. Without Jihad a murderer is a murderer. With Jihad every murderer becomes a hero.

As much as it rests on the occasional fanatic, Jihad rests on the criminal. It might be the fanatics who blow themselves up, but it is the criminals who create the drug, smuggling and car theft networks that finance the Jihad. It is the criminals who kidnap and behead hostages ranging from aid workers to the children of tribal leaders they want to blackmail. It is the criminals who create Jihad states to bleed dry.

It is in Iraq that the Jihad has shown its truest face, as Al Queda recruiting primarily from criminal classes unleashed a wave of brutality and death that alienated even its former Sunni allies. Yet it’s also the raw reality of Jihad.

At the heart of it Jihad is Indulgence, much like those distributed for the Crusaders. An Indulgence for Muslims to act out their worst impulses and crimes and be celebrated as heroes for it.

Do you want to rob? Do you want to behead? Do you want to butcher children? Do you want to rape and mutilate? The socially acceptable and approved thing for a Muslim with such impulses is to become a Jihadist.

The social covenant between the so-called Moderate Muslims who don’t actually put themselves on the line and the various fanatics, lunatics, murderers, rapists and criminals of the Jihad is that the Jihad will turn itself against their foreign enemies, and in turn they will receive the sanctification and admiration of the Muslim world.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE ROAD TO OLIGARCHY Regardless of how many wars on poverty are declared and how often calls are issued to make the rich pay their fair share, neither the rich nor the poor will be going anywhere anytime soon. The question is what forces will keep the poor impoverished and where the rich will derive their wealth from. […]

State Dept report paves way for Keystone: Environmental Backlash Grows While far from a full-throated endorsement, the State Department’s assessment of the Keystone XL pipeline may have paved the way for President Obama to approve the controversial project. The lengthy environmental impact study released Friday makes no recommendation on whether the pipeline should be built, but makes clear that big-picture environmental concerns — such […]

ASSAD ACCUSES THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN OF SUP[PORTING TERRORISM….SEE NOTE WELL HILLARY CLINTON ONCE DID CALL HIM A  “REFORMER”….RSK AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Syria’s president harshly criticized U.S. and British aid to rebels and set harsh terms for talking to his opponents in a newspaper interview published Sunday, as fighting raged across the country. On the battlefield, rebels made significant gains in the heavily […]

DIANA WEST: IRONY AND THE AL-QAEDA LIST **** The Atlantic Wire notes the appearance of the above image in Inspire magazine, which may be described as Al Qaeda’s English-language jihad glossy, a naseous-making and surreal propaganda product of global jihad. Not surprisingly, the AQ magazine’s Hollywood-style artwork is nauseous-making and surreal, too. Here we see Al Qaeda, adopting the cartoonish lexicon of […]

NIDRA POLLER: NOT WELCOME AT THE FREE PRESS SOCIETY Not welcome at The Free Press Society Ferocious jihad is not a deviation from “true Islam” PARIS. The Copenhagen Post relays, at great length, the complaint of Jihad Taha whose reservation for a Free Press Association meeting was rejected for security reasons. The twenty year-old student says it’s discriminatory–based on his name– and hypocritical […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: MORE OF THE WEEK THAT WAS DEMOCRATS STILL FILLED WITH INSANE LUST FOR WATERGATE AFTER 40 YEARS The mainstream media, that kindly reservoir of common sense, overseen by the modern embodiments of Henry Fonda and Jimmy Stewart, is very confused and disconcerted by the Republican obsession with Benghazi. “McCain’s Benghazi Appetite Is Insatiable” complains The Atlantic. Why can’t Senator McCain […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE WEEK THAT WAS DENIAL IS CONFIRMATION Politicians often seem to deny that one quality about them that everyone knows is true. Obama’s “I Am Not a Dictator” deserves to join “I Am Not a Crook” in the annals of political denials. Obama is finding a dozen different ways to say that he doesn’t wield absolute power. “I […]