The news that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) unfairly targeted conservative groups has brought renewed spotlight on a 2010 lawsuit filed by the pro-Israel group Z Street, which alleges it was also singled out by the IRS when applying for tax-exempt status. The Z Street case, whose first hearing is set for July 2 in […] “The right hero” – Douglas Murray reviews Jesse Norman’s Burke biography. The life, style and philosophy of the neglected founder of conservatism Edmund Burke: Philosopher, Politician, Prophet Jesse Norman William Collins, pp.325, £20, ISBN: 9780007489626 Edmund Burke is one of the most difficult thinkers to write about. His philosophy defies easy summary. His career, […]
Gene Patents Drive Medical Innovation The BRACAnalysis test has warned one million woman of their risk of breast and ovarian cancer. The biotech industry began in 1978 when the University of California applied for a patent on the gene for the human growth hormone. Since that filing nearly 20% of the 20,000-plus genes in […] China Eco-Boosterism, Revisited Why did Western liberals think China was a model for environmentalism? Once upon a time the future belonged to China—and China was going to be green. Greener than the hills of olde England. “China is pulling ahead on the environment,” was the title of a 2009 column in Forbes. “China is […] On the same day that Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that she will travel to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Calif., on Friday to meet with technology and business leaders to discuss the need for commonsense immigration reform, a report was released on Thursday revealing that hundreds of criminal aliens were released […]
The foreign policy of President Barack Obama regarding Syria is in question. Russia and Iran back President Bashar al Assad. Turkey and the US call for his voluntary resignation. Secretary of State John Kerry stated a goal of decisions by mutual consent between the Assad Regime and rebel groups. This seems like Humpty Dumpty putting all of the pieces back together again.
Syria is an Arab country bordered by Israel, the Mediterranean, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon. It is in the cradle of civilization. Damascus is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. Scholars believe that writing was invented in Syria around 2,000 BC. The Hebrew Bible refers to 17,000 tablets; the source of the Semitic language and later the basis for the Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic languages.
Alexander the Great ended centuries of battles. Pompey and the Romans followed, Christianity spread. Islamic fighters arrived in 632 AD. Christians and Islamics co-existed for centuries. When Caliphs began to destroy churches, Crusaders arrived. Saladin fought Richard the Lionheart who recaptured Jerusalem in 1187. Mongols, then Egyptians, then Ottomans conquered Greater Syria which is now Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, parts of Turkey, and Iraq.
Lawrence of Arabia arrived in Damascus with Emir Feisal in 1918. Feisal was King of Syria. The San Remo Agreement ended that, and Syria was divided between Britain and France. Lebanon went to the French and what are now Israel and Jordon to the British.
Syria declared independence in 1946. Instability followed until 1970, when Hafiz al Assad seized power. In the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Syria lost the Golan Heights to Israel. Following Hafiz death, his son, Bashar al Assad, was approved as President in 2000, and 2007. USA sanctions against Syria are due to its support of terrorists groups; providing Lebanon with weapons of mass destruction and Scud missiles in violation of UN Resolutions. by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog 0 Comments Revolutions are rarely undone from the outside. Mostly they come apart from the inside as the forty thieves descend into petty squabbling over the loot. The loot comes in different forms, but at its core it is always power. It may be the power […] Finally, a movie has arrived that treats the story of the New Left honestly and in a realistic, mature manner. That film is not Robert Redford’s dreadful The Company You Keep, a paean to the Weather Underground, but the movie by the French director Olivier Assayas, Something in the Air. It takes place in […] PJM EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Diplomats Report New Benghazi Whistleblowers with Info Devastating to Clinton and Obama More whistleblowers will emerge shortly in the escalating Benghazi scandal, according to two former U.S. diplomats who spoke with PJ Media Monday afternoon. These whistleblowers, colleagues of the former diplomats, are currently securing legal counsel because they work in areas […] U.S. administration wrongly advocates the Islamist interpretation of Islamophobia The State Department issued a report denouncing what it called “a spike in anti-Islamic sentiment in Europe and Asia.” It said that “Muslims also faced new restrictions in 2012 in countries ranging from Belgium, which banned face-covering religious attire in classrooms, to India[,] where schools […]