Iran hangs CIA and Mossad “Spies”

Iran’s Fars news agency reports the hanging of two spies, one Israeli and one American

Iranian authorities have reportedlty executed two men this Sunday after they were convicted of working for Israeli and U.S. spy agencies.

The report, from Iran’s Fars news agency stated that Mohammad Heidari, accused of passing security-related information and secrets to Israeli Mossad agents in exchange for money, and Kourosh Ahmadi, accused of gathering information for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, were hanged at dawn.

The sentence for their execution was handed down by Tehran’s Revolutionary Court and confirmed by the country’s Supreme Court. The report did not say when the pair were arrested nor when their trial took place.

Iran has in the past said it had successfully detected and dismantled spy networks operating inside the country. It has blamed the assassinations of scientists associated with its disputed nuclear program on Western spy agencies, especially Mossad.

The United States has denied any role in the killings. Israel has not commented.

JERROLD SOBEL:There is No Difference Between Islam and Militant Islam, September 16, 2009

A Review of ” Militant Islam Reaches America (Paperback)by Daniel Pipes
I find myself in an incongruous position. For many years I’ve read the books, enjoyed the columns, and agreed with most political positions taken by Daniel Pipes; we diverge on his work: “Militant Islam Reaches America.”
In his usual well written, easily understood style, Pipes methodically attempts to build a case against what he and others profess to be true, that there exists a differentiation between Islam and militant Islam. Unfortunately, historical evidence does not support this premise. More to the point, Islam is Islam.
As the inside cover of the book suggests, the work is divided into two subjects, what he calls, “the crucial difference between Islam the faith and militant Islam the ideology.”
His secondary supposition claims the current conflict between Islam and the West is not a clash of civilizations “but a battle for the soul of Islam among Muslims themselves.” In effect, Pipes is professing what two Presidents before him have stated as well, “Islam is a peaceful religion.” This may be a politically correct espousal but it is also blatantly wrong.

Another Reason Congress Should Investigate Extortion 17: Who/Why Were Afghans Aboard? : Diana West The overwhelming presence in the Extortion 17 press conference last week, which I wrote about in last week’s syndicated column, was the pain that filled every corner of the room. The shootdown of the Chinook CH-47 carrying 17 SEALS and 13 other American forces on August 6, 2011 may have faded like newsprint for […]

VICTOR SHARPE: OH WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE Those words written in the early years of the 19th century by Sir Walter Scott referred to his story of a love triangle with all of the intrigue that ensued. But it could equally represent the corruption and deception rife within the Obama Administration, within the State Department, in the IRS and among far […]


Israel Affairs, 2013

The idea of a Jewish state is rooted in ancient Jewish peoplehood based
upon essential features of collective identity and ties to the territorial
homeland. From this emerges the natural goal of statehood in modernSE
times that was propelled by the dynamic and revolutionary Zionist
movement. Nonetheless, a major campaign of de-legitimization has sought
to invalidate Israel’s right to exist. Israel’s Arab citizens charge their state
with racism while adamantly rejecting its Jewish demographic, cultural,
and political character. In defending Israel’s national existence, unique in
the annals of human history, one highlights the principles of life, truth, and
justice, as inherent in the Jewish state’s historical rebirth in its ancestral

SOL SANDERS: SQUAWK, SQUAWK..BANG? That loud noise you hear now coming out of the Middle East is the sound of a  frighteningly dangerous game of chicken between Russia and Israel [and inferentially the U.S.}. Last minute pleas by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Soviet President Vladimir Putin, delivered at Sochi on the Black Sea where Moscow has […]

Future Russian Strategic Challenges by Peter Huessy and Mark B. Schneider The current administration is in a poor position to negotiate with Russia. There are press reports that the administration will attempt to evade Congressional approval of a new arms control agreement. Russia clearly represents an increasingly serious strategic challenge. Russia has steadily become more anti-democratic and hostile to the US. The Kremlin encourages nationalism; […]

P.DAVID HORNIK: THE SHAVUOT HOLIDAY IN ISRAEL The holiday of Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, falls this year on Wednesday in Israel and on Wednesday and Thursday in the Diaspora. It falls every year exactly seven weeks after Passover. The latter holiday celebrates the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in Egypt; Shavuot (which means “weeks”) celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount […]


The IRS, AP and Benghazi scandals were all about making Obama look better. Now they’ll drag down the Democrats for years to come

The Obama administration’s sudden plunge into scandal territory has two aspects — the actual and the political.

The first, and most important, has to do with what actually happened. Why did the administration promulgate a false account of the terror attack on Benghazi? Why did the Internal Revenue Service target conservative groups for special scrutiny? Why did the Justice Department act in an unprecedented fashion toward The Associated Press for publishing details of a foiled terror plot the White House was planning to discuss openly the next day?

Illustration by Leah Tiscione

It is inevitable we will find all of this out. On Banghazi, for example, the White House was forced to release 100 pages of e-mails on Benghazi but seems to have left out hundreds more; it will be unable to shield them forever.

CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson released a highly revealing story on Friday in which administration officials said they regretted not sending a terrorism-response team to Benghazi and regretted not having convened their panel of high-level terrorism advisers afterward. One official told Attkisson, “We’re portrayed by Republicans as either being lying or idiots. It’s actually closer to us being idiots.”

LEE HABEEB: ISLAMISTS WAR ON WOMEN The facts just keep coming out of Ohio. It is hard to comprehend what they went through, those young women. What they felt while trapped by a monster through those lost years of their early adulthood is almost impossible to fathom. How did they cope? How did they get through each day? A close […]