ALEX JOFFE:World War II and the Impossibility of Polish History ****

The adage “history is written by the winners” is no more than a half-truth. Losers, too, have always written history and, more important, enshrined their losses in memory. A new history of Poland in World War II thus has particular significance. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth gradually vanished from the map of Europe at the end of the 18th century, when Russia, Prussia, and Austria divided it up among themselves; and the Poles regained their independence only in 1918. In their new republic, ethnic Poles were a majority, but Ukrainians, Belorussians, Germans and, of course, Jews constituted a large minority. The Jews alone made up more than 10 per cent of the country’s population. Mustn’t any history of Poland in the Second World War therefore put the Jews and the Holocaust at the center? If it does not, is that originality or revisionism? Halik Kochanski’s The Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the Poles in the Second World War offers important insights into the Polish experience of the war, but her treatment of the Jewish Question is less satisfying.

Kochanski’s story of Poland in World War II blends betrayal, incompetence, uncommon bravery, and colossal failure against a backdrop of pervasive brutality. Poland’s location between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union spelled disaster; its choice of allies in Britain and France was both unavoidable and fated to fail. Lacking money, arms, and military doctrine, Poland stood little chance of defending its long borders, and fell quickly between September and October of 1939. Over the next two years, Poland was reduced to a German slave province in the west and a Soviet rump, drained of people and goods, in the east. From the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 until the end of the war, it became a vast killing ground.

Another Controversial Bush-era Policy Survives Legal Challenge By Warren Richey

Supreme Court upholds anti-terrorism program, civil libertarians be damned | (TCSM) The US Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that a group of lawyers, journalists, and human rights researchers lack the necessary legal standing to challenge the constitutionality of a 2008 counterterrorism law authorizing the US government to intercept and analyze massive amounts of telecommunications […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: TWENTY YEARS AFTER THE 1993 WORD TRADE CENTER BOMBING Today is the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center bombing. It also marks three weeks since the attempted murder of Lars Hedegaard, the intrepid Danish champion of free speech. These events are not unrelated. Back in 1993, there was a tireless effort to limn the WTC bombers as wanton killers. They were, we […]



Mark Steyn’s Antidote to Burqa-Mandating Texas Teachers (Allah-la-la-la-la…)

[1]Todd Starnes of Fox News radio reports [2] that Texas State Sen. Dan Patrick, chairman of the senate education committee, is launching an investigation, after outraged parents provided photographic evidence that their Lumberton (Texas) High School children were required to don burqas (and other Muslim garb), as part of an ostensible “geography lesson” on Islam.

Moreover, students, as part of this unabashed Islamophilic indoctrination process at Lumberton High School, were told by their teacher, “we’re going to change the way we perceive Islam,” who then also proceeded to instruct them to compose an essay, according to the report [2], “based on a Washington Post story that blamed Egypt’s troubles on democracy – instead of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Such involuntary Islamic dawa in school must be thoroughly investigated, condemned, and permanently disallowed.

The ADL: Missing in Action Rael Jean Isaac
From the Editor Rael Jean Isaac
Our Children at Risk Ed Ziegler
Promoting Hatred at Brooklyn College Danielle Avel
Diana West on Saudi Influence on Fox News Excerpts from an interview with Ryan Mauro
Meet Ben Hecht, Wisecracking Jewish Hero Stella Paul
First Ayaan…Now Fiamma Bruce Bawer
Zionism 101 Ruth King

Understanding North Korea and Iran by DR. PETER VINCENT FRY **** The West consistently and unwittingly cooperates with North Korea and Iran by underestimating the advancement, sophistication, and strategic implications of their nuclear weapon and missile programs. Despite North Korea’s successful long-range missile test in December 2012, and now its third successful nuclear test on February 12, 2013, the Obama administration and the press keep […]

Obama’s New Libya Update: American and Three Others Arrested in Benghazi for Preaching Christianity by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY
The latest from “moderate” Libya: Four foreign Christians, including an American with dual Swedish citizenship, have been arrested on suspicion of being missionaries who have been distributing Christian literature. They were apprehended in Benghazi, the jihadist hotbed where U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were murdered in September. The missionaries could face the death penalty under Islam’s sharia law, which forbids the proselytizing of creeds other than Islam, imposes capital punishment on Muslims who convert to Christianity, and similarly discourages any speech that might sow discord among Muslims.

Ray Ibrahim picks up the story from the Guardian, quoting from an official from “Libyan security” – the outfit the Obama administration relied on after the president’s unprovoked, unauthorized war to topple the Qaddafi regime placed Islamists in de facto control of much of the country:

Discussing this case, Libyan security official Hussein Bin Hmeid, trying to justify the Islamic ban on free speech, observes: “Proselytizing is forbidden in Libya. We are a 100% Muslim country and this kind of action affects our national security.” Indeed, Muslim governments-most notably Iran’s-constantly suppress any talk of Christianity, claiming it threatens “our national security.” …

According to Benghazi lawyer and “human rights activist” Bilal Bettamer, Christians should not offend Muslims by trying to share their faith: “It is disrespectful. If we had Christianity we could have dialogue, but you can’t just spread Christianity. The maximum penalty is the death penalty. It’s a dangerous thing to do.”

CHET NAGLE: IT’S NOT THE BULLETS, BABY In 2008 candidate Obama said, “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Listen to it. After he was elected in 2008, President Obama […]

EUROPE: A CONTINENT IN FLIGHT BRUCE BAWER Different parts of Europe, same story. Let’s start with France, where a new report by a Jewish community group, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), says that anti-Semitism in that country has gotten so much worse in the wake of last year’s Toulouse school massacre that the number of Jews who are […]

CAIR Director Calls For Islamic Inquisition — on The Glazov Gang

On this week’s Glazov Gang, PJTV’s Alfonzo Rachel joined Hollywood actor Dwight Schultz and PolitiChick warrior Ann-Marie Murrell to discuss CAIR Director Calls For Islamic Inquisition. The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on CAIR St. Louis Director Faizan Syed’s solution for the problem of people publishing “anti-Islamic” views on the internet. The segment also dealt with the nightmares posed by John Brennan, Chuck Hagel and John Kerry. Part I focused on The Left’s Chris Dorner Romance as well as on Obama’s Obedient Media. Watch both parts of the two-part-series below:

Part I:

(Until YouTube resolves its “Playlist” issues, if Part I appears as Part II for you above, watch Part 1 here.)

Part II:

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