The Saudis wield tremendous power in Washington. Prince Bandar, nicknamed “Bandar Bush” by George W., had unprecedented influence for an ambassador for over two decades: developing close relationships with 5 presidents, 10 Secretaries of State, 11 national security advisors and countless member of Congress.
In exchange for oil (between conventional and non-conventional sources, the U.S. has far greater resources), we sell them millions of dollars of sophisticated weapons and look the other way on human rights abuses. In the first decade of the 21st century, the Saudi oil lobby spent $100 million to sway U.S. businesses.
The Saudis have been major donors to American universities for decades – in the billions of dollars. This has bought them scholars and Islamic Studies departments, the ability to promote Islam, censorship of information/individuals unfavorable to Islam, etc.
Saudi money funds terrorism against America and U.S. interests, finances the teaching of Islamic hate ideology in American mosques, blocks the investigation of terrorist networks and subverts our society and values.
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Janet Levy,
Los Angeles